Stop India hate Sup Forums

I've seen so much hate about India on Sup Forums while we're really harmless hardworking People.

Why don't you ally with us to beat the inhuman chinks.


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You are really asking Sup Forums to not hate you? You must actually be shitting in your brain, not on the streets

you are more subhuman than chinks are...

So is there any more of her?

Sauce please???


Just this one, I'm sure must be out there many.
It's already there my friend.

literally in the OP post you retarded piece of shit

>inhuman chinks
They are Alot more human than you people right now.

Build working LFTR reactors and you might change our minds
Until then


>Why don't you ally with us to beat the inhuman chinks.

I agree. Europeans, Japs, Koreans, and Poos (higher caste) should form the great bell curve alliance and form the 4th Reich.


I like Indians alright, but I don't like their food that much. Its ok every once in a while, but I couldn't eat that every day.

Thanks pajeet. As soon as you guys stop infesting my country you'll be pretty cool


lmao. indians are the laziest group of people I've encoutered. Always trying to weasel their way in to doing less work, including stealing or "borrowing" work from more industrious people

>we're really harmless hardworking people
They don't see it that way though. They just care about the color of your son. I've been here long enough to know what.

gib priyanka

Because I've had 1,000 scam phone calls from you cunts claiming to work for Microsoft and telling me I have a virus on my computer. Has happened multiple times in the same day. At least come up with more novel scams.

you son of a bitch. this isnt pic related, this is fucking kiddie shit you sick bastard

is it really?
I was literally just about to put it into the url bar.

What is it really?

you sold contaminated pills to canada. you have nothing but doctors as far as higher education and you cant even design pills that are not toxic

your of no use to the rest of the world. your average iq is africa tier

nah he's trolling
it's just some german scat porn

The fact that you Indians attempt to invoke pathos in us to backstab another race is another of the reasons why you will always be a subhuman cockroach race of inferior filth, Pajeet. Honestly it's hard to look down on your kind more than we already do.

Oh yeah, go poo in the loo!


Indians CANNOT stop their obsession with shit

I don't know if he is a pakpak or a poo (same race after all) but i offer you this pic user

difference between chinks and poos

>Why don't you ally with us to beat the inhuman chinks.
Tell me. How much do Indians hate chinks?

You're a colossal faggot.

He had to hold his hand for some time because of the photoshoot so what you're seeing is skin where blood couldn't flow properly and on top the low melanin skin makes it look like something worse.

Ok Pajeet, we will ally with you, but in return im gonna need a thicc qt Lightskinned non street shitter to become my waifu

and just like that you see how easy it is for government agencies to downplay any info they dont want people to see

Thanks friend
You can have whatever you like, it's okay to not like any particular food.
Hmm. I'm sorry on behalf of all lazy Indians.
She's hot af ikr.
Cut that phone right off, I'm sure we will put some of those fags in jail.
Stop trolling please.
Don't fall for the IQ meme guys.
No bully please.He's our Visionary PM. Bretty tough guy.
Thanks friend

Back off my favourite colony, traitor.

Very fuckin much, they attacked us once, constantly trigger us for war, try to grab our land in Kashmir and Arunanchal Pradesh.
Also, they back Paki.
You can have any Indian qt you want only if you win her heart, marry her and have cute little white babies with her.

nan bread paratha is gud bread

Indians managed to outbreed Chinks by an extra 400 million.

You people are worth less than roaches.

Dont hate indians but the only 3 indian people ive met in all my life smell really weird. Like some sort of weird herbal spice smell that dosent go away.

Indians are based and bro-tier
they fight musloids and doesn't afraid of anything
imagine 1 billion angry hindus on our side in the race war

Good. Poo in their soup and feed them to dogs.

I need more of her

>browsing plebit
away with you, vile ledddxxditor

Does Sup Forums really hate Indians. Apart from poo on pavement what else do we hate? They don't snackbar or torture animals to death

Nan is awesome.
But we're good people.
It's cuz of spices in our food.
Thanks we love you too.
Yeah sure my friend.

One child policy will fuck over China in the long run. India's GDP/HDI/etc will increase naturally, China's will implode.

subhuman chinks are genetically cuckolds and followers not leaders, as soon as they believe China to be more dominant than the US immediately become cucks for China and work towards the total destruction of the USA

it also explains why there are lots of indian ceo's in America but barely any chink ceo's

also Chink's have no creativity they are soulless insects, Poo in loos have superior philosophy/history in science/religion/music

No, it's not.

Modi is pretty based. Also Indian girls with British accents make my heart melt.


Who is the boner condoner?


Superpooer by 2020



I'll post here once I get more. You can try your luck meanwhile as well.
Exactly, we're good people and want to adopt good western values.
I hope so. They're dumping cheap Chinese crap all over the planet.

meh, the remix is better



Is that a Indian pooing on a street in China???

Fucking kek. Love the total disregard for pulling up your pants while shit is still falling out your arse.





I like Indian food.


poo in the loo then we can talk

>american education


Worked with poo in loo programmer last week.

Generally competent and well spoken, very Americanized.

Still smelled bad.

...and I'm not joking.

> Europeans, Japs, Koreans, and Poos

lol nice joke
just because you burgers dont like chinks doesnt mean japs and koreans are gonna ally with poo monkeys to bring them down



fuking chinks lol

Why are we chinkposting in a poo thread?

Eh either way keep them coming.

Why does your food taste like if you wanted to be sure that you could erase disentheria for one gorillion elephants? Do you have cuisine? There are no hindu restaurants here. How the fuck would someone spend a second of his life trying to chew a piece of overspecied lamb when he could just pour sone olive oil in a just made bread,add a cozzy slice of ham,maybe a few sparkles of tomato after spreading a garlic tooth and oregano?
We have been living under the rule of moorish and eclesiastic represalia for 1000 years and we even manage to dont eat like a subhuman ape. Please. Tell me how and old as fuck imperium cuisine can be so degenerate.

Would deffo ally with you against the Red menace

Wtf is even happening in this pic? Is this just the chink version of niggers gonna nig?

>"Why don't you ally with us to beat the inhuman chinks."


indians are honorary niggers

A fucking leaf.
I bet you even add siroup

You're really thoughtful of us my friend.
I like it.
Yea that's true.
These are chinks guys, I hate them.
No please no buly.
Thanks, Indian food is delicious for spicy food lovers.

>(3.97 MB, 5312x2988)
why did you save that?

Found this
ty again


That's better than OG imo. Nice.


Documentary on slum life in India?

what in the fuck?

Just took it, genuine original content literal shitpost

I think it is mostly for meme purposes. India is pretty based really, fighting Muslims off for hundreds of years. Not to mention god tier food and great women.

Wanna be rich? Learn how to make a decent paella and sell it in your country. God tier ingredients for 12 persons can be easily bought for 50 euros and you can put the price on 200 if you are a smooth jew

that girl is so hot it hurts.

>while we're really harmless
>armed with nuclear missiles
>~195 million mudslime (14-15%)
>population won't even obey the government on such a common sense issue like not shitting in the street
>shit up the environment as bad as the chinks and gooks


How do I get a Desi gf?

Working on it, probably we all will poo in loo by 2019, it's our govts. goal.
It's the spices in food.
You should try Indian food in authentic Indian restaurant or Maybe in britain you'll like it.

Name one nation pol doesn't shit on that

poo test

superpower by 2020
they're coming for you boi
