Why the West Needs More Immigrants

I am Canadian. My ancestry is from India and to me that is fine. I talk with an Indian accent, have tanned skin, have dark hair, but guess what I'm Canadian. The three steps to being Canadian are "Step 1: lose the gun" then there's "Step 2: Buy a canoe" and "Step 3: Live multiculturally"

Immigrants work harder making them good for the economy they also bring new cultural ideas and fuel economic growth. Immigrants should be encouraged to come to Canada.


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The only reason you fuckers are allowed in here is because you lean liberal in the elections, getting them more votes. White genocide in action.


I can't wait to leave and move to Eastern Europe

>immigrants work harder
No, immigrants increase the labor pool and lower wages.

Economic growth occurs because companies take advantage of the surge in cheap labor, generating more profits at the expense of the people.

You should fuck off leaf.


As hard of a pill as it is to swallow, Canada is not multicultural. We are a white nation descended from the British Empire.

>poo in loo
you guys are brought here to fill up quotas pajeet.


The world needs positive eugenics, not immigration. The developing world needs to import super sperm, so they can hybridize themselves with it, and produce offspring with bigger brains. These brains will solve problems like hunger, and favor peaceful coexistence over violence.

>Immigrants work harder
weird way to spell cheaper

With 7.8 million deaths per year and a low 1.7 child per women birth rate. We would need over 2 million immigrants to break even. We're only getting around 300,000.

Do the math. Have more kids, more immigrants or become an even more desolate wasteland.

Pic related, Canadian girl.

I used to like my country. I don't anymore.


Your experiment with independence isn't working out.

Did you at least have 3 kids? Otherwise you're a waste of skin and the cause of white genocide.

I prefer the almost all white beer commercial version.

>this country needs more poo

but why?

i wish this was bait

>oh no we're combating overpopulation how awful

Meanwhile the shitskins are multiplying like cockroaches.

The only difference is cockroaches are much cleaners than Poos

You are definitely NOT Canadian, disregard what they told you.

You are an East Indian, and you should be proud of that. It's your ancestry, it's your race, it's WHO YOU ARE.

You are doing your own people a disservice by identifying as something else.

>I am Canadian. My ancestry is from India
Stopped reading. Get fucked, poo.

To be fair Indians have nothing to be proud of

I mean just look at them

True but you have to admit they have a much better immune system than anyone in Canada or the US. An American would spontaneously combust just by looking at that picture for too long.

I could pick out some unpleasant photos of Canada/Canadians that do not represent the majority of white Canadians as well.

Their country/society/culture has existed long before ours, and deserves respect. We are at the beginning of our journey, and we are already screwing it up.

pajeet here
everyone likes me here and i like everyone here, ur dumb

Agreed..send all the immigrants to Canada, keep the the fuck out of USA

Kek has spoken.

Kek is on a roll.

Still, the USA without immigration will still have problems. Birth rate is only 1.8.

>new cultural ideas
Like lack of toilets?
>lose the gun
fuck you guns rock

That's some cringey damage control. Having a better immune system from living in filth is nothing to be proud of.

Nope you are not canadian you are pajeet poo in the loo like it or not, sorry manjula.

You do realize that you're likely there because of an immigrant.

600 million Canadians don't defecate in the open

The reason Indian children are so stunted is because of poisoning by fecal matter in their childhood

It's sad shit

Lets have an immigrant thread to trigger Sup Forums. I'm an immigrant as well OP, I'm from Lebanon

Fells nice having an actual culture, something that white americans don't have and can't have. Pajeets are cool by me and they piss off white cucks here on Sup Forums

>work harder
>better for the economy
Even assuming that's true (it's not), what good do you do us by taking our jobs?

Nope gtfo my country, my ancestors didn't kill thousands of Indians just so shitskins could escape their hellhole.

*a white immigrant

not a poo

They lower wages and increase housing prices

I wish I lived in the US so I could shoot anywhere I want and not have to abide by this stupid fucking firearms classification/licensing bullshit. Being a gun owner in Ontario is the fucking worst, I had to leave my guns at my dad's place when I moved out because my new landlord's wife doesn't like guns.

