Sup Forums, how do you cope with going through life surrounded by brainless, spoiled, and willfully stupid drones...

Sup Forums, how do you cope with going through life surrounded by brainless, spoiled, and willfully stupid drones? Anyone elseout there that feel like theyre taking crazy pills?

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Honestly I feel like people are just NPCs. Like "I think, therefore I am" is the only thing you can really prove.


I think of it like I'm playing an RPG and I'm mostly interracting with NPCs while occasionally coming into contact with other players.

>bumping into other players
Ive only bumped into one,but shes gone now, other than the npc gf i have now im completely alone.

Most people are engineered slaves. The prussian education model extends childhood and dumbs people down. The elite see you as Darwin's genetic dead ends. The idiocy you see around you is by design. The NPC meme is no joke. They are programed to police each other(overly social) and enforce a simplistic, easy to control life.

I don't think they would be this many stupid people if the government wasn't breeding them for it. It's not willful at all. To answer your question, i can't stand them.

Oh yes you are all so enlightened and know everything better than others. It must be painful living among all these brainlets.

Ever researched Edward Bernays?

He has a lot to do with what you're talking about.

Yes the media is all controlled, top down culture designed to keep the plebs low and sell them shit.

Reading "Propaganda" by Edward Bernays was one of the biggest redpills of my entire life.

It's like everything about today's world suddenly made perfect sense. It's almost a blackpill, except that I believe it is possible to Jew the Jew

I feel caged by those that wish not to see me succeed. Hard work, determination and study dont warrant success when a few thousand people have all the money

>how do you cope with going through life surrounded by brainless, spoiled, and willfully stupid drones?

I personally do it by being willing to admit that I'm pretty stupid and spoiled myself, and just try go go through life without fucking things up too much for others.

I'm also incredibly depressed and have trouble forming meaningful relationships though. So my advice is worth about as much as matzo ball soup in 1940's Berlin.

Whatever happened to just calling these people sheep? The ones who get all their information from Jew-run programs, and other shit.

They probably think the same way about you, some people just don't care about discussing their own views on life, politics, and all that philosophical bullshit.

We seem pretty similar. I'm not incredibly smart and realized years ago that I live like a king compared to 90% of humanity. It's depressing how so many people around me dont appreciate how good a life they live. They're in for a very rude awakening in the future.

>Edward Bernays
Fucking based, one of the most influential thinkers of the 20th century. There's a reason they don't teach us about him in school

>redpilled documentary

You stay home if possible.
If you feel like you do not fit in with people like that you can just be content staying home alone or with a small family of your own. I still have to work and deal with people I would rather not be around but that is the extent of my interaction with them.

I just refuse to develop relationships with them. They're completely brainless, shallow, main stream media fed simpletons.

It's just me and my anime pillow, desu.


Who cares. They don't need to talk about them. Actions speak louder than words. In the end, they (you) are the true idiots.

good links, always appreciated

Avoid people to avoid bullshit.

Personally all I need to be happy is a dog or two and my computer. I'm not easy to please, at all. I'm just a very spiritual person.

Yea because he's a Jew who helped develop Jew subversion. He's not really based, he's just another sneaky lil jew.

Introversion feels like a huge advantage.
Not needing other people around constantly is peaceful. I feel bad for those who need others company often it must be difficult to keep people around and please them day after day. They have a lot of connections though I can see the benefit of that if social climbing is important to them though.

Have you ever tried talking realistically with an average person

These people are nothing
It's hard to even call them people at a point

>developed corporate propaganda aka public relations
Knowledge is power, how you use it is up to you.
Hating his contributions to the development of 20th century America and modern consumerist culture is like hating Einstein for his Jewish physics

Yes. Sometimes it feels like we're not even the same species. They sound programmed. It's all about cues and intricate social codes. Few think for themselves. They laugh and sometimes I wonder how they can produce such a seemingly hearty response to a casual sight that wouldn't elicit even a smile in my person. They all behave the same way, react the same way, and think the same way about the same things. It's even worse where I live, since it's a monochromatic hive of self-righteous liberal bee workers, slaving away to further a system that they like to denounce without even realizing that they work for exactly that system.

