Where are you spending your summer vacation?

Where are you spending your summer vacation?

I work in Italy but I spend my free time in Poland. Not only is it beautiful, it's nigger-free and cheap enough. Love it


I swear, Hungary, Poland and the Czech republic are going to be the saviours of the white race. It will be the craddle for our rebirth. Massive respect for those peoples. They should dump the eu and start a union of their own... an eastern european confederacy or something like that; it would mean that no matter what happens in the west, our race would be saved.

Stay strong eastern europe, stay strong.

Iceland and Ireland are full of cucks aswell.

I respect any country that stands up for the future of their own people.

Definately would study abroad in eastern europe. But because its cheaper and has cool forests and nazi bunkers and shit

travelling across Canada

Norway, like I always do. God I love mountains

I will be in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida this summer. South Florida is my ideal vacation spot. I leave from New York City on Wednesday.

In my room.

Armenia should be some kind of heavy cavalry, Lithuania's shield should have the Pillars of Gediminas, Finland should have an axe, and consider having Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Georgia and Russia also represented.

jesus...that feel

Visegrad Group.

>forgetting slovakia
c'mon, even I feel bad for that cunt being so irrelevant


Not Romania.


Balaton probably

Still better than in your dreams..

Visegrad should steer away from further eu integration and set their own course then. They'll be more powerfull then western europe in a few decades guaranteed.


>implying I get a vacation

Iceland was the only country that jailed the bankers. Faggot.

Channel islands

>tfw you have to keep your country shitty to keep out the people who don't fucking belong here

>tfw you have to keep your shitty country shitty to keep shitty people out to stop them from making your non-shitty shitty country shitty

>tfw I have never, ever, seen an anti-terrorist squad in my entire life. Despite the fact that I am living in a large city -- and, you know, terrorism is a part of living in large city -- or so they say in W E $ T

Feels good , man

Yo vrind zo makkelijk geven we Nederland nog niet op
t. 2e gen Pool

Iceland seems pretty cool.


Quick reminder

>yfw women walk after midnight in the capital without hijabs and are not raped or killed

I'm thinking of Antarctica, I hear it's not hot there right now.

I'd honestly wish to visit eastern europe. Is english widely spoke in those country or will I have problems going around?

Go to Prague. Czech Republic is the most western eastern state.


Yes almost every millennial speaks English now as a second language in any developed country. Especially in the tourist cities.

Well, I'm leaving to Alaska for a couple weeks tomorrow, and later I'll be in Iceland for ten days. Lots of white people there, so that should be fun.

English is widely spoken in Large cities.

If you really plan on spending your time in eastern europe then you should consider visiting the following cities -

Prague, Krakov, Riga, Vilnius, Breslau.

Avoid Polish Capital - Warsaw because it's a post-gommie shithole ( gray, gray blocks )
Avoid Ukraine - Ultra nationalist, even towards other slavs

Western europe is a lost cause friend. It really is. While they are trying to build an economic powerhouse, its allready disintigrating from within... there is no cohesion anymore. It will not be able to sustain itself in the long run.

I'm thinking about moving to hungary or the US atm.

I stay in leafland for summer as I always do.

>surrounded by white people and beautiful scenery across the country
>don't have to be surrounded by the mudslimes that inhabit UK, germany, or france

Before you move to any country in eastern europe.

Save up a lot of money before leaving. Trust me, you will live like a fucking king for few months / maybe year at best. Everything is cheaper here and with your wages you should be able to afford a decent house.

this made me genuinely sad

Are Germany and Belgium a police state?

They always say we are when our riot police come out but we've never had riot police out on the streets 24/7 for 6+ months straight.

Europe = police state by their own measurements.

The United States.
At home.
Working on several projects.

going to germany, sweden etc to find some bulls for my gf, she sadly found out that black are bigger on average by 3 inches and now she wants to try some out...

feel free to come to croatia.
we don't have any shitskin immigrants and our coastal cities are beautiful.

