Be Neitzche

>Be Neitzche
>Realize that Nihilism is going to be the bane of human existence
>Write yourself into a nervous into a nervous breakdown in an attempt to prove to people that there is meaning beyond the collapse of religion
>100 years later, faggot teens use your philosophy to promote your worthless, hedonistic lifestyle

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those who continually say nietzsche was a failure because he had no offspring, went insane, because his philosophy was misused fail to grasp, he achieved his aims. he lived well beyond his time/body limits and inspired many of the greatest artists and theorists of the 20th century. If today the teens love him, what's the harm?

His creative intellect walked hand-in-hand with his eccentricities and eventual brokenness.

Amen. He's the official Philosopher of the Goyim

I mean, Woody Allen is a child molester, but I still liked Midnight in Paris.

Hedonistic? You obviously don't know what you're talking about

He is a failure because his ideas are a failure. A world without Jesus is not one worth living in.

Decent redpill link

> Midnight in Paris.
are you fucking DENSE???


killlyouself if you liked that shit movie
guy is literally gettin cucked

We are living in totally degenerate times, and it is to be expected that the most degenerate aspects of any and all philosophers will latched onto by most readers. Nietzsche is a grab-bag of insights, some brilliant, some moronic, but did not compose an integrated philosophical system. Considering how his writings have been heavily utilized by philosophers of radically opposed positions, and considering that he lost his mind, this seems to me a reasonable conclusion.

Nietzsche, while certainly a critic of dogma, didn't celebrate the death of God, he mourned it. It's why he spent his life's work trying to remedy a potential Western crisis: Nihilism and decadence in the absence of truth to power. The condition of degeneracy we see in the West now is pretty much what he predicted, though he likely had a different idea of what true decadence was.

Most of the teenagers who use Nietzsche to justify hedonism shit haven't even read him and just know he "destroyed Christians xD".

>Woody Allen is a child molester
I want a source on this because Allen is an atheist Freudfag and even though his movies aren't bad I love Freudfags fucking up with their deviancy.

Kek is dead.



Ah so that's why he married his daughter?

Most important modern philosopher - he understood the specter of nihilism. That it would dismantle Western civilization. What he misunderstood, however, is man's ability to create meaning. He thought some 'Ubermensch' would appear - aristocratic, strong, master morality-driven - and create meaningful values. But he was wrong, because the only meaningful values are those grounded in the realm beyond us - the realm of Being. People suffer from a lack of values today, because people understand that all values are meaningless. That's why they so easily can claim themselves as 'gender fluid' - like nothing ever mattered.

Heidegger is a continuation of Nietzsche, and tried to find the cure to nihilism via Da-Sein. That didn't work out too well either and he ultimately concluded that "Only a god can save us." That's that.

Contemporary liberal fags don't understand Nietzsche and the crisis of the West and nihilism. They are nihilism and all their behaviors and manifestations are nihilism.

This, too. Nietzsche's tone regarding the death of God is sombre. It's Marx who celebrated the death of God.

The man who invented the blackpill

>jesus isn't alive
kys christcuck

Do ypu think TV killed the possibility of an Ubermensch?

Your life probably sucks

Genealogy of Morals is required Sup Forums reading imo

>worthless, hedonistic
he died alone saving a horse

Didn't he cuck himself before his wife ran off with the bull, before he kysed himself?

