I've noticed that many men are opting out of their masculine roles in society and adapting to a more feminine role.
I believe this is due to toxic feminism and women being favored in virtually all aspects of our western societies. A woman can kill a man, have sex with her students, etc.. and still not be held accountable for it. A woman can ride 20+ dicks throughout her twenties and then lock down some beta cuck to be a provider for the rest of her life.
There are also many feminist programs in the workplace and academics that give women an extreme advantage over males. I have a 3.8 out of 4.0 GPA and two previous internships at small investment banks. However, I was struck down from all of the big investment banks when applying for an internship. A couple of friends(women) who applied have 3.0-3.2 gpa range and work experience at shitty places like Macys or supermarkets and they got the internship..
Thus, many men are starting to see that its disadvantageous to be a male in our current society. The closer you get to becoming a women, the more advantages you get. Simply putting "transgender" on your application will put you in front of the line because of muh diversity bs.
What do you lads think?
Levi Hernandez
its degeneracy, a toxic idea that was not theirs originally. a way to escape a relity they need to work on fixing together.
I knew of a family whose dad became a tranny on a whim, and left his wife for a ftm tranny. you could imagine what shit his two kids had have and will have to deal with
Brody Garcia
bumpity bump
Joshua Rivera
I think most traps are just fetishists taking things way too far
Tyler Butler
3D traps are shit. 2D, however....
Elijah King
I would take a passable trap over a (((real girl))) as long as they were okay with me having my own child
Luke Brown
Whoa, who is this? Anyone know?
Easton Brooks
one good trap / one hundred , with the other 99 being manly monsters, is still a massive net loss
Gavin King
thats why we should have government programs to help people become traps
Carter Powell
No It's in the water in the air in the food in the food containers in the vaccinations
Asher Sanders
yeah so that taxes are being wasted something useful like the dissemination of society and population control
Liam Martin
how can we recover from these elements?
Asher Evans
Farrah something
Justin King
I think you americucks should learn to control your women.
Luis Perez
some people will always game the system, traps just go all the way so to speak degeneracy is a business
Robert Thomas
its arduous to even find middle ground with 80% of em but certainly possible
Jacob Gray
Thats a tranny not a trap why is everyone on this site such an ignorant
Jordan Taylor
this man knows his shit
Nathaniel Hill
The only way to beat feminist is to play their own game and out-crazy them.
Identify yourself as a transgendered transracial MTF Lesbian Muslim. You don't have to do or act differently.
Feminism is always about the labels.
Alexander Williams
dudes its the make up, underneath that dress is the pencil thin frame of a man starving himself.
Brayden Cooper
Thank you user. Time for me to go do some "research".
Ryan Brooks
They're just faggots and worse than all feminists in the world
Hudson Parker
>Implying the diferences between degenerates matter
Justin Reed
Kevin Barnes
I know a guy who "came out as questioning" his gender identity on Facebook and broke up with his girlfriend shortly thereafter. He posts shit from everydayfeminism.com (don't go, it's worse than you think) but the sad thing is he's definitely NOT any kind of faggot or tranny. He's always had problems with depression and tried all kinds of things to fix it, including acupuncture, going gluten free, exercise, etc. Now he's latched on to this tranny thing, just sad. I wish him well but no longer hang out with him.
Another guy I know, I've known him since high school, his name is Joe. Has a wife and kid, has a job, relatively successful as a film maker (no one you've heard of), but he's very arty and hangs out with all kinds of fags and other counter culture types. One day sometime in the last year I noticed he changed his facejew name to Jody. No explanation, now he's Jody. What the fuck man!! You just decided in your late 30's to use a woman's name? Quit being an attention seeking faggot. It's sad.
Carson Thomas
easy times create weak men
Aaron Bell
Yup. Completely agree. If you let the Jews run your brain this is how you end up.
Jordan Howard
And I'd fuck that pencil thin man until I broke him in half.
Noah Scott
You mean strong trannies.
