He's done folks


Other urls found in this thread:


How high are the ceilings in the average US prison cell?

One inch shorter than old longshanks is tall.

>I'm a manlet and this behemoth cucked the fuck out of me
How brave of you to admit it.




Why do you say that OP? Something come out showing he lied again?

>can't produce memos
>says they were given to a friend
>admits the name of professor in testimony
>professor goes into hiding with alleged memos
>professor was subpoenaed by the SJC
>still in hiding
This is a wild goose chase for memos which probably do not even exist.


Soon we will see his true power.

mfw too high to hang myself in prison

hes a big guy

I didn't hear about the part with the professor going into hiding

Damn Comey really is fuckrd, any other info on this?


I've never seen someone self destruct like this. Comey should have just left the government and retired in some brown country with nice beaches.

What a fool.

not that user but was just reading this.


Run it through archive if you care about clicks, my internet is shit and archive website won't load for me.

This could be huge, but didn't Comey admit that the information leaked was not classified? Wouldn't that mean he did nothing wrong then? Besides obviously trying to smear trump by leaking info to the press.

I want the Senate Judiciary Committee to issue a million dollar bounty for that professor.

He claimed it but we won't know until we see the memos, if they exist. Also he admitted to purposely holding back the classification of the memos so he could leak them later. That was a huge fuckup, screwing with classification markings of a document so you can later release is a separate felony.

i think the bigger issue here is perjury. If they're unable to find the memos, and the professor has gone into hiding (???) then Comey essentially lied about the memos. Plus the timeline of the NYT story about the memos vs trumps tweet vs when he said he leaked them

I love all the media silence on this. I didn't hear any of this till I got on Pol.

Even Fox has been quiet about this stuff. I hope this takes him down, Fuck that 2 faces pussy.

but Reddit told me Comey has nothing to hide

Didn't think about it like that. Think it could turn into something bigger?

>intentionally leaks
>gets "independent" council appointed
>Independent council is his best friend
>starts hiring a bunch of sketchy people that have records of purgery for Obama Admin

If you all think Comey lost this you're retarded. He has gotten everything he wants and more, and is now in position to witch-hunt Trump for the entirety of his presidency by using the "independent" council to red tape him for the next 3 years.

Deep state's pet media is worried as fuck. Not a peep about Comey or Sessions on CNN, the deep state's official press organ.

TFW it doesn't matter the classification of the doc, he still broke at least two federal statues and an employment agreement with the FBI


Doesn't matter, he testified the were written on gov property, during gov time involving privileged information doing gov work. Gov property means he's boned.

And if you ever needed more proof for that: He was the lead investigator against Petraeus when he used the exact same argument (They're notes of meetings) and he was charged. Ironic, huh?

Also, don't forget:
> Perjury on the fact that he lied about Sessions recusing himself saying he had no idea till it broke when DOJ sent out emails relaying the info, even attached the email with a statement to the committee after testimony
> Perjury if he didn't write the memos on a gov computer like he said he did ORRRRRR
> Perjury if he didn't write them till after he got fired

Trump put Mueller in there for a specific reason. You'll see sooner or later.

He really is

I don't know if he failed to read the lay of the land, got blackmailed, or just said fuck it and fell on his sword

>CNN, the deep state's official press organ.
It goes deeper than that.

Catching the snake with bate. Snake in this case being the Russian Collusion troll fest.

If Trump finds Mueller and Comey tried to pull a fast one he kills that investigation.

Trump literally may have info on them colluding to setup.

It was obvious blackmail. If he were recording every interaction he had to Trump, and then got fired effectively in secret, he didn't even know until he saw it on TV, then Trump's people got those tapes. Tapes he shouldn't have had. So it's all a song-and-dance professional suicide to make sure Trump never releases to the tapes.

Thank God our president worked with the Mafia for the better part of four decades.

Been off the grid for a few days

Are you saying that after the big nothingburger from last week comey got fucked?

Gimme the deets while i get the tissues and the lotion

7 years*

The memos exist, he said they're in Mueller's hands. If that wasn't true he committed perjury.

