Sup Forums BTFO

Sup Forums BTFO

is this true??

guilty as charged

but it just so happens that my bigotry would save a womans worthless life


She's right. I'm not overtly concerned about women's rights. I do not want aggressive low IQ fanatics in my country, hijab or no.

I'm translamic.

This is line of reasoning is just recycled from the argument that zionists make when anyone dare question Israel on its human rights violations. IE, "Why are you picking on me but not them."

It's really rhetorically lazy.

>if you are a non-muslim
Wow what a bigot, discriminating against non-muslims like that

Her opinion is worth less than a man's who cares.


she should just go ahead and say kuffar

can't i be a concerned bigot

>If you are using our religion to give post-feminism discourse than you are a bigot. Islam should be held to entirely different standards since women want to cover themselves up.

I think there is just such a goldmine of arguments that come with how Islam views women and how European women are the biggest enablers of patriarchal Islam. They are literally saying this because they know what a weakness this info is.

newflash: if you don't want all Muslims out of your country asap, you are doing your forefathers a disservice

i prefer less women making less over mudslime niggers ruining western civilization while libtards push equality yet completely ignore the religion that allows women to be stoned and beaten or not allowed to show their face in public.
the whole "oh its just part of their religion stop being a bigot" narrative is fucking asinine.

I throw my shoe at her

newsflash: if you're an American, and don't want muslims to gtfo, you're a retard.

She actually has a point.

How come alt-right virgins only care about womens and gay rights when arguing against "islamic" extremists?

Like uhmmm, hypocrisy much?

My concern about women's rights is not limited to Islam. But considering white countries are the most progressive in term's of women's "rights", but since Muslims believe it's okay to rape a women for showing her ankles then throw acid on her face I am not focusing my criticism on White Christians.

Are there any non-Muslims who think it is okay to murder a woman specifically because she had sex?
Are there any non-Muslims who think it is normal to douse a girl in gasoline and threaten to immolate her?
Are there any non-Muslims who conspire to defy United States code in order to regularly carry out medically unjustified surgeries removing a girl's genitalia?

Same reason feminists support Islam while it's completely against every single value they claim to hold. We're both just using whatever argument we can to attain our goals. To defend Western civilization or to destroy it.

When a feminist talked about "white supremacist, racist, cissexist patriarchy" , what exactly do you think they mean?

the extremist minority represents ALL muslims, yeah sure

women only got the vote in western countries in the past 100years but we are so pro womens rights guys!!

>"How dare non-muslims have an opinion!"

Yeah I'm a bigot. Genocide all shitskins when?

If your a feminist and your concerns for women's rights don't involve Islam, than you're not concerned; you're a useful idiot.

Also, this is a common defense of Muslims. They try to conflate criticisms of Islam as generalized bigotry. Plus, Islam is much, much harder on women than western society.

I'm obviously a bigot kek, I've never denied it.

wow, this post makes me want to flood my country with muslims

And hypocritical, given that's exactly what liberals do to Christians

99% of people around today weren't even born yet when women were given the vote
They grew up in a world where women had the vote and basically the same rights as everyone else.

I care about women's rights though. That's why I want to get rid of their right to vote, their right to be a feminist, their right to be left, etc.
Women are supposed to be homemakers.
Any right that violates this purpose needs to be revoked from women.
But I wouldn't kill a woman.

Women have more rights than men in first world countries though.

In order to stop the spread of left wing sexism I'm more concerned with men's rights in the first world...suicide rates...divorce rape of men..the education gap...opportunity gap because of inequality oppressive hiring quota etc.

However Islam wants to regress us to their third world status back to a time when women had less rights than men so they are a concern as well.

If you're not actually a pro-woman only sexist that only argues from how you feel in the last five seconds it's the only rational position.

>How come alt-right virgins only care about womens and gay rights when arguing against "islamic" extremists?

Because women's rights are an actual issue in Islamic nations. Women are already more than equal in first world nations.

>Omg you alt-right virgins, you pretend to care about women being honor killed in Sudan but you don't care about women being underrepresented in computer engineering in America? Hypocrites!

wtf i dont even care about my social cohesion and safety anymore after reading this post

sadly underrated

desu I'd rather be a bigot than have acid thrown in my sisters face.

i sort by new sometimes to land some nice zingers and im not saying this is even a middling zinger but it's still a zinger and negroids here pass the second post over every time. glad you liked it bro. always support the second post because it's a zinger but it also had some thought behind it and was delayed. and i don't mean the yous just make sure you treat yourself to it dont even reply it makes me feel good that someone didnt even reply

It's not hard to Btfo pol

pointing out the inconsistencies in your retarded and self-destructive ideology is the point, not defending women

But I also believe non-muslim women shouldn't be stoned by non-muslim people.

Are there other cultures that condone honor killings?

Damn she's right ima reevaluate my life and stop tweeting. Time to start throwing bombs in mosques. Thanks op really changed my perspective.

>Muslim women are oppressed
>Non Muslim women are roasties
really make you think.

>Homophobia and Misogyny are ok when done by a group of brown people because muh intersectionality.

not an argument!

You complain about manspreading. They complain about getting stoned to death because they were raped.

You stupid, regressive cunt. No real liberal would support islam.

name the time period in the west when a sizable portion of the population deemed it ok to honor kill you daughter because she didn't want to marry her assigned husband