What does Sup Forums think of Chad nationalism?

What does Sup Forums think of Chad nationalism?

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That's a homo user, different from a chad.

I like how he is buff but when he opens his mouth it's clear it's just tard strength.

At least he's telling people to take charge of their own lives and become strong.
Leftist cucks will say that you are perfect and being better is actually worse. Leftist are that kid in school that will purposefuly drag other kids down so they feel better about being a failure.

The guy often acts like a tool, but his advice is not terrible.

I just want a new chad friend who makes me eat his butt and clean his taint.

that guy is supposed to be a chad?

This is a cuck, not a chad.

Reality Pill: No slayer is racist.

Picture any of THESE guys spending time online whining about minorities fucking "our" white women. Lmfao.

Reality Pill: No cool, chill, low cortisol slayer is going to spend a single minute talking about races. If you know any of the nerdy race-talk buzzwords such as "haplogroup", your incel ass belongs on uncool aspie populated forums, specifically, one ass cheek on Sup Forums and the other on stormfront.

Meanwhile, legitimate slayers are soaking sun with friends of all races not having a damn problem on their mind.

Racism comes from incel nerds who stay in on the internet all day or from lower class subhumans that either can't get laid or have to settle for uglies. Slayers and handsome men in general have a very positive outlook on life and don't hate other races as a result of it. Most slayers could care less about politics, they are too busy living the life.



Who gives a fuck about Chad

Is he natty? He's pretty big, but doesn't have the dry tren look.

Is this who people call >The Golden One?

Nationalism is propaganda that keeps people in line.

Ethnonationalism is propaganda produced by your genes. It's non malleable and acidic to corporate control.

Easy lives breed weak men. You think any of these fags will fight for their country? Kill for their race?

Probably not, could be photo shop too tho. But even if he is natty theres a 99% chance you dont have the genetics to get that big natty

thats funny as fuck
why does he look so aids

>Racism comes from incel nerds who stay in on the internet all day or from lower class subhumans that either can't get laid or have to settle for uglies. Slayers and handsome men in general have a very positive outlook on life and don't hate other races as a result of it. Most slayers could care less about politics, they are too busy living the life.

No the only difference is they just don't focus on it, they believe it - but don't focus on it. How do you think nazism swept up the entire country of Germany -- magic? Once it's political ok to believe in it publicly they will.

I'd be willing to bet not only am I far better looking than you I also make 10x what you do.

>You think any of these fags will fight for their country?

Plenty of Chads in the military, user.

There's no such thing as race and we made it up like the boogeyman.


he has vertical maxillary excess

There is no such thing as the science of biology we made it up like the boogeyman.

Have you ever seen the whole title of Darwin's book about evolution? Can you repeat it for us here?

Let me rephrase: Do you think beras, robots, and non-chads should be excluded from the theoretical ethnostate? Perhaps a mininum testosterone level could be enforced and you must go to "fitness camps" if you are not juicy enough.
He claims to be.


good one

Stacy should also exist. Right next to Chad.

is this supposed to be an insult you faggot? Someone getting brolic and would get 99/100 women to immediately go down on him is a bad thing?

I'm sure the EU will find a reason to import Chads from Chad soon enough.

I am OP by the way, I just drove to work.

Any animal that can produce fertile offspring with another is virtually the same.

That dude did so much work on his body, yet none on his face. A few simple plastic surgeries and he wouldn't look like a pig.

That is not what I said. Races are clearly defined by biology you rock-ribbed moron. You said they didn't exist.

>wanting plastic in your face

Fucking leafs. Bet he looks better than you already.

What's wrong with his face?
Also, even if he did look like a pig, women value strength and presence over facial features any day. Beauties want a beast.

What's wrong with this guy? His proportions seem completely off, like someone built an action figure from leftover parts that don't quite match.

They are just uggos posting from the safety of their homes where they can't be seen. I don't like the guy but clearly he's attractive.

Tbis walking synthol ad is no chad

These are fafs



Why is no one talking about Chad nationalism? We already have authoritarian exercise programs in the form of phys ed, they just suck. If weakness was illegal (for healthy men), would that not make for a very formidable nation?

He isn't a Chad. He is an autistic beta Swede who got buff to hide his insecurity

kill betas yay

i m okay with crushing skulls of some numales

>pretending you're not a numale yourself

Nice pasta.

>It's non malleable and acidic to corporate control.

Markus is too ugly to be Chad.

Real talk, fellas: am I the only one who thinks the Golden Shower has practically no charisma whatsoever? Hearing him talk is the equivalent of listening to wet cardboard being slapped together. Once you get rid of the visuals and just listen to him talk you realize he's kind of a retard.

Anyone who shits on The Golden One is anti-male, anti-West and pro-degeneracy. His advice to men is on point. So are his politics. Stop watching porn.

