Fusion power is literally our best last hope

Why has Trump abandoned all fusion power projects? Why must the MIT cope with powerpoint presentations and cheap lab experiments while Europe spends billions on huge experiments to unlock fusion?

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What is the point of wasting money on it when the inheritors of the world (nigs and sandnigs) won't be able to use it?

Yes fusion is humanity's last hope there is no other way to make energy other than fusion and we would all die without electricity in Africa

Im prety comfy with my petrol

Fred's notes.

It is our last hope but as long as (((they))) want to keep using oil, fusion power will not be a thing

Won't last forever

Remember, science is not a leftist endeavour.
They claim it is, but deny basic genetics and oppose nuclear.

Make nuclear/fusion a right wing goal.

Petrol can't get us to Mars and back

>What is the point of wasting money on it when the inheritors of America (nigs and sandnigs) won't be able to use it?

Fixed it. And the answer is, there is no point.

I'll be dead before it's gone.


Based Burger gets it.

Considering the amount of problems fusion would solve and how far it would advance technology, you're a fucking retard.

Truly, burger education at its finest.

The sandypoos would just make a bomb out of it

>The sandypoos would just make a bomb out of it
Can't make a bomb out of 1gram of half-water.

The only reason they haven't built a nuke yet is because they cant easily recieve refined nuclear material. Now they obtain the technology to build a pure fusion bomb, thats when everyone meets allah.

what a niggerish attitude to be had

Look at the dog lmao. He's like "shiet I'm hit". Can we have more animal rekt photos? They make me laugh.

What about the liquid fluoride thorium reactor?

How will sandnigger make a fusion bomb if they can't even make a nuclear bomb?

Most fusion bombs used a fission bomb to trigger the fusion reaction

Nuclear fusion actually makes for really shitty bombs. If we had the ability to make a pure fusion bomb, we would also have the ability to produce power with fusion.

Hydrogen bombs still get most of their energy from the uranium, the little amount of fusion that takes place due to how hot the explosion is just makes more of the uranium undergo fission.

He was being sarcastic

fusion is the worst thing we can have. all it will be used for is expanding third world reproduction at the expense of western reproduction.

without fusion we will hit the carrying capacity of the earth much sooner meaning less third worlders and proportionately more white people.

This would be true, if white families were having children.

Too busy getting cucked these days.

>He was being sarcastic
I doubt it. He was spot on with his statement.

how many jobs would fusion power kill??
>oil/gas indystry
>coal industry
>renewable energy solar/wind

but I guess unlimited cheap fusion energy would get us into space and that would be the next frontier for humanity and the economy

Because Trump is smarter than you.

running out of oil is a meme but we would still have to replace it at some point just because our energy needs would outgrow fossil fuels ability to satisfy them.

doesn't make sense for a politician to fund something that is still 30+ years away from being financially viable, if its even viable at all.

private funding would be easier

a fusion reactor can't blow up. if containment is lost, the reaction just stops.

What happens in 2050 when it runs out?

>>coal industry

killing the coal industry also kills the steel industry. Because steel REQUIRES coal to make it. Electric arc furnaces can recycle/remelt steel but you can't MAKE steel without coal.

When coal regulations hit and trade started shipping out to china, it killed the steel industry in the US too. We import most of our steel from china. Bridges, planes, ships, railroads, cars skyscrapers.

I have no doubt it was part of this entire plot to wreck america's economy when the coal mines were forced to close. Detroit's death was planned. Our crumbling infrastructure is based on steel which requires coal. The American middle class was too strong. Trump has inside info, that's for sure.

Fusion research would pay more dividends than, say, space exploration. It's that cash whales don't fund it.

On the other hand, the US was in the right track with Molten Salt Reactors but they chose to go with pants-on-head retarded solid fuel design for that sweet plutonium.

In the next couple of decades the world will just keep churning coal and oil while governments fuck people in the ass with a push for electric cars.

They make more

engineeranon here

Problems with fusion are that its incredibly complex, might not be possible and all the research equipment is huge and expensive.

Look at tri-alpha or general fusion instagram or the W7 experiments. These are not cheap items. And this sort of stuff works better the bigger it is.

THe other issue is that renewables offer an incredible combination of feel good smugness and virtue signaling as well as insane opportunities for graft.