Bourgeoisie against the proletariat, oppressor and oppressed, God vs man; typical “us versus them” mentality so filled all throughout Marxist thinking. Nietzsche while a critic of the noble also criticized the commoner equally. The few things that Marx and Nietzsche could probably agree on is the “procession” of property and the fact that hierarchal institutions came from society itself. While Marx though proletariat equals good and bourgeoisie equals bad; Nietzsche believed that we should go beyond the morality of good and evil, master and slave, left and right because it is inherently restrictive. Nietzsche and Marx both the exploitation of wealth by the few but Nietzsche also had a love for Roman and Greek hierarchies (Marx wanted no hierarchies) and wished that humans would destroy wealth inequality only to the extent that it would not prevent ascending to something greater. Going beyond ubermensch and untermensch and realizing an evil noble can contribute to the perseveration of humanity just as much as good commoner can. The liberal, like a cartoon version of the leftists, makes a mockery out of the worker’s causes, turning them into cheap emotionally charged identity based politics like “tolerance” and “diversity.” Diversity is our strength they say, not realizing it is adversity and unity as workers that brings us together for the common cause. The ironic thing is that through identity politics they divide and conquer themselves. In reality their nihilistic outraged is used against them to destroy the egalitarian society around them. They want to destroy successful, hierarchal society when it doesn’t work for them. Multiculturalism has made multiple truths that all conflict with each other, leading to no coherent absolute truth to power. Multiple truths that all compete and conflict with each other for supremacy; the society of post-truth and fake news. A society where rhetoric and emotions control the narrative.

Perhaps. Right now, the Ubermensch is not a possibility, because we live in the age of equality. The Ubermensch is aristocratic. He creates values. Liberals - include college teeny-boppers - believe that the creation of values is for everyone; that the creation of values is a duty incumbent upon all. It's not. Such a believe implies democracy and equality, that all people should have an opportunity. No. Nietzsche never meant for that. Until we overcome this age, there is no possibility of an Ubermensch. Today, the great are leveled - they are brought down to the level of the vagabond. His ideas are just one among a sea of opinions, and in a democratic land, people are suspicious of those who asset that manly independence of thought, which America was never known for.

Even when that stuff was rotting his body (brain included) he was deeply sensitive and trying to be moral.

I really have no source on it, I do know he had some problems with his Ex-wife being a vindictive cunt too him after the divorce and some allegations where made. I think it's on his wikipedia page.

See Nietzsche is the complete opposite of Marx. Marxism is perhaps the greatest manifestation of slave morality to ever have been formulated.

Marxism is essentially a post Industrial Revolution bastardization of Epicureanism.

Nihilism is empty headed bullshit from a mentally ill beta. Fucking next question.

It's shitty btw... I meant that in a shitty context.

If people remember you hundreds of years into the future, but they remember you as a communist, drumph hating fuck, did you succeed in life?

what did Nietzsche say about Islam?

Normie detected.

How about you actually read his books. He wrote how to overcome nihilism, not to succumb to it.

I've never thought of it as that. In many ways, though, I do think Marx was right.

E.g., Capitalism breaks down borders in its promotion of free trade. It breaks down culture, too. The Frankfurt School was quite engaged in capitalism's effect on culture. It's promotion of consumerism. It's relentless pursuit of money, regardless of the consequences (e.g., of mass immigration.) Uncle Ted gave a simple yet compelling criticism of the conservative's fondness of capitalism. The preservation of tradition while maintaining a capitalists society is not feasible.

Well considering teens like him for the opposite of the things he actually thought and said there's pretty big harm. Nietzche did NOT advocate people being drug shooting cock sucking degenerates with their lives and he would have hated all those little faggots. Beyond this, people only care about Nietzche because muh "God is Dead" and this is also harmful because they fail to grasp the entire purpose of his contention with religion.

He foresaw Christianity waning and encouraged the establishment of values to replace it. This never happened, which led us to the degenerate nihilistic shitpile we are currently existing that he warned against.
Come off it, fag.

In some regard you are absolutely right but the fact that Nietzsche is used by the left and the right is a testament to how he saw the greater picture and how Marx saw it merely on an economic basis. Marx wanted rule of the many over the few while Nietzsche wanted a few to rise up from the many and rule.

He said you're a shitskin
>Intrinsically there should be no more choice between Islam and Christianity than there is between an Arab and a Jew. The decision is already reached; nobody remains at liberty to choose here. Either a man is a Chandala or he is not. . . .

