Redpill me about Jews

Seriously, why the hate on Jews? Serious question seeking an answer.
Why blame the Jews as a racial group for the Liberal Fucktards and the PC Culture? Is there any evidence you can provide me? Why do you believe this?

Also, do you object to any racial group having the monetary and political power the Jews possess? Or is it the alleged method or the use they put that power towards?
If Blacks (I know, but HYPOTHETICALLY) or Asians or the Irish got into the same position would you still object? What if it was your own White race?

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't hate jews

You have an Israel Flag...
>When the jews cant even into Proxies

But seriously...Im not shitposting.

Because of IQ. Much of IQ is inherited, though significant amount of exceptions are obvious.

Jews have the highest IQ, it's documented and well-studied. Blacks have the lowest IQ, it's also documented and well-studied. It's natural for lower IQ groups to be resentful towards higher IQ groups. It's why Blacks dislike Whites, why Slavs hate Western Europeans, why Indians & South-East Asians hate the Japanese & Koreans. Just to put it into perspective, American niggers have an average IQ of 85, while American whites have an average IQ of 100. Ashkenazi Jews have an average IQ of 115, which is the same disparity between whites and niggers.

So, what you are saying is that you hate the Jews, because you are jealous and inferior?
Wow. Fuck that. If Jews are the Master Race then they should rule dipshit. If Jews are not the Master Race then they should have the best aspects of their genetics taken with science to improve the master race to create a better Human Race.
If they do not possess any aspects of their genetics that are better (like black people) then they should be left on the wayside of History.

If you truly believe Jews are better than Whites, then why are you on Pol? Go serve your Jewish Masters like a good goy.

Wasnt it that the jews had really high social IQ, like 125 or something, while suffering in other fields?


Yes, expert liars and manipulators, not much else.

> List of Jews conflating White and Jew
Some of them might be part of a sick cabal attempting to ruin White People, others might actually think they are White. I mean a few of them could be Mixed or are explicitly Mixed in that infodump.

Is there a study showing Jews are more likely/entirely Left?


True to his mission, Amalek has historically tried to destroy the Jews. The first traces of Amalek are found when they fought against the Jewish people as they left Egypt circa 1300 BCE, attacking the Jews out of pure hatred – Amalek lived in a distant land and was under no imminent threat (Exodus 17:8-15). Amalek resurfaced later in history, in a battle against King Saul (1-Samuel ch. 15). Again, Amalek arose headed by the wicked Haman who commanded an attempted genocide against the entire Jewish people, as recorded in the Book of Esther.
So what happened to Amalek after that?

Sennacherib, the King of Assyria, circa 500 BCE, mixed up all the nations (Talmud – Brachot 28a). When he conquered a country, he would take a large segment of the population and send them to other countries. This caused confusion among the population so they would never be able to muster enough strength to cause a rebellion. In this way, Sennacherib was able to retain control. Many of these peoples intermarried with each other and their old nationalities became mixed together. Amalek also was mixed in at this time. This means the identification of a particular individual or group, as Amalek by the means of genealogy is absolutely impossible.

Does Amalek exist today?

The story is told about the great Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld, the revered spiritual leader who lived in the Old City of Jerusalem at the turn of the century. When the German Kaiser Wilhelm visited Jerusalem in 1898, Rabbi Sonnenfeld refused to greet him. He explained that the Kaiser exhibited the classic signs of Amalek (a tradition passed down from the Vilna Gaon).

Shockingly, the Talmud (Megillah 6b) identifies a nation called "Germamia" as the descendents of Amalek.

The oldest city in Germany is Trier, a city whose inhabitants say was founded around 2000 B.C. by the Assyrians.

Josef K.L. Bihl writes in his German textbook In Deutschen Landen, “Trier was founded by Trebeta, a son of the famous Assyrian King Ninus. In fact, one finds … in Trier the inscription reading, ‘Trier existed for 1,300 years before Rome was rebuilt.’” To this day, this story is used to attract tourists to Trier.

According to Greek historians, the ancient Assyrian capital of Nineveh was built by Ninus. The biblical account tells us that the builder of Nineveh was Asshur, the son of Shem, who became the progenitor of the Assyrians (Genesis 10:11). Ninus is simply the Greek name for the Asshur of the Bible.