Hudson Perez
Women are justifiably frustrated if men are turning to traps.
Grayson Ramirez
Feminists started out with Nobel ideals,but enough is enough.let them spread their feminism in a gas chamber
Hunter Long
She has a dick, anons.
She has a dick.
Ryan Fisher
The Nobel means nothing since they gave one to Obama merely for being black and getting elected (for being black) at the same time.
Daniel Roberts
>tfw no saika bf
Benjamin Ross
I want to know why fascists see women as a serious source of anxiety and internal conflict
Zachary Jackson
traps are best m8
Jason Rivera
Fucked up the spelling brother.meant to type noble
Brody Reed
Being a girl is life on easy mode. Especially when you are hot.
Lincoln White
I did the math and research. According to Wikipedia, the average length of a penis varies from 5.1 to 5.9 inches. I went for a safe 5.5 inches for an average. The average radius from the core center of the penis to the skin on the outside is .75 inches. From this we can roughly find the volume with pi timed radius squared times height. This comes around as the average penis being around 9.72 cubic inches
Next I found the volume of the average human adult male. I had to first find the weight, which according to Alex Schlessingerman's "The Physics Factbook" is 70kg or 154 pounds. Weight is found by multiplying an object mass by the force of gravity, 9.81 meters per second. After taking gravity out of the equation, the average mass of an adult human male is 7.14 kg. I then found the volume by dividing this number by the average density of a human, according to Wikipedia, 985 kg per meter cubed. The volume of the adult male was then found to be .0072516316 cubic meters. Utilizing the volume of the average penis I found earlier, 9.72 in cubed, I get .0001592828 meters cubed. This means the penis is 2.19% of an adult male's volume.
Assuming a lack of testosterone or female hormones makes the person a female, balls ignored for ease, fucking a trap is only 2.19% homosexual.
Grayson Long
>No... >Just no...
Asher Taylor
I was going to feel sad, but then I saw the bottom of the picture >much keks
Michael Turner
David Lopez
Blake White
That's a common one. Here's better material :^)
Carson Davis
Who is the girl in the pic? I have already seen other pics of her here in Sup Forums but I don't remember where.
Adam Robinson
It is still men's fault, user.
Jacob Rodriguez
Jace Cox
look at his eyes. so much emptiness.
Grayson King
It's not a gif it is a image with a trap with a really pink butthole looking over at the camera laying on a bed I had it saved along with a couple gigabytes of material until someone fooled me into thinking traps were gay and I deleted it all. A riveting copypasta convinced me otherwise so I am restarting my collection.
Leo Davis
I think he is legitimately autistic
Matthew Baker
god damn no one wants to read your faggot blog user
Tyler Brooks
Adrian Foster
I think there was something wrong with her. She might have been not right in the head.
Hudson Wright
men have always opted out of their "masculine roles" in society. always. there's nothing new under the sun. the more you learn, the more you'll understand this.
threads like this fall under one or more of the following categories:
>masculine role Men are masculine no matter what. Gays don't exist. Homosexuality is just a fetish. Trans acceptance is a forced meme with intention to get women to act even more degenerate since women emulate what men want no matter what. If women see men ogling a "sexy slut trap" they lower themselves to that level of degeneracy. It's just a downward spiral from there.
Wyatt Robinson
Owen Cooper
Most of the trannies are from loopy occult families. Some of them have been gender swapping their kids for hundreds of years. The main goal of the occult is to make this more mainstream. Definitely a fair few of them in the middle classes nowadays. Those guys you see that start to lose their hair really young may not be guys at all! The testosterone F to M's take causes them to go bald early.
Mason Bell
and most importantly, i am always right
Zachary Butler
really makes you think
Mason Perry
trap society is just the jews way of scaring men away from women
Noah Hill
That was a fake video made by some kekistani larper
Ryan Ortiz
Josiah Bailey
>Weight is found by multiplying an object mass by the force of gravity, 9.81 meters per second. >average mass of an adult human male is 7.14 kg
Uhhh, user, I think that mass scales remove gravity from the equation when they spit out your 'weight'.