Of course, some are more intelligent than I am, in terms of knowledge and capacity to produce work and attain good results in specific fields; or even common culture. And given how little interaction I have with them, and how alienated we both are from each other, I doubt they see in me anything but perhaps a more walled off, or reclusive member of their society. No doubt that the faceless visage I bear as I make my way everyday to work probably persuades them that I'm more of a drone than they are. Ah, how enlightening it would be for them to see the world with my eyes. I'm a bitter piece of shit, I know that, and while I like them I also resent the most basic members of that society. How can such people, akin to robots, bees or vulgar monkeys, can bring about the quiver we need to set our race on the way to glory?

In real life, I must say that the people I truly respect for speaking their own minds and having intricate ideas about intricate things, are numbered around one or two. Those who've unsuccessfully tried are perhaps four or five, but they are pathetic when they fail to realize the current order of things.

I don't know how I go through life. I don't, really. I spend most of my time shut off from the real world, save my own family, and find like-minded individuals sailing the far reaches of the internet. I do not fit in.

>this thread
nuke nu-Sup Forums. All of it

>Not needing other people around constantly is peaceful.

That's true. I appear to suffer from mild depression, but strangely, as much as I enjoy dwelling on the Internet, or home alone where I feel most at ease, sometimes I miss not being able to be with others and enjoy life as much as they seem to. It would certainly be possible to be redpilled and be social - depression and anxiety is what stops me.

No matter how you put it, dogs cannot replace friends; internet conversations cannot replace real conversations; pornography cannot suppress the urge of true love, especially after you've itched so close to all three of those things only to be set back by your own mind and its diseased conception of the soul and the world.

I enjoy loneliness yet crave more. Paradoxical feelings, no?

I like reading well written posts like this. Good writing is underappreciated here.

Normies operate at the most primitive level of being. They have no appreciation for abstract thought. You're right when you say they only see you as a more walled off drone. I've noticed that when i try and bring this abstract thinking into the real world normies act like I'm trying to finger their asshole. They will bark or attack you out of insecurity. It's scary honestly.

I know that feel, brother. The worst part for me is the fact that I envy normies. I wish I could enjoy even something simple like watching a movie or TV show with my normie friends. I just can't get passed how formulaic and hollow the entertainment they enjoy is. I'm connected to hundreds of people through social media but all it does is make me feel more alone than ever. No one even wants to just have a conversation anymore. Its all cellphones and TV. I feel like im going nuts sometimes.

Verify your views. Be absolutely sure.

Know you're right.

That's all you can do.

Alcohol is truly man's greatest achievement. I dont think I could handle modern society without the comfort of liquor.

>Honestly I feel like people are just NPCs. Like "I think, therefore I am" is the only thing you can really prove.

That's exactly what they are.

spending more time in this cesspool echochamber is only going to continue to cement in your delusions

>Honestly I feel like people are just NPCs


Who said I verify my views here?'s not the same, when most people used the Nazi flag people posted hard facts, infographs everywhere, tons of citations.

Those were the Yeah, cesspool.

America is a prison of mind. But I guess all Germanic protestant countries are the same conformist nuthouse.

>The worst part for me is the fact that I envy normies.

Being a normie opens so many possibilities, indeed. Ones that cannot be evened out by the few privileges the life we live offers. And as I said, normies can be redpilled as well as keep up appearances. It is a terrible longing to know that your mind has trapped you in this bubble, and that you wish you could be happy, enjoying yourself, genuinely thinking good thoughts out there with them.

But it seems to be beyond our grasp, unfortunately.
That's why the movie "The Matrix" is a fantastic metaphor for what is happening to us. We've taken the red pill, whether it was intentional (seeing the shallowness of the normie world) or forced (taking it out of spite after being, or feeling, rejected from the normie world). So instead of a slick and seemingly happy world, all we have is this dark, cynical underground; and we only are images of our real selves when we tread the normie world.

Underage thread

I agree with the majority of people here. However there's no reason to be dragged to a lower depressed form of thinking. Weave between those who are blinded, be yourself and normalise individualism. Moderation is something we lack in society and we are either sides of the extremes.

Mate you need to surround yourself with like minded people. Even If it's just on here.

>Moderation is something we lack in society

>surround yourself with like minded people.

Both are sound advice. Whether it's here or elsewhere, being with like-minded people can alleviate the loneliness and the pain. However, I personally try to push myself and, for instance, always have lunch and supper with my family, watch the evening news, and even here, visit Facebook for fifteen minutes and read online mainstream news for at least twenty minutes.

It'll be hard, but never corner yourself. I completely shut off from the real world when I'm outside, but I still try when I'm on the internet.