I am not too sure how the Left uses Nietzsche. He was anti-democratic, anti-socialist, anti-feminist, misogynistic, and aristocratic. The Left just gets off to Nietzsche because 'hurr durrr Gawd is Dead ahahah Christfags'

Anytime you adopt their rhetorical points, you're going to agree with at least some of their conclusions. I have avoided generally everyone who uses the word capitalism for this reason. They are like an intellectual cancer, perhaps more so the faggots who double down on why capitalism and the destruction of traditional culture is so great. They would ideally go right after the coal burners on the day of the rope.

In terms of practical application however, I'm not sure how to meme anything other than a "mixed" economy at this point. The free market has it's obvious good points. When combined with ecological and cultural preservation, you would come to a very socially beneficial balance. This is an entry level tier conclusion, I only state it because it seems like if nationalist political elements fail here, we will never achieve anything of the sort, I believe.

bruh I hate to break it too yah but god is dead.

He always pointed out that his philosophy was for the few and not the many and knew his thoughts would be misused. This is inevitable. There is much more to Nietzsche than mere contention about the Christian god and nihilism. He has a whole aesthetic philosophy about metaphor, he analyzed in painstaking detail the various emerging philosophies of his time and situated his dionysian approach in the history of philosophy--whatever comes after only matters in that it situates *him* in the history of philosophy properly--teens fucking around with his thoughts no more poisons his genius than a bunch of losers jerking off using the internet discredits the invention of computers. Many of Nietzsche's separate works contradict one another and could stand alone.

One has to take into account when Marx wrote his manifesto, the exploitation of the industrial revolution was at its height. There were sixteen-hour workdays, children in factories, and mass poverty not seen today in first world countries.

The problem is our runaway-train deregulated brand of widespread industrialized capitalism (i.e., capitalism itself is an industry). There's the outward promise of all the rewards of a market economy, but as the rise of populism shows you, large segments of the population feel disenfranchised because they ARE disenfranchised.
In the US, Congress is an eternal target, but seriously just look at how many members are puppets to lobbyists, big banks and hedge funds and shit. Money has absolutely corrupted politics. Hell, even some of the heroes the right worships believed fervently in overturning a capitalist system that promotes consumerist materialism, the alienation of the individual and the rule of capricious international finance at the cost of national sovereignty. There are large differences between Marxism-Leninism and Strässer, Mosley, and co. But what makes them the same is that the idea of untrammeled, deregulated capitalism while also claiming to support the sovereignty of nations and cultures is a contradiction.
What humanity needs is a happy, unified nation state that relies on family values, and is a place where each individual can support himself without paying mortgage/rent to a higher class. A nation-state where the individual workers have true ownership of personal property and the means of production.
They're almost invariably sanctimonious leftists for whom maintaining membership in the uber-progressive club is of utmost importance.
The refusal to confront human behavior a la tribalism and instead choose to lambaste the low hanging fruit of dogma is trademark among leftists

who gives a fuck you cannot even write his name correctly.
Americans promote this degeneracy, you subhuman, I will move to Lithuania with 450k in savings with my beautiful blonde wife and laugh at the western fall.

The only valuable thing Nietzsche brought to the history of philosophy is to make an argument that maximizing what one values should be the highest ends in ones life, as opposed to other ideas such as the pursuit of truth for the sake of truth, or for your fellow man, etc. One should do whatever they can to realize and maximize their values. Basically, he spent his life analyzing the hierarchy of human values and trying to impart what he could make of it to other people. His philosophy basically has almost nothing to do with the normal tradition of western philosophy from Descartes up to Schopenhauer though, which was more about trying to figure out how to figure out what is true from what is not and in what way. Nietzsche represents and entirely different paradigm shift in the central topic of philosophy, which is focused almost exclusively on values in the abstract. He is popular amongst younger people because he is very dramatic in how he writes, ranting and raving like a woman with PMS on cocaine.

>feels the need to mention she is blonde

We've heard enough of yer shit, Achmed.

Nietzsche and Schopenhauer are apart of Team Good Goyim, Lower the white birth rate and promoting (((Hedonism))) one step at a time.

The Gadgetpill is the best Redpill

Hedonism and the Childfree Lifestyle are even more normie then r/the_cuckshed.