Fusion would actually require real work with the possibility of failure.

This. We cannot travel to the stars on some crude oil. We need fusion to open the doors to some real energy-driven initiatives to reach our next step of potential as a species.

We just need to deregulate nuclear power. We have enough fissile material to power the entire planet for thousands of years. There is just so much red tape because "muh Chernobyl" and "muh Three Mile Island" that it isn't cheap or easy (read: profitable) to make a new nuclear power plant.

Fusion is a meme at this point,always 30 years away.Just like the drying up oil wells.
There is more in the background why fusion is a meme,than actual work.There is something fucked up on a very basic level and thats why it seems so hard.

Fusion can already be done.... The problem now is that it requires more energy than it produces..

"Engineeranon" pssh. You are full of shit.

Are you serious? Coal won't go anywhere, it won't evaporate because it's less needed.

Your steel industry collapsed because China subsidises it's own.

>I don't give a shit about my descendants.

Can you be anymore of a degenerate?

Read up on what confinenment is and the recent advances
also the idea of oil running out anytime soon is a joke, maybe in the KSA but in the USA we have far more then enough proven reserves

Livermore National Ignition Facility is getting close. :)

Its either that or killing 9/10 humans, and the latter is far easier to do.

>end of the food chain
>i like that place
Keep that spirit going bruh, america is offing itself on a pace it's not even funny.

Also simply having something even close to electric energy conduction without loss of energy would help even more than fusion power.

How will advancing material science help you achieve fusion that produces more energy than it takes and is not a bomb?
In my opinion they are trying to imitate what the sun does,but they dont really know what the sun does.
There is more than one way to achieve fusion.

They already know how to do it and as soon as the oil actually does try up (not for a LONG time) it'll be brought in. But don't expect it to be any cheaper.

that was what I intended to point out. Our coal industry was over-regulated plus bad trade deals shipped out our steel industry to china. Killing our steel towns and our coal towns and the auto industry here.
Coal isn't less needed, the need only goes up because the need for steel goes up. But the US has to import most of its steel from China.
Bringing life back into US' own coal industry revitalizes its steel industry.

>Why must the MIT cope with powerpoint presentations and cheap lab experiments while Europe spends billions on huge experiments to unlock fusion?

what do you have against powerpoint? i challenge you to find a better way to present a slideshow. go on, try me.

Is that supposed to be a joke?

>i challenge you to find a better way to present a slideshow.
Real life slideshows aka billion dollar experiments.


still need a way to present your theories and findings to the people that fund you and cannot be in the lab with you

Unlimited resources are bad goy! Working harder for your (((masters))) is the only true freedom!

This is what we should be perusing.


Same thing that happened when it ran out in 1990 and 2015. (pro tip: predictions were wrong and it didn't)

>Why must the MIT cope with powerpoint presentations and cheap lab experiments while Europe spends billions on huge experiments to unlock fusion?

Recently saw an interesting video from an MIT professor who claimed small fusion experiments are actually more useful.

His argument was basically that superconductors are improving so rapidly that any fusion reactor you build with today's superconductors will be outdated in just a few years.

Instead he proposed building a new reactor every 4/5 years.
But to do so it will have to be small and not too complex.

Don't know, but it makes some sense to me.


Back in the 70's we had these things called "slide projectors", which powerpoint is a shitty simulation of.

>there is no other way to make energy other than fusion
Furthest thing from being spot on. He could say "the mechanism involved is theoretically the most efficient source of energy known to man" and I might give him a point but it's far from the only source of energy.

describe how these projectors were better

yeah.... but we have coal

>What is the point of wasting money on it when the inheritors of Germanistan (nigs and sandnigs) won't be able to use it?

Fixed it. and yes there is no point
Besides if Germany would aqua ire this kind of technology it would certainly blow up half of Europe

keep digging the good stuff, bruh, rustbelt bromance party when??

>running out of oil is a meme

I really am furrowing my brow irl right now, you Georgian fuck.

How long does the liquid nitrogen last? can it be used to keep the temperature and have excess energy to output?
If not then its not much use really.