Can't even shoot my pistol unless I join a gun club that ALLOWS pistols. I hate this place and its anti-fun culture so fucking much

KYS leaf, this is a US board.

>This is a US board
>Can't enforce it

Lel, it's just like the middle East.

>bait thread

> "Step 1: lose the gun"
Canada ranks 12th in the worldly estimate for guns per capita.
The world average is 10.2 per 100 people, Canada is at 30.8 per 100.
We're also next to number 1 in guns per capita, the US, which is at 112.6 per 100.

I wish this "Canada doesn't like guns" meme would die.

>Step 1: lose the gun
Fuck off fag, this country is chucked full of guns, you city fucks only see one went the Somalian or violent Haitians chimp out

>Only shitskins need to drop the gun
>You dicks watched one too many gantsta rap video and shoot the fuck out of the neighborhood
>You ruined Surrey, Delta, Abbotsford and white people are leaving
>Forced white people to apologize for the Komagata Maru incident when everyone was a dick 100 years ago
>Imported radical sikhs who blew up an airliner

TFW Canadians used to be one the world's most respected infantry soldiers.

Now they actually think that "If youkill them, they win"

Is funny how people from some countries like Turkey, China, India I ahve seen make fun of Latin American independence wars
>lol a battle with only 500 KIA
>pfff a war with less than 10.000 enemy soldiers

And now they flod every country they can, they still want to live on other peoples land and money. And us (most of us) do never mass emigrate to the lands of our previous lords.

You're fine if you only breed with your own kind.

The training is still tough. The guys who make it through are still decent soldiers.

t. Infantry washout


Doesn't help for much if your commander in chief is.....this

>1 post by this ID

Well yeah, wasn't defending that. The upper management may be completely fucked, but the guys themselves are good.


Fuck off.




moar debt to feed the illusion of gdp growth

>2 million.
Sir, are you retarded?


>called for more immigration
You're so fucking executed when capitol punishment comes back

>I am Canadian.
>but guess what I'm Canadian.

You're not Canadian. Your people are alien to Canada. Diversity is not strength. Multiculturalism is destruction.

And that's a problem too. What will happen when da boyz refuse to enforce the incoming authoritarian laws?

Because that's now just a matter of time, take it from a nigga from one of the first real "multicultural paradises" we had brown, white, redskin, and asian people down here before lamost evryone, we had Turks coming as early as the 1870s

With no strong state and proud fearsome natives, miltuculturalism fails.

If our politicians and army weren't some blood thirsty, stone cold muffuggas back in the 1880s, guys in pic related would had us genocided.

delete this

>I am Canadian

Yeah it's all well and good until they try and blow you up and run you over three times in the space of a few months

Sikhs are ok. We will militarize them and create our anti-sharia shock troops

Get out, smelly nigger. Young Indians, Pakis, and Arabs are astonishingly lazy and entitled. And you fucking smell bad.

How about you fuck off back to India before we load you back onto the Komagata Maru? Being multicultural doesn't make you Canadian, it makes you an insufferable faggot and a cancer on our great nation.

Where do you get your statistics? A cursory look at statscan shows in 2009 there were only ~240,000 deaths. We easily breed that in our population. In 2013, 380,000 babies were born. And this is with a measly 1.4 birth rate. If Canadians actually decided to have babies, we would be able to sustainably grow without destroying our culture. Too bad the government has no problem importing votes. Absolutely disgusting and the result of the Liberals running this country for the larger part of the last 100 years.

>white people enslaved by the jews stop having kids

Pure coincidence

More than half the population of Canada is over 50

There is more people 65 and over, than 15 and younger in Canada.

Immigrants hate this place. Only the retarded ones stick around and not go to America.

Canada will literally be dead by 2100

GTA fag here. Many Indians smell like spice or body odor. Not uncommon to have to leave elevators or meeting rooms at work in downtown Toronto office towers (banking sector) due to odors.

Once enough Indians move into an area, everyone else moves out. Houses smell, streets smell. Kids are leaving the public high school near my house for the Catholic high school due to the smell.

>turn in your guns
>sell your car
>accept your own replacement

fuck off globalist whore

Is there any hope for creating a new province that only allows white english speakers?

