United EU army creation

Hey Sup Forums, remember when all those conspiracy theorists were called out on the idea of EU creating united army?
I do:
Well you have 3 attempts to guess what is happening.
>Immigrants stopped committing crimes
>Communism is being outlawed throughout the EU as the most deadly ideology
Nah muh fascist killed da joos
>EU army is being created
Took you long enough to get it right but yes.

I am a Czech student in the UK and although we wished the Brits would Brexit to show that EU is going to hell we miss them as they were essentially what was stopping the German and French dictatorship.
Ready for the military dictatorship of EU being enforced by 2020?

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/_/search/subject/knowledge bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

>independent co uk/voices/if-you-re-voting-for-brexit-because-you-think-british-troops-will-be-called-up-to-an-eu-army-you-ve-a7024221.html

and I should care because?

are u mad?

EU Army is going to be used Domestically(NATO is more International) to stop countries from leaving/resisting the EU.

I've done several threads about the EU Army & talked about it many of times:

archive.4plebs.org/_/search/subject/knowledge bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

Arrest the thought criminals NOW.

>EU Army is formed
>EU Army is used to "defend" countries from terror
> Countries that want out of the EU will have their "terror protection" units removed
> A way to bully nations to stay in the EU
> EU Army will wage war against extremists
> Both Islamic extremists and NATIONALISTS
> Native Europeans in the EU army will not feel right firing on their own countrymen, even if they are "extreme nationalists"
> Enlistment drops, morale is low within EU Army
> Fight for the EU Army and get a free house! Fight for the EU Army and become a citizen!
> Refugees won't give two shits about shooting native Europeans
> EU Army will be Muslim and nog infested, sent to "protect" (aka OCCUPY) EU Nations
> Leading to more dead Europeans and more Muslims and Africans taking over
>Three front war of Nationalists vs Islam, EU Army vs Nationalists, and Islam vs World

Screen cap this

What do you think will happen to the european countries that do not join USSR- I mean EU.
Hint: Czechoslovakia 1968

Czechs joined it too.
Not like surrendering our military to Germans ever worked out poorly for us.

Why are atheists so sympathetic towards communism? That would explain why socialism and communism alike are gaining traction throughout European countries, it seems to be correlated with non-religious people.

Here in the U.S. it's also common to see an atheist or agnostic openly supporting "real socialism" and even the Communist Party USA is filled with mostly atheists.