Did he do it?


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>believing what women say
what do you think?

did a nigger rape?


Schrodinger's Rape

>Sup Forums says all niggers rape
>Sup Forums says you can't believe women, they always spout false rape allegations

really makes my neurons fire on all cylinders.

Yes. But who cares

wait for the trial and evidence presented from both sides like a normal person instead of a lynchmob nigger wanting to call guilt because racism

Yes but he'll get off

this honestly

Fuck guys. What do we do?

He did it.

aren't all the allegations from decades ago? how does that work with the statute of limitations?

must be guilty if the argument is that the pills were simply benadryl instead of qualudes

>white women say black man raped them
>SJWS declare black men guilty until proven innocent

SJWs confirmed for lynch mob kkk of 2017

You know what he did with his puddin pop


Its feminaziism.

Of course he did.

But these often decades-old cases are impossible to prove legally, so he walks.

He liked to party with woman, and cheated on his wife a ton of times.

the woman he was with he would send money so they wouldn't go blabbing everywhere.

his money went low, and a bunch followed a script provided by attorneys trying to milk him dry.

He is a nigger who put his dick in crazy more then once.

Billy C is fucked, but he can play the race card

arrest them both

depending on the state but most states have a statute for rape, in Cali it's 10 years.


looks like whitey claims another innocent victim

We're going to annex you

That's not how it works Nico

Trial just eneded. We're waiting on the jury's verdict.


honestly he probably date raped some drunk chicks but they probably put themselves in that position and didn't really care too much because they wanted to network. now all these women are old bags out of the business so it doesn't matter anymore and are looking for some cash and unionized for sue money.


Everyone in that era was using what you'd call date rape drugs now, it was the 70s

Every entertainer does this shit, they just pick and choose who to persecute based on whether they're willing to repeat (((the party line)))

They took Bill Cosby out of the game in the most humiliating and defamatory way possible. The Doctor was destroyed and publicly shamed so that the only universally respected voice in the black community today would be out of action during the BLM race riots.

They could have Dr. Cosby interfere with their race baiting... So they dragged out a bunch blown out old whores that used to do drugs and have casual sex with him and convinced them to accuse him of rape under the modern definition.

I'm white and hate cotton men, but this conspiracy is as obvious and ham fisted as the Assange "rape" fiasco.

If the glove don't fit, you must acquit.

RARE (not Moldova)

>Did he do it?
Did a nigger rape? Gee that's a tough one.

That's really poor camouflage work.

We're not hiding because we have no fear

looks like a swiftly spray painted dick patterned camo. I didn't want to say anything cause it would be rude but at the same time I don't want you to get the idea that it looks good.

Cosby ain't no nigger and I believe that's why they're going after him. Guy was always critical of modern nigger culture that emulated rappers and gang members (distilled into basically telling them to pull their pants up) and every so often you'd get some pearl clutching by liberals about how out of touch he was and some dindus going "AYOO SHU'UP OLD NIGGA". I actually remember they tried the rape accusations (from Gawker maybe?) years before and it didn't cause a blip. Then feminism started getting really mainstream and trendy and that's when Hannibal Burress did that set where he went on about it and then it blew up.

Now you have (((certain people))) that push gang culture on blacks (it was Jews, after all, who helped to popularize and manage NWA and thus create gangsta rap in the first place) to make them hopeless and dependent on gibs and thus good little Democrat voters since the Dems are overall more receptive to the globalist financier class initiatives. Cosby worked with fucking MLK and it always shamed him to see the way the younger generations of his race had devolved; absolutely sickened him. Someone like that, who advocates for blacks improving themselves, is someone who can't be kept around so out comes the character assassination.

I'm personally of the belief that in some of these cases nothing at all ever happened and some of them had little to no interaction with Cosby but that in most of them it was them being groupie whores doing what groupie whores do: getting (intentionally) fucked up on drugs while they fuck someone famous.


>Everyone in that era was using what you'd call date rape drugs now, it was the 70s

this. he was just partying with chicks and drugs part of it, and all these chicks wanted something

they did ludes like wolf of wall street

Even if 3/4 of them are flat out lying, that still leaves like 9.4 rapes.

Is Cosby a Saber fanboy or does he prefer Rin or, dare I say, Illya?

No. He gave them party drugs and they had consensual sex. These women probably did that with 100 other guys in their lives because they're slam pig gutter whores and that's what slam pig gutter whores do.

They saw the opportunity for easy fame/money and ruined a man's life for it. Typical female behavior. Cosby was an outlier based nigger. If any of you side with the women on this you are fucking super-cucks.

Criminally underrated

To be fair, it probably works really well in some of the dark wet forests over there.

If you sell your soul to the devil, he always comes to collect.

How dare you, you're next right after Andorra

do they even have proof or is this like when like a dozen women accused trump of rape and then nothing came of it

110% Rin


I think he's fucking innocent.

The lawyers found a bunch of women to repeat the same basic story in public, then used the "all these women are saying the same thing it has to be true!" argument. Why? Because he has money, and became a greenlit target of the leftist/jewish media establishment/lawyers when he became a conservative critic of nigger culture, which is a primary tool of the jewish media to destroy black america while blaming whites for it, and also destroy the rest of imitating america.

Bill Cosby threatened their most powerful pop culture weapon, and that's why they orchestrated this entire extortion racket -- to silence him and intimidate any others who think similarly.

i need a better look at these whores to agree with you, your post seems to be sound

but what "game" did they pull him from?
what was the reason

now Sex&Drugs&RockNRoll = Rape

Trump settled out of court and paid off all of them.