The average man is 70kg, not 7.14kg.
Nicholas Rivera
In an enlightened society it's important to challenge social and gender norms to a degree so that we ensure these norms are not harmful. I believe there's specific traditional roles and functions we have in gender which we should be able to challenge in order to become a stronger human species overall - this should always be our goal.
You speak of social sexual norms, and economic norms, firstly those social sexual norms are what I argue as incredibly subjective and relative to time and place. I am sure in different circumstances you might not have a problem with this, of perhaps depending on what kind of 20 men a female chooses to engage with, or whatever interpretations you may arrive at
As to the economic side or the argument, I agree, its a things, I believe fully in a meritocracy, and that rather we should be doing more to prepare females to be as functional as men in the labor market, going beyond training in education.
Also true - I considered that some men are in fact possibly turning gay or into traps because it seems that life is "easier" - this is wrong, no matter what. I had previously thought about this issue and came to the conclusion that it's actually ironically conforms to feminine gender stereotypes in most cases, and what does this leave you with as the fighting male population of a nation ? Increased passivity and weakness in the male population, and so this is exactly why it's bad, but it's one of those things people need to start countering with when it comes to abstract leftist LGBT arguments that coincidentally omit these truths
Aiden Morales
Gabriel Sanders
nice one Cartman
Michael Hughes
Wyatt Long
Still gay af faggot
Nathan Robinson
I had a feeling, but I still thought the idea of the media falling for that was funny in a "I can totally seem them doing this" kinda way. Or maybe I'm just a faggot, I don't know.
Owen Young
Stop posting this copypasta.
Daniel Davis
No, it's due to the notion of a 'woman' being now a commercial entity of interchangeable parts that you can buy for these low, low prices!
See pic related.
Daniel Rogers
Kevin Rodriguez
What riveting content convinced you otherwise?
Julian Allen
Hudson Roberts
My thoughts exactly, Satan
Angel Scott
Satan replies to Jesus post about traps. I hate y'all, desu senpai.
Christian Sullivan
Jaxon Young
Well, yes. Society has not done a particularly good job at building masculinity. It shouldn't come as any surprise that more men are turning away from it as there's no longer much of a reward.
Being a male in this day and age is playing life on hard mode. Eventually, unless you're fortunate, frustration builds and people opt to lower the difficulty setting.
I don't see this trend ever reversing, sadly. This is life now.
Kevin Taylor
Is Satan the one that created traps to tempt us? If so, he's one crafty bastard.
Brandon Sanders
Wow even you guys are into this? Man I can't believe even pol is gay. This was the jews best move. Making the anti gays turn gay.
Jacob Kelly
Basically but it goes deeper than that. You see ever since women have gained freedom to choose their partner things started to slide. But things didn't go south until the rise of the smartphone and dating/sex apps like Tinder, the access of 3G-4G networking for your WhatsApp and Skype contact list. Suddenly women gained access to every single beta, orbiter and alpha in the world. And with the password lock on every Iphone women can easily maintain plausible deniability for their whorish and flakey behavior. Pair that with hook-up culture, mainstream use of drugs at parties, no fault divorce and birth control and you have a deadly mix.
The result is simply the impossibility of having any form of a stable relationship with a female. If a girl/woman is exposed to these things above she is almost certainly tainted. And the reality is that more and more (the majority) of all the bitches out there are.
This means that every guy (even alpha's) has to face the reality that women will attempt to cuck, friendzone and cheat on then continuously. It's in their nature to do so but it's also in their nature to desire continued access to the men she's been with. This means that a girl will lure a guy until he's interested and/or she gets bored and she moves on to the next. But she will still attempt to keep every guy around in orbit.
