Brit/pol/ - Her Smile and Optimism Gone Edition

>Queen's Speech delayed as Tories negotiate with DUP

>Michael Gove returns to the cabinet as Environment Secretary

>Ed Miliband could return to front bench

>Gypsy scum attack pensioner

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Reminder that YKTD is a brown manchild



The left will never recover. The future looks bright, lads. Strong and Stable. Get To Work!

Had no idea she was crazy! I've done reasonably well with women and this is the first time I've ever encountered this sort of bullshit. Unfortunately it's come at the perfectly wrong time.

>Labour can form a minority government to

Yeah, in theory, if they get every single other party on board (including the DUP and the Greens).
It's not happening. There's no way that Labour can realistically get into power.

Lib Dem Sub-edition

millions of Labour remain voters are now realising that leaving the single market was in their manifesto, and that their vote will be interpreted as such

I hope you're all ready for the great mental Olympiad of our time.