You guys are desperate as fuck with this "he's done" shit. This isn't ending anytime soon, so sit back and watch ye olde God Emperor make it worse and worse tweet by tweet.

lorettas ear looks like a satellite dish

>The memos exist, he said they're in Mueller's hands. If that wasn't true he committed perjury.

>Comey made several statements that are contested
>Sessions out of the blue not only volunteered but replaced his Deputy AG in testimony and will appear before the Intelligence Committee on Tuesday
>Sessions ASKED for it to be public
>Trump, when asked by a reporter about the tapes this weekend, said "Don't worry, you'll see soon. Don't worry, you'll be upset"
>Trumps superjew lawyers filed a complaint with the DOJ on Comey's trail of events where certain parts of the memos were released before the Trump tweet. One even said Mueller should recuse given the connections to Comey.
>Comey doesn't have the memos anymore, his friend is MIA and both the Senate Judiciary Committee and Intelligence agencies are asking for them. This questions if they even existed
>FBI, according to shit sources, apparently can't find them

Most likely, Comey set himself up for at least one if not multiple Perjury counts and he may get buttfucked legally by Sessions. Trump said an announcement will be made this week on the tapes (most likely after Sessions testimony). Mueller may either kicked off the investigation or the investigation may even get killed due to Comey's dipshit moves.

Yep, and I'm sure because this is a national security issue that everybody is being watched like hawks.

This whole Mueller appointment could just be a sting. Democrats are walking back at the Russia narrative and throwing piss on Lynch and Hillary now too.

If Mueller destroyed them he's fucked
If he told Comey to destroy them he's fucked

Its enough for Trump's Heebsquad of Ambulance chasers to push the issue of it being a bad idea to have Mueller. Expect to see more of them in the media, the one has made several public appearances since Friday. They're trying to hang that on Mueller to make him stink.

Trump may be an idiot, but his gang of lawyers are most certainly not. He literally has the harlem globetrotters of law right now.

>the one has made several public appearances since Friday
Link? This is juicy.

I think Mueller was helping the dems, not part of the sting (intentionally)

Comey was the bait. Him working with Comey and supposedly having those memos is actually bad for him right now. The only hope he has is if they are 100% what Comey testified to. If he says that they were destroyed he ruins Comey's credibility and people will push the investigation to close.

Blanche Devereaux BTFO!!!
How will Betty White ever recover.


Look up Jay Sekulow, He's shit-talking Comey. Here's one: youtube.com/watch?v=dZM89drBnRM

What? Why would he go to prison?

Is Sup Forums delusional, am I in an alternate reality? Trump is literally about to be impeached

Uranium deal with Iran and Russia... 1488 d chess.

Comey is such a slimey piece of shit. I read about him and martha Stewart prosecution today. What a fucking asshole. He also tried to frame the wrong guy for the anthrax attacks after 9/11. He's really an incompetent fuckhead attention whore. It's an embarrassment that he was fbi director

>Trump is literally about to be impeached
said the increasingly nervous shill for the hundredth time

Are you fucking retarded bro? Did you even watch the trial?

Shhh these td posters dont want any logic here

Not even trying anymore. You can do better.


amazing, thanks my man

>The memos exist, he said they're in Mueller's hands. If that wasn't true he committed perjury.
He did not say Mueller had them.

Fill me in ameribros, what happened with comey now?

nvm, got it. thx

So who do we know has said that Comey is a man of integrity? We all know that Mueller is a fucking snake since he definitely colluded with Comey. So who defended Mueller for that matter?

It's pretty obvious that Mueller was put there to enhance the smear campaign on Trump and is probably just trying to make dirt out of molehills.

>from the FBI
It's pretty clear that Comey is using his FBI pals to hide this guy. What a weak excuse.

Pic related is for you.