He's right you know

My uncle got involved in a 'backyard' fusion design
he showed me when he had something real going and being of engineering and technical background it seemed to me he was really on to something
then my uncle disappeared along with all of his work

I'm now tinfoil hat

Muh 700 Gorillion in Europe can pay for it this time, since they think they are so educated. Spend it on Fusion instead of importing niggers.

>why not wipe with your bare hands?
If hollow earth theory is true we may be in for much more coal, bruhs!

No he isn't.

Not even remotely.

Only the Eastern half.

There is enough oil available now than ever before. Before it runs out- new sources will arrise.

The same thing was said about coal in the XIX century and yet, it's still fucking here!

last hope for what you dirty rotten Jew rat

fuck off


Are you retarded,by chance?

It wouldn't kill oil and gas, unless you know a way I don't to make plastic and lubricants.

Dude's name is Zach Hartwig or Dennis Whyte. Both have tried for years to get funding for MIT fusion research... to no avail.

REBCOs are yielding higher magnetic fields. But Europeans aren't braindead. They know that very well. The problems with fusion aren't just increasing field strength to reduce size.

If we have a cheap source of energy like that right now, believe me, it will just be used to fuel more degeneracy. We are not ready for it.

Yes he is.

It's called peak oil and it's very much accepted throughout the oil industry: oil will never run out, but it will become more expensive, forcing people to look for alternatives.

then we should stop shooting rockets into space with crude oil until we achieve fusion. SHUT DOWN NASA NOW!

we had peak oil in the 80s under jimmy carter


I'm not saying large, complex experiments are useful too.

But if every reactor takes you 19 years to make progress will be very slow.
So why not, in addition to building a large reactor every 2 decades, build a small one every 2 years?

>best place to get fusion fuel is the moon
>we start mining the moon
>not long before there are 2 perma bases at the moon's poles, first there to mine the H3, but then the regalith for titanium and the poles for H20
>things explode in productivity from there, moon is now earth's primary launchpad for space travel
>by this time 3D printing tech is so advanced, we literally send out gigantic spider-like ships that eat asteroids and shit-out spaceships; completely modular printers that will print anything we want

Get ready nig nogs.

So long as Islam doesn't fuck this shit up for all of us, we're looking at an awesome future.

Why should the state finance it?

because liberals never do the work or pay for anything

Because you can cut more money from one big project that goes on for 20 years than from smaller projects.There is a reason why fusion is a meme at this point.Always 30 years away.

Every individual oil field peaks.
And every oil producing country peaks.
And the world's oil production as a whole peaks.

That's why it's a tell tested, sold theory.

The aliens that nuked Mars will have some saying in that too,you know.Sandniggers are not our primary concern in space.

yes it's a sold theory...and then they found more oil. I guess the netherlands never taught you about the "peak oil" crisis in the early 80s under jimmy carter. PEAK OIL EVERYWHERE. people waiting in lines for a gallon of gas

then they found more oil. Then oil to 100. Then crashed last year because they found ever more oil. you are being jew'd

It was only American conventional oil fields that peaked.

And they never found more oil.
They switched from conventional oil to tight oil.

US tight oil hasn't peaked yet, but it will too and then you'll have to switch to oil shale.

Ok so we just have to blow every coal we got into the atmosphere and then suddenly something else emerges, got it bruh!
Why don't we do this with whales?

Fusion isn't that great.
>Requires rare, expensive isotypes to work.
>Shitloads of capital and government investment
>Energy can't be efficiently harnessed and distributed.

It can potentially be marginally cheaper than coal... so fucking what.


so now it changed from peak oil to american peak oil. awesome.

So it'll blow itself up when we're gone and wipe them out.

take all the solar panels in the world+wind and now power every single electronic thing. Only .6% of the world would have power. If you want to see the 1% I'll show you the 1%

yEOR pushed this decades out further

>>Requires rare, expensive isotypes to work.
Like what? Water? Lithium?
>>Shitloads of capital and government investment
Remember how fission power ended up viable?
>>Energy can't be efficiently harnessed and distributed.
Sure it can. We just need to get well above Q1 = 1.

So solar panels will stay that efficient and when coal peaks they will become more efficient got it!
Why didn't we stop advancing the PC if it couldn't do math fast enough, bruh?

if all you need for fusion are water and litium then why don't you just get some and combine it in your backyard