I don't know much about that faggot. But to me chads and niggers are equal, they're unevolved. Evolved people are like Elliot Rodger.

hahahaha (mongo is like idiot in swedish)

>His advice to men is on point.
How do you explain him telling guys to be white knights? His "reasoning" is something like "white is good, knights are good so white knights are extra good." I'm genuinely curious how you reconcile this.


Exercise is great and should be encouraged. Weightlifting will not improve logic or arguments on politics, however

lol fag larping

You're a fucking idiot

>I parrot things I read on internet

Holy shit Fritz, you should hear yourself talking for once.

I think his balls are the size of peas and he'll likely be impotent soon if not already.

Risking dying early from a heart attack with bitch tits bigger than fashy hair tuff spencer.


>white is good, knights are good so white knights are extra good

That was obviously a joke, good job picking the most out-of-context part of the video. What he is arguing against is the over-the-top misogyny that comes from the PUA and MGTOW sectors. The kind of jobless losers who will attack any white woman who agrees with them on the important things if they aren't the perfect fair maiden who agrees with them on everything that they imagined in their head.

European societies of old were not based on misogyny. Having strict gender roles is not misogyny. That is a FEMINIST distortion of history.


>That was obviously a joke, good job picking the most out-of-context part of the video.
See, I don't see that when he's literally arguing for men to be emotionally sensitive towards women. He states throughout the video that being rude is a no-no. I think you're trying too hard to distort reality to fit your perception of a guy who is obviously interested in the pursuit of his own power and glory which makes you kind of a cuck.

this is why white nationalism is shit. You got 42 faggots in this thread acting like a bunch of hens navel gazing and gossiping about some fucking guy because they don't like that this e-celeb has more muscle mass that they do. Even I'm fucking doing it right now. We are women we behave like women every day.

What exactly are you arguing for? Do you think being rude is an alpha male behavior or something? Do you not understand the difference between being assertive and being rude?

Im all for it.

Is that even achievable natty?

Being pro west = being pro degeneracy stupid faggot

The fuck? Is that you, Mehmet?

The fuck? Is that you, Shlomo?

I thought you Mongols were supposed to be intelligent and have a really good education system over there in Iceberglandia. Somehow you faggots that can't get enough of the Golden One's piss showers don't want to see why it is these "jobless losers" (good job insulting a bunch of people you've never met by blanket judging them by the way) are being dicks to women. Are you dipshits so out of touch? This is why I hate you e-celeb cock suckers so much.


I just found out about this guy. He seems pretty cool, pretty happy with life, promoting Sweden, promotes health. If he's not your type, watch other YouTubers. He probably speaks well to some sorts of people like gym bros.

No, please explain what you mean by "pro west = pro degeneracy"


why are people here so obsessed with Chads

Fucking lol @ thinking golden one is chad. You're such a faggot OP. Retarded nigger faggot,.

>The Golden One

Looks are king. If you have no jaw, it was over from the start.

The guy in OP is not a Chad though. His face is shit

west = pro gay pro race mixing pro degeneracy

Also I can tell you are too since you use memes like

>muh west
>muh islam

Instead of focusing on the real issue which is race

Calm down, jamal

I completely understand where the misogyny comes from, I browse Sup Forums for fuck's sake.

How does the fact that current society has been fucked by cultural marxism give justification for taking the degeneracy even further by adopting anti-European values? Are you a blackpilled MGTOW? Just tell me what you believe in so I can decide whether I should waste time talking to you.

This is a proper Chad

God this thread is filled with smelly dumb incel scum.

>Chad nationalism?
without the Chad any movement will fail

oh, man, golden one would be so pissed to hear that

By the West I mean Western civilization in all of it's history you retarded faggot. I'm perfectly aware our culture has been degenerated. But I believe in restoring it to its former glory, not just giving up like a little bitch. And yes, to restore to it's former glory we need to get rid of the non-whites.

>blackpilled MGTOW
Holy shit, you're fucking retarded lmao. I'll fix the problem for you and stop responding since you're too much of a retard to comprehend more complex issues outside of stupid herd label bullshit. This site is 18+ by the way.

The problem is cultural marxism you fucking retard.

I have higher BMI than him in the left and lower body fat while natty.

This. The only way we still see chad is if we are manchildren.

>Canada in a nutshell

>filthy chocolatier calling anyone but the HUEs and strayans idiots

>the problem can be watered down to a simple explanation because I'm simple minded
Good job taking into account all the different facets like economics, demographic trends, and degenerate female nature. Keep white knighting you fucking faggot.

Probably because you're immensely jealous like most bitter, inadequate Sup Forumscucks?

And you're a fucking tax haven for kikes.


You're fighting the good fight. Get commended.
>sends telepathic beams of approval

No, that's Clark Kent. He works at the Daily Planet.

There is literally nothing to be done about female nature because it is biological. You can't have a prosperous with nation without white women and a harmonious relationship between white men and white women. You are anti-white nationalism, you are the Jew.

not even achievable in the gym at all

looks like injections

His face is too feminine to be a chad