If the memos exist and are what Comey says they are then why would the professor need to hide? This is pathetic, it's like the plot to a Law & Order spinoff


>Are you fucking retarded bro? Did you even watch the trial?
You mean the part where Comey said Trump tried to get him to drop the russia investigation?
The one where Comey said Trump fired him as a hamfisted attempt to stop the investigation?
The one where Comey all but said "he's guilty of obstruction of justice" but instead said it was for his replacement to decide?

Yeah, I watched it.

Its funny that its the same democrats that literally chimped out on him calling the October audible and some of the republicans that did the same when he let Clinton off the hook in July.

Literally nobody of moral standing has said he's good. Even Gowdy politely shits on him from time to time.


>1 post by this ID

I want to know who has called him good. Pretty sure Mueller did. Which is why he's a treasonous rat who's probably in on this coup.

You mean the part where Comey said Trump tried to get him to drop the russia investigation?

Literally didn't happen. They were talking about the investigation into Flynn regarding lying to Pence.

>The one where Comey said Trump fired him as a hamfisted attempt to stop the investigation?

Also not true. He was fired because he was essentially maintaining a false narrative, and Trump even wanted him to find things but to shit or get off the pot. And don't say it was the morning they were going to secure more funds or issue subpoenas even McCabe called your BS on that.

>The one where Comey all but said "he's guilty of obstruction of justice" but instead said it was for his replacement to decide?

"All but said" meaning he didn't, and nobody not obviously biased believes it. Even Alan Dershowitz and Johnathon Turley, some of the most liberal minded in the law field, don't agree with that

>You mean the part where Comey said >Trump tried to get him to drop the russia >investigation?

He did not try to get him to drop anything. He wanted Comey to go easy on Flynn since he was ready fired and cleared of any wrong going. There was zero investigation in to Trump and Comey said this 3 times and was the one that actually initiated it by bringing it up first.

>The one where Comey said Trump fired >him as a hamfisted attempt to stop the >investigation?

How can you fire someone over an investigation that hadn't happened after everyone involved had been cleared?

>The one where Comey all but said "he's >guilty of obstruction of justice" but >instead said it was for his replacement >to decide?

This would be committing 2 felonies if he thought it was obstruction.

Comey is fucked. Sessions has everything in his office. It will be worse for you shareblue tomorrow.

Why do you think Trump put him in on the investigation?

Might as well go all the way. Also Trump's a 911 truther and Mueller was head of the FBI when that all went down. You don't think Trump's going to be satisfied with merely bringing down one little chunk of the deep state do you? He's going for the golden prize.



Straight from Luggenpresse themselves

Thank you for this

Holy fuck, why the shit did CNN even have that guy on? He's implying a lot and the anchors are trying to act all shocked and surprised.

The record scratch at the end with that female anchor is priceless

Trump wasn't even being investigated you fucking idiot. So clearly no, you didn't watch any of the trial and have no idea what any of it is even about.


Their pantomimes fall apart a bit when they get caught out.


I really hope that's it. I really hope he fucking destroys Comey and Mueller.


Fuckin A! Time to kick some as. Can't wait for the memes to flow

It's almost as if...

Jews are better in what they do than you?

Nah... gas the kikes amirite

>American flag hajib
Makes my stomach curl senpai. My tolerance for this sick type of propaganda is going so thin. Absolutely fucking disgusting.


some of them are not jewish tho. (at least from what i can find)

ARCHIVED LINK: archive.is/QQhGw

elaborate or stop



Justice Bump


>Yeah, I watched it.
Maybe you should take your head out of your ass and clean the shit out of your ears and watch it again?

He's more fucked than this gator

Trump didnt put him on Rosenstein did

Comey ate his own shit on live tevision.

You mean weasel their way into positions of power then apply nepotism to their hiring practices? Absolutely they are.

Sometimes I really do wonder if american liberals are as delusional as they seem, instead of just spouting their talking-points to rustle some feathers.

Just be honest so that I can put my mind to rest. Do you really believe what you wrote?

They're lead there, always

Its insane

did he actually provide the memos to the professor, or simply describe them to him? giving the memos is transmitting classified documents, which is preddy bad