Civil War Europe - Possible reality?

I won't call myself redpilled but Sup Forums and other sources made me go full nazi (always were a little bit nazi)
After listening to and reading about Hitler for some time now, I'm sure he was right what he told about democracy and the jew.

I can see many more of my friends go the same way I do but also many others are really hardcore progessive so I dont see any chance that they will switch sides.

The stuff hitler said about democracy is now more apparent than ever with all that shit going down in the last years.

The split in society is growing with the muslims acting as a catalyst.

The upcoming possible war would be between left vs right & whites vs. browns.

The possible death of many white brothers makes me sad.

Do you think a civil war in europe will become reality ?

Or maybe the people will forget at some time again ?

And if there will be a war is there any chance to convert leftists and progessives to minimize the casualties of white people ?

The possible death of many white brothers makes me sad.

Other urls found in this thread: bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

Underage moron.

Underage moron.

>The possible death of many white brothers makes me sad.
Why user? Death is just a part of life.

We're all gonna die someday, maybe even tomorrow from a heart attack, might as well fight for something we believe. The live eternally meme is mostly their (((vanity))).

there will be no civil war because all change comes from the top-down and current leaders have been thuroghly vetted as cuck and traitors

Look at France, civil war is now the only way to change things for every Macron opposer, 70% of the 50% that voted+the other 50% that stayed at home
Democracy is dead

>there will be no civil war because all change comes from the top-down
don't be so absolute about that

>reddit spacing
Europeans arent a single nation for there to be a civil war. Will violence eventualy erupt thanks to the rising tensions between europeans and rapefugees? Sure.

I fucking hope that theres a civil war so if we are going we can at least go out with a bang. Sadly the more likely scenario right now seems to be that whites will quietly slip away, allowing themselves to become oppressed minorities, converting to Islam and shouting down any of us who try to rebel.

As for your question about converting leftists...of course you can. Even I was the typical ideological, naive lefty as a teenager until I slowly got redpilled when my real life experiences didnt remotely match what was constantly portrayed to me by MSM and the education system.

Criticism is legit if you provide any argument.
But apparently you are incapable of that.

True its part of life. But i would prefer a united effort to get our nations back on track.
So some type of conversion strategy would be needed.

The only possible change i can see would be through a civil war.

killing off the political class and clean our nations of traitors and cucks.