He's on to you guys
He's on to you guys
Other urls found in this thread:
I sure hope no one figures out where to send fan mail otherwise i bet he'd get a lot of fun parcels.
>underground network
underground in this case i suspect means buried beneath a few metric tons of shit and grime.
Look at the pedo head on that fella
We dark web nao
>Implying going to Google and typing "Sup Forums," is underground
Looks like a pedophile and a faggot. Must be German...
Good, I hope he stays for long enough. He'll do it for research first, then for fun and "trolling the nazis", then.. Well, we all know what happens next, don't we?
that fucking face, it looks parody
This. That's a b-tard head of ever I've seen one
Two paragraphs in and he's already shown what a shitty journalist he is
No, posts aren't deleted, they get archived.
>(((hate speech)))
This meme needs to die
Use a fucking archive you shit
>only 12% hate speech
Sup Forums board of peace confirmed
He has that "I partake in prepping my wife's daughter's bull'" kind face
Remembered when the normies raided an archived thread when the RWSS stuff started?
>trying to understand how this place works
>runs a comparison with their naughty words database
So their method is shit from the start, I'll assume that result is nonsensical conjecture aswell
he fucking does
Found the actual paper they published.
guess I'm in the list a shitload of times then. fuck this nigger lover, idgaf about him. Also
>alt right meeting spot
kike cocksucker should gas and/or neck himself immediately
You can stick my """hate speech""" up your ass, friend.
>underground network Sup Forums
>largest english imageboard in the world
>millions of unique visitors every second
>database with hate words
hahaha sounds like a list of bad words his mom told him not to use
The underground fast food chain mcdonalds.
I bet the term white genocide is counted as hate speech by that kike
>studies fake news on Sup Forums
Is he shill or a dope?
Sup Forums is an asylum on the internet for the criminally insane. the worst thing they can think of to do to us would be to set us free of this prison. the closing of Sup Forums would be the best thing ever as it would start an arms race for imageboard decentralization, possibly bringing back usenet.
Actual excerpt from their paper
No but that sounds hilarious
what a bunch of pussies
>all of my keks and my wut
>nobody is really looking at these communities
we hipster now
>comes to Sup Forums not to look at cat pictures
Even fucking Sup Forums has caturday threads. These (((researchers))) are fucking shit.
Guy is a fucking idiot. You don't study truth and the global consciousness you have to let yourself be part of it to hope to start understanding. People like this guy are antihumanist cancer and will never learn. Never ever
I want to pinch those cute cheeks
It's like a composite of the most beta faces all cucked into one. How do these fucking specimens live with themselves?
>No qualitative analysis is done to determine if a story is true or not
>All non leftist stories are automatically false
Wow it really is a mystery why academics are so blind to the real world
what is this haircut called?
studying Sup Forums is probably the closest these cucks can get to real men without having a panic attack
This has got to be the faggyest article ive ever read.
>My colleagues and I have some best practices: we advise whoever is working with us not to spend too much time continuously on the website, and to take breaks. We have this inside joke to every once in a while go and look at cat pictures.
Has anyone ever studied Sup Forums and succeeded in portraying the site accurately?
At least for reporters it seems to be absolutely impossible.
t. been here since 2007
It begins, can we redpill them all?
too many noogies in high school
no doubt he is a pedo.
that fucking face.
(((Scientific Kike)))
a dullet
>only 12% hate speech
11.95% is spewed by shariablue fags
trying to make Sup Forums look bad.
he looks like the caricature of a cuck
>The God of memes
I'm pretty sure kek was an ancient Egyptian God of chaos and darkness
How do you fuck up this bad as an academic?
that's the Bangless Partmoar, very popular with online researchers
You have to have a certain mental capacity to be susceptible to red pill. They're leftist, mindless sheep, so the answer is - no.
it sounds like its pretty biased research from the get go
you're not an expert 4Chinner until you start having pleasurable responses to happenings
>tfw that chill goes down your spine when three happening threads about the same thing pop up
oy vey
I don't think it's possible to articulate what Sup Forums is properly with zero context, it's perpetual 24/7 chaos in every sense.
I presume he means "research"
oh yeah he has clearly visited here. not trying to push a label no siree
and I presume he's a faggot
Yesss I made the article!
>alt right
I wonder how much usage the term alt right has outside America as it's already a buzzword for anything anti liberal.
Literally me.
>tfw you will never get paid to research tent porn by looking at the most vanilla normalfag hentai for your children and wife
>Take breaks
>Go look at cat pictures
What a bunch of faggots
>hate speech
There's no such thing
>hate speech
Is not real. Any disagreement can be taken as disposition towards a certain "identity."
Get real, identity politics is a con. Same with "protected classes"
hate speech is double speak for real talk
I only take breaks to watch Hitler speeches on YouTube.
jesus how did people become such spineless wusses that words on the internet can affect them this much.
>tfw they took the gas the kikes race war now meme serious
>Scientific American
Well there's an oxymoron.
I like these kinds of videos.
>mad with reading about immigration on pol all day
>decide to look up what this hawkes process thing is
>go to wolfram for its highest standards
>bump into immigration again
fuck me
pol is always right
That would be a CYBERCRIME and he WILL catch you!!!!!1111
That's how the world reacts to LA car chases? What a bunch of pussies.
What if i send him a crate of fresh Sup Forums?
I still want the cnn made kkk pepe
Some retard is going to take this the least bit seriously. I wonder why they collected posts from 9/11, too.
Holy shit, this is fucking incredible.
These nu male types are so utterly baffled at how their precious narrative is no longer connecting that they've taken to intently studying an anonymous imageboard in some grand attempt to dismiss any disagreements as "hateful" and "bigoted."
Also notice the issues they have with the humor here. It's perfectly fine to shit on white people and say they should all die, but the moment they detect people making fun of Jews or Dindus suddenly it's a problem they need to kvetch about until the cows come home.
These people live and breathe the attitude of "It's okay when we do it!" and yet they still have trouble comprehending why they no longer have the same grip on the cultural narrative that they once had. Just how far must one shove their head up their ass to remain oblivious to what should be obvious with just a few minutes of analysis?
>trying to label pol
>betting on the fact that we care
Somebody needs to culturally enrich this cocksucker.
>Written casually as fuck
>Broad generalisations
>Doesn't even mention Sup Forums is probably the most diverse place on the internet
>Doesn't understand hate speech is used as casual language and just uses 12% without clarifying circumstances of use
>Not just a guy desperate for a job from home
>Pussy can't even read upsetting text without taking a break
>underground network
Nigga you can literally get to Sup Forums by googling it. Most boards here are devoted to porn and weeb stuff. Why is the media always so laughably bad at writing about us?
I'm gonna guess this fine gent has a few hard drives of child porn stashed somewhere
Holy Shit look at that kike