I just thought of the most awful thing imaginable:

I just thought of the most awful thing imaginable:
>they come up with a drug that makes your boring ass wageslave 9-5 job seem fun and engrosing
>its mildly addictive
>workplaces dont force it but its looked down on if you dont take it because you dont want to enjoy your work
>people begin to live for there work, start to look forward to working the next day to get there 'fix'
>weekends seem like hell with withdrawls so people do volentary unpaid OT
>people work till they die and never retire because they have been work addicts there whole life
>when work finishes at the end of the day any post work hobbies seem hollow

Other urls found in this thread:


What is cocaine for white collar?

What is beer for blue collar?
What is ritalin for kiddos?

only 2 out of 3 are legal, not bad.

mean while in kangarooland it takes fucking 8 working days for ANZ bank to open your account give you your atm card along with the pin required to withdraw money. fucking best thing i ever experienced in my life.

I am surprised you didnt get charged fees for the privilage.

>withdrawal on weekend
u wot m8

student card got the $10 a month fees waived, I have never experienced such a shit banking system before in my life, 3rd world countries are much more efficient.

this is jewden


You should go work for (((them))).
Creative ideas like this get paid 6 shekellion.

If you're popping ritalin things you enjoy are going to be more enjoyable too. The bright side of slamming speed is that you'll be able to focus through slogs such as runescape leveling.