So you see, modern men unlike any generation of men before it are faced with the reality of these continuous breaking relationships, deep and superficial with every women in their life safe for their mother and close family. Every man reacts differently to this. Some choose denial (cucks), others try to fight it (red pilled) some just don't care (alpha's) and some complety opt out. These opt outs are either MGTOW (swearing off women) or Traps (embracing womanhood).
There will be a huge backlash when the majority of the men wakes up and realizes every single girl and woman in his life has been cucking him.
David Wood
this is the reason this world needs to blow up
because these threads even mentioning a tranny will get guaranteed 300 posts
ive never seen it not happen
Liam Carter
You're probably just sad because a girl dumped you. I mean what you say is true, especially in the US. But not "every woman" is like this. Even the liberal ones can behave normally, it's pretty common in eastern europe, but whores will be whores, and there's always gonna be plenty
Zachary Gutierrez
checked and good post got some followup pills
Caleb Nguyen
Carter Anderson
no its like every person on earth is satanic sinners is what the truth is
ur meant to be cheated on in this life
it shows that you cant do it without god
i dont like men either or women or any people
Jonathan Ward
hey thanks user ive been jerking off to that in lower resolution
Carter Stewart
>sica avatar fagging in every other thread you're not doing any better user
Angel Jackson
Eternal reminder that traps are gay.
Landon Reyes
Hardly, every guy has been dumped and or cheated before, there's nothing special about it. I'm more annoyed at the fact that I have to meet a new woman every couple of months because the previous ones misbehaved rather than the misbehaving. It's a time sink and some of the magic is lost everytime.
And yes you are right (which I also said in my comment) not every woman is like that. There are lots of women who for whatever reason (some good some bad) have not been enabled like this and they remain good partners. The art of finding these women is the challenging part.
Also lots of men end up hamstering red flags and gut feeling moments to keep their egos in tact whenever the girl they are with misbehaves. So make sure you don't fall in the category of "not my woman". I'm simply being realistic. I found that most men remain oblivious despite their women's obvious indiscretions. Like I said, they keep plausible deniability with those Iphone soul-containers.
But yes, not every woman absolutely. But most.
Juan Gomez
Stop being such a depressing, cucked faggot, user
Luke Thomas
The truth is that this is the age of Satan. The Earth was given to Satan as an ultimate proof to show that the only way to good is through God, and no amount of free will can save you. This is reflected in the Kali Yuga as well.
Brody Ward
>661 close
Evan Long
666 digits always denies the posts credibility
666 = your post is a lie and false
Christopher Russell
spend much time on tumblr?
Jeremiah Collins
Good stuff, completely agree. And remember that things are even worse than they would be in prehistoric times. Since back then the men had to clearly compete with a set number of men (about 100). The struggle for who is the alpha is clear and the top 20 men would understand where they stand and the bottom 80 would be otherwise locked down. Nowadays you are pretty much competing with every man on earth because of the interconnection of phones, the web and transport.
This means that not only are men unclear as to who the alpha is, so are women. This is what you see when women suddenly change their mind after flaking on a guy. They thought they found a higher up alpha but it turned out they were wrong. By then it's to late. The marriage part of both of your posts just confirm everything.
This is the result of animalistic instincts paired with technological advancement. It's a complete cluster fuck and the result means that men can't focus their energies anymore.
Even alpha men nowadays generally opt to simple alpha pursuits like working out, the army, criminality, exploitation, sports. Then you have the rich who maintain top dog position by their wealth and power. There's no point in becoming a programmer or architect when you know there's no pussy to be had. And the pussy you do get will be gone just as fast.
And allot of red pilled guys think they can dodge this by being woke. But the reality is that there is no respite from this. Women are to enabled and have to much access.
Cameron Russell
Never met a porn star tier chick with a dick in normal life.
They're all escorts or porno stars if they know they pass bros
Gavin Torres
the reason we're not worried is because we'll see the problem solved within our lifetimes
Joshua Murphy
That was pretty much his attempt desu. I'm convinced that (((they))) however are fully aware of what's happening and allow it to degenerate further