In South Africa.
RIP me

talking about keeping Europe White, but not enough balls to go over to France in the fucking Holidays and taking a bat with you

Youre all cucks

Lol vacation.. i live a vacation.
Get on my level... oh BTW Polacy bring me some more of that canned meat when you come for vacation...

>Forgetting Slovakia

You mispelled sipp, it's spelled sieb

No but your people are shit
Fuck you and your shitty country ,id rather visit turkey,they are more friendly and have far more areas to visit,beach and stuff

I've been to Slovakia and I don't know what's about it, but it's pretty depressing. Maybe the architecture, maybe the people.
Chechy are a bit better. I think I had the pleasure of driving through a gop village by accident though, that was the real Walking Dead.

Just got back from Miami. It was awesome. Stayed at Z Ocean Hotel in South Beach. Got a penthouse suite with a private rooftop patio for $400 a night. Dozens of bars and clubs within walking distance. So much fun!

maybe when your food is not dog shit people stop bringing their own. it tells you something when people rather eat canned food then yours "cousine"

He already said Hungary :^)

Generally speaking, if I wanted to travel across Europe for vacation, which language could I learn to help? I already know English and Spanish.
Guessing French or German?



If you are from one of those countries, that is what you should devote all of your efforts to mate. A homogenous central european coalition with a free and open market would become the biggest powerhouse the world has ever seen. You might rival the USA eventually. Just thinking about the geopolitical implications... that shit would be amazing. Your peoples will write history.


Yeah that will be fun...after the west goes to shit economically more than 1mil gypsys at least will be coming home,we will be reenriched by those subhumans...it will be fun.

Cherrypicking as usual. How retarded are people on this site?

> the shit pill
It all makes sense now

Wew these are rare as fuck. Mind if I save it to my hard drive?

My 100 year old family cabin Up North with the sauna I built from trees I felled on the back forty and rocks I dug from the earth.


They are killed by their own kind istead haha. Think your eastern shitholes are sooooo good cause they are "uncucked"? Think again gipsy

Somewhere that has a nice beach. Why would I go to boring af Central European flatlands?


We're working on it in Poland, not on the government level though.

Combined population 50 million with steady negative growth

What did commies do right, while capitalists shit the bed? I don't understand this and I'm a commie.

I have been staying in our other colony for a week.

FUCK prague its infested whit niggers like any other capital. Go for Brno or Budweis atleast


There's easier ways to commit suicide than Paris.

A lot of beautiful places to visit in Eastern Europe.
would go again.
Most of Western Europe's main attractions are destroyed now, not fun to visit since it just feels like home with brown people shouting a different language than usual at you

memes aside, I really don't see the reason to go to western europe for vacation. why should I go to Paris if there is a happening every week. I would rather go to Bulgaria, Checz Republic, Asia or USA

>summer vacation
wörk wörk wörk

Not Paris, driving tour of France.

At home.
>going outside
That's how the jews get you user.

>2017 vacation

Pisze się Wrocław, alternatywnie Wroclaw, Vratislavia, bez szkopskich naleciałosci!

Get a job fgit


>USSR economic output circa 1920s

>Most of Western Europe's main attractions are destroyed now
Got exactly the same impression. It's the same multiunculture everywhere, much like the Soviet Union but worse.


Can Latinos visit these countries and not get harassed? My daughter and I are not very native looking but my wife is.


Poland is hell on earth

Delusion. V4 can't be anything above ASEAN-like group. Too much local conflicts and average economies. The Intermarium is even bigger bollocks.

Are you trying to tell foreigners not to come to your country?

Czech isn't Eastern Europe, Gyspy.

>ask for one scoop
>wait until scoop has been applied
>ask for another scoop
>"we don't do that because we are SJW"
>"ok, fuck it" (+cunt since it's Australia) and leave
>cause actual profit loss that the management won't tolerate for some SJW shit

It's just a more clever way of saying "fuck off we are full"

>tfw considering spending a gap year on being some farm hand in Poland

am I autistic, and is this possible? I know that cities and non-white places are degenerate and I just wanna go the full opposite for a while :(

Polak here, Poland is the only place I would visite. Im planning to buy a small apartment in Warsaw.