The original Ninus was Nimrod, grandson of Ham, of the black race. Asshur, son of Shem, who was white, also took the name Ninus. He is the Ninus II of ancient historic record who founded Nineveh.

Archaeological data reveals that shortly after Xerxes’s disastrous campaign, a great migration of the Assyrian people from the Black Sea region occurred. With the Persian Empire weakening, the Assyrians moved from Asia Minor and the southern shores of the Black Sea to the sea’s northern shores—to a land called Scythia. Here they began to be called Scythians, and their identity was eventually obscured. But these people didn’t just disappear into thin air. They migrated west and underwent a name change!

Predominant in Scythian territory were numerous tribes from two races in particular. “[T]wo major currently recognized racial types, Caucasoids and Mongoloids, are considered to have existed historically in geographical proximity on the steppe,” observes The Cambridge Ancient History (Volume III, Part 2).

Archaeology gives further insight into the area. “Archaeologically, it is clear that the eighth- and seventh-century B.C. ‘Scythians’ were not the same as the fifth-century ‘Scythians.’ Both were mounted elite war-bands originating in the more easterly regions of the steppe, and the Greeks, quite naturally, called both groups by the same name” (ibid.).

Archaeology shows five major phases in the area between 750 and 250 B.C., “with a fresh nomadic component arriving in three of them: 750-650 B.C. (‘Cimmerians’ and ‘Scythians’); 475-430 B.C. (‘Scythians’); and 300-250 B.C. (‘Sarmatians’)” (ibid.). These great migrations were the effects of great population displacement in the Middle and Near East resulting from the collapse of various empires and kingdoms. (They even included the movement of the Israelites following their overthrow by Assyria.)

It is clear that the Germanic people comprised, at least in part, this second phase of Scythian migration. We can know this because Roman records show the Germanic people first began invading central and western Europe in the late second century B.C., soon after their northern move.

Archaeology confirms these Scythians migrating all the way into Germany proper. “Nomads and fierce warriors, they lived in Central Asia … and their culture spread westward to southern Russia and Ukraine, and even into Germany …” wrote Mike Edwards in National Geographic (June 2003). This German migration would have been a result of the pressure that the newest migrants into Scythia, such as the Sarmatians, were placing on the Germanic people who occupied the territory. After the Sarmatians began to move in during the third century B.C., the Germanic people were forced further west.

that's why bhrahmins hate the other 3 casts, their IQ is at least at par with jews if not higher.

TLDR; Their religion commands them to usurp the goyim.

Jews have always been rich. Christians and Muslims gave them special privileges to charge interest, as they themselves were forbidden. They stay on top through control of capital and narrative.

That "white" guy has spic eyes. Whites used to rule out into the western China. They were out bred by the lower races and forced to migrate northwest into Europe. Whites spend 9 months in the womb, niggers 8, and Asians somewhere in between. Whites get overtaken by human kudzu after they build something nice.

Sounds like Muslims.
Alright, so they are ideologically a threat. Refuse to integrate. Have a Race Supremacist religion of peace. What about their political power?

Do you oppose their political power:
a) as part of opposing them in general
b) because of how they use their power
c) because any racial demographic shouldnt have that much power in a multiracial society
d) because any non-White racial demographic shouldnt have that much power in a multiracial society

I don't think 1 month makes a difference, i think general culture to have children and child fatality rates are more important than the sheer speed at which you can 'reload' as it were.

It makes a difference on the steppe and the various brutal conditions of the iron age. Women were pumping out kids as fast as they could.


Somewhere in Guatemala some farmer is going "fucking Jews".

>Why blame the Jews as a racial group for the Liberal Fucktards and the PC Culture?
This entire ideology is based on neo-nazis trying to make their message more palatable for a younger internet-savvy audience. Hating Jews is the goal, ranting about political correctness and people censoring video games is just the means to get people there.

Their religion views non-Jews as subhuman cattle to be exploited. You wish this whole conflict were as shallow as the Nazis and WW2.

Repeating your talking points isn't the same thing as engaging in discussion.

Fuck off reddit. No one competent says "neo-nazis." You are full of shit to the core.


Did you refute his quotes? Or are they in the Talmudic texts?

Because they're night demons

Pic related

kys kike