You know Nietzche's philosophy was essentially closest to actualization in the 3rd Reich, right?

Nietzsche did not promote hedonism. He was simply about informing people that they should be maximizing value. He was extremely against alcoholism specifically because it was purely hedonistic and sapped individuals of their strength. Nietzsche believed in cultivating strength within smart nations, families and peoples.

w..what's the Gadgetpill?

I really fucking hate Cuckservatives who finger their urethra to capitalism. Capitalism is a plague on culture. The logical conclusion to capitalism is socialism as big companies lobby the government. Capitalism has no morals. It will import all the consume-- I mean mudslimes it can. It will cut down every tree it can make a dollar on. It will take from the middle class and give to the degenerates to make even more consumers. It's a disease that needs to end one way or another.

The ideals of Nihilism are prevented without much of a spotlight on the pitfalls

>we rose above the animals
riiiiiight. thats why chimpanzees have more chromosomes?

You might like some parts of mutualism/distributism or geoism.

Why do need to enforce values if you don't believe in God? Why not just act like an animal the rest of your life?

If this is really what you think then I recommend getting help for that mental retardation.

Easy to assume when emus are ass raping you and your country was built as a fucking prison colony

>brown bricks
Fuck off.

still better than your SJW daycare shaniqua

You know, that kraut is good. This very good at highlight people nowadays. The fedoras, the wanna be edgy fucks, and faggots like OP.
And you know what? Nietzsche was one of the greatest minds in our history, when I discoverd him a felt that I'm not alone , and my exoteric world view is shared my someone, let it be kraut, let it neurotic, he helped me.

*breaths in*

Answer the question


Your question is so incredibly stupid that it doesn't need to be answered. It's answered by every civilization around the world that created their own systems of justice and governance without reading the book by your Jewish skyfairy. Fucking dumbass.

sry for my grammar, I have a mental condition which doesnt allow me to write correctly. No matter how hard I try.

The only good Woody Allen films are the one with the orgasmatron and the one about the 2nd best guitarist.

who fucking cares

how does one defeat neoliberal societies? they have the greatest liquidity of labor and therefore maximize the efficiency of their economies. no matter how awful neoliberal societies are they have so far withstood any attempt to resist them. i can see that humanity is happiest within a self-contained nation state, but neoliberals don't care about the happiness of humans, all they care about is outcompeting everyone else. how can the self-contained nationstate, which inherently limits itself from indulging in self-destructive economic practices, resist the hegemony of a neoliberal state that engages in such practices with utter abandon?

Nigga wut, we are rising as a beast not completely separated yet
Have you read Kropotkin and Proudhon? I've been reading them recently and the concept of mutual aid as evolution makes a shitload of sense

Good posts, my friend. You're one of the reasons I'm on Sup Forums.

When is the last time you've heard someone reference "thus spoke zarathustra?"

Neoliberal societies are not without weakness. Namely the excessive greed of the ruling financial class and the constant use of unsustainable financial schemes. Night now neoliberal society in the west is fraying because their money lending circle jerks don't work in the long term.

>people think Nietzsche promoted hedonism
Literally how much more pleb can you get? Guess we know the intelligence of an average Sup Forumsack

Great question. Capitalism has made the West extremely wealthy but almost none of that wealth goes to the workers of the nation(s). I assume enough displacement and inequality would make enough people rise and overthrow the elite and replace it with a new state. It seems that this current form of capitalism only benefits those who run the system or those born into aristocracy. The failure of capitalism and her markets is inevitable. The financial crash that will happen mid to late 21st century cannot be halted, only stalled. A system based on continuous growth cannot last forever. If we follow the thought process of Keynesian economics, macroeconomic failure is inevitable and will help growth in the long run, when it is not specified when the growth will stop. The nation who consumes everything will eventually consume itself. The war of attrition is necessary in defeating the neoliberal state, you have to wear at it, inside and out.
Sadly the quality of the posts have declined rapidly after the election/inauguration but muh serious discussion has to upheld by someone

Nietzsche is popular among EVERYONE that reads philosophy. Not just young people. I remember I saw a list of the philosophers that have the most post-graduate papers written about them and Nietzche was ranked first by a huge margin.

