Is he /ourguy/?

is he /ourguy/?



no, he's a degenerate


No he just hit tha MOTHERLOAD


No, just autistic.

>video title is "STARVING ARTIST"
>first thing to see is soviet desktop background
He's still a gay nigger faggot tho.

He knows his audience, which is teenagers that think they are grown up, cool and edgy that they find him funny. So all he needs to do is be a little bit edgy and they worship him. It is easy money.

Watch his latest video, he throws in some stupid memes, some very lazy thoughts and swearing to round it off. The worst part of this video is that it shows exactly what his fanbase is like, they pander to him, and he panders to them (assuming he doesn't just buy all that shit himself).

And you are a grown up man criticizing him on a Tibetan Botany forum

>He sends himself so many packages that he shuts down his (fake) PO box

people are desperate for something to latch on to, so even a guy sayin you disgust me is truth

the only good thing that retard has done is destroy that leafy autist

sadly leafy hasn't killed himself yet so he needs to try again or fuck off


On the h3h3 podcast. Ethan throwed the question somewhere along the lines of "are u a racist" or something.

He replied... "A little... Everyone is a little racist". So... Who knows...

What do you mean winger?

I'm asking what you meant. Read what you wrote, it makes no sense.

>grown man

Which part? Ask a real question shiteyes and i'll enlighten you.

He also heavily supports gun ownership so probably right wing at least

Are you an aborigine? Do you seriously think 'so even a guy sayin you disgust me is truth' makes any sort of sense? But please, enlighten me, for I am just a lowly winger.

I wish, then I could get them bennies.

But yes we are in a stage where pointing out the shittyness of the zeitgeist rings more true than anything the zeitgeist is producing.

>left wingers are anti-gun
I'm more of a pro-democracy pacifist myself, but even I would arm myself with an M16 semi-auto rifle when the revolution happens post market crash. Tankies and anarchists are usually extremely pro-gun.

Hes an obnoxious little fuck that I cannot stand. I only like his kickstarter shit because originally when Sam Hyde did his I thought it was the funniest shit. I need more of it which brought me to this turd which is good but very lack luster. Everything else he has done has been really shitty outside of maybe his unboxing from fans just because its amusing to see what fans send in as him acting like an idiot isn't really the draw more fucked up show and tell.

He also defended using the confederate flag in another video.

Ban all the /ourguy/ threads. Seriously annoying.

There was another part where Ethan kept going on and on about Biggie and rap and capped it off with "I like black culture,"'and Ian just remarked back"...uhhhh, I like white culture."

idubbbz is lowkey redpilled as fuck.