As someone that lives in Brownzil I can guarantee you that OP is full of shit. Race mixing only creates low IQ, Degeneracy and no national pride at all. Perfect combo to be ruled over by the Jewish overlords.

The eternal leaf strikes again


you might be de jure Canadian, but I will never consider you canadian.

wait... if white people voted liberal, would mass immigration stop?...

I don't think so, not enough babies, you would think well why don't we automate all our jobs and live in a utopia. but no we need to constantly be growing the population even if automation because jews need ever increasing people to take on debt.

what does 300000 a year mean? citizenship? permanent residency? what about long term multiple entry visas for 10 years?

If you were born and raised in Canada why would you have an Indian accent ?

You aren't Canadian. You aren't bro tier. You smell like shit and nobody likes you.

Yeah actually it would . The Liberal party uses immigration to pad thier constituency

also a good one (from Bill Nye)

>Westerners have a larger carbon foot print than 3rd worlders, we should stop having kids!
>But lets keep importing people to the west!

Is population decrease even a bad thing?

He's just a kike trying rouse up Sup Forums.
Though I agree, immigration isn't a bad thing when the individual can offer something better to the country than the native countrymen itself.

Also, sage because I hate Jews like these.

Dude, get out of Canada and take your disgusting sick/sikh culture with you. You're not Canadian. You're a poo and you belong with other poo kinds back in India pakistan.

I bet you're a little kid trying to see what'll happen when you say this thing.
Multiculturalism is a lie. Once the cultures are together they become a singular culture.

Welcome, friend! Long live the Queen, eh? I see you've completed your government mandated propaganda dissemination; congratulation! You don't seem like the type, but just remember wrong think is illegal in the great white north.

Did you file you taxes yet this year? Good! We wouldn't want to have to send you back, now would we... Ah, I'm just kidding! You want some more welfare? We're going to take out another trillion dollar loan to help immigrants "integrate."

Anyhow, I gotta go do an enema. Le Weedman is coming over later and our bulls are going to stretch are asshole's tonight... Would hate to make a mess on my wife's new bedsheets. Her son always yell at me if I do.

These autistic burgers getting triggered to aspie level after seeing someone in their country that they don't commend is the most hilarious.
They don't know how to communicate properly being the autists that they are, they cant develop a skill, and most of all, they fail in every interview because of silly/dumb reasons.
No wonder niggers are taking over their jobs.

Worse, they want to replace the culture in the West. There is no blending of cultures. These people always vote left and they want bring in more of their kind. They'll turn Canada into a third-world. Sikhs and hindu culture, just like the muslim culture, is degenerate.

>implying welfare is being spent on hard working Indians that don't mind working 2 jobs to send money to their families
You're pretty dumb, my fellow Canadian larpie. May Trudeau and his faggota keep you dumb, I hope.

>new cultural ideas
We get it, you shit in the street. Go back.

>working two jobs?!?
Wonderful, friend. We need as many wage sla... productive citizens as possible to afford more welfare for those poor refugees.

>not a single rebuttal about welfare
>backtracked from his initial argument
>100% kike detected
Bitch, your kind has been obvious to us that we can recognize you shilling from a far away galaxy.

Dude, why do so many of you Indians move to the West? You have your own cultures, cuisines, religions, etc... So wouldn't you rather live among your own kind?

Their own kind is already in the west.. They salivate at the thought at destroying another country, they arrive en masse and do nothing to adapt to the local culture. Imagine how hated Americans/Canadians would be if they moved to another country and took over whole communities, refused to learn the language, openly disregarded the culture, and did everything to undermine the local customs? Ya.... and people think its just aspies sperging

Speak coherent thoughts before you try to shitpost pajeet. For fucks sakes

The essence of western civilization isn't that it's white, but that likeminded people bind together to create profoundly productive societies. Lest we forget that India shared a common language with Europe 7,000 years ago, after all! The essence here is a common interest and aspiration to shared goals and commitment to the same convictions, such as fighting off the fuckers that rape children and stone women.

Do whites have anything to contribute to India? What if a white man wanted to immigrate to India but refuse to adopt any of the local customs? What good can they offer if they aren't even willing to recognize they live in a white country

No you're an Indian in Canada you're not Canadian sorry to burst your bubble poo in loo.