Almost all of 20th century philosophy is responding to Nietzsche either developing his ideas further or trying to challenge him. So he's also popular amoung philosophers themself.

Hell he's also popular among artists (Birth of Tragedy), historians and socialists (Geneology of Morality, anti-Christ).

Philosophers are not equal so their level of influence and respect they deserve is not equal. Nietzsche's massive success is because he was a world class philosopher that started a new era, sort of like what Plato did.

>He thinks he can stop the truth

Gadget is Hitler reincrnated, Accept the Gadgetpill and stack brown bodies in Mein Kampf.

A mix of Transhumanism and the Redpill itself, Gadget himself represents the Transhumanist part while Brown Bricks represent a race war and how to preserve white families against the brown invasion.

> Neitzche


Maybe Nietzche explains this, but how does one become an Ubermensch? Or is one born one?

How will humanity recognize the Ubermensch? Yes, there is a pull down to mediocrity nowadays, but what prevents a noble structure to actually declare itself the Ubermensch while it gets fat and degenerate, and people believing it because the nobility controls knowledge and culture?

I agree in the sense that capitalism needs something to prevent it from becoming crony corporatism, which I believe is what you're saying.

But that capitalism becomes socialism, I don't think so, that's democracy that does so, as the mass will always have less than the rich few.

An ubermensch is an ubermensch whether the ubermensch is declared an ubermensch or not.

Perhaps, but what use are they then? If they can't impact the world with their superiority and give an ideal to aspire to?

History is littered with people who have bravely tried to do good. They're either forgotten (wiped from history) or vilified now.

“The conservatives are fools: They whine about the decay of traditional values, yet they enthusiastically support technological progress and economic growth. Apparently it never occurs to them that you can't make rapid, drastic changes in the technology and the economy of a society without causing rapid changes in all other aspects of the society as well, and that such rapid changes inevitably break down traditional values.”
-Ted Kaczynski
He got em, he got em good

Not really. Democracy without capitalism is not as lobbied or corrupt because the government itself doesn't support it. Contrary lobbying is literally encourage by the current form of """"""""""democracy""""""""""

no you got that wrong
>be Nietzsche
>get cucked
>come up with some bullshit that kinda helps you cope, but really doesn't

maybe all of his theory about life is not correct
maybe neitzche is a totally outdated concept lol

>its 2017

Nice quote but you didn't turn it into an image so I'm going to have to give you a "and for that reason I'm out"/10

I have a copy of one of his books, apparently my father liked it

gonna burn that book cause it has no meaning...

Then they're not an ubermensch. Great people aren't always titled so but that doesn't mean they didn't make a difference. Sadly some people try to make a difference but they fail. The trying is honorable but they still aren't an ubermensch.


Sure, but socialism comes when the poor are using their votes for gibs.

He didn't advocate the original master morality though. He went the easy way out and opted simply a new morality, beyond the philosophy of his time

It's not yet here though unfortunately

so is cristina aguilera and tailor swift

I am a wander and a mountain climber

How is it that you can't make technological progress without being allowed to fuck 12 year olds? This is an utterly retarded and unfounded statement. The Nazis were extremely traditional to the point of aggressiveness and made some big discoveries in the few years they existed, for example

And that's why only property owners should vote and one vote per family.

That's a terrible idea, especially considering how shit property ownership is becoming with ridiculous housing prices.

Property ownership is controlled by the rich. They can literally take away votes by manipulating prices and it could still be worth it for them cause rents and less vote.

You can't be born ubermensch, that is a physical, mental, perhaps even spiritual achievement you accomplish by having transcended to a higher state of being. If we had reached a state where society was largely comprised by people who meet this description and the genetic offspring they produce possesses higher possibilities than the generations of humans before them then they would probably still not be considered ubermensch, that would simply be the norm, the average, which we would then need to push the limits from being to accomplish whatever the next form of evolutionary progress comprises.