Don't use the new flags MSM will eat us alive

When CNN, MSNBC, HuffPo, and the other liberal MSM outlets start cherry picking particularly racist posts with Nazi, Crusades....
Do you REALLY think this will be good for us?

Not to mention it totally defeats the purpose of flags. Fuck this pleb redditor shit.


You have to go back.

Kys T_D faggot

Those flags appeal to the manchildren that belong on /bant/

Not going to touch that stuff either.

>Do you REALLY think this will be good for us?
Yes. Reddit are betas and will run away if they think visiting a site makes them racist. The better our public image the more Sup Forums loses it's identity.

I'm honestly just posting to see what the flags are like at this point

The CSA was right, Lincoln was a tyrant that got what he deserved, and I'm going to use this flag until that gook takes it away from me.

this, the fucking flags should be on bant, it fucking broke my Sup Forums extension

This is very important.

The only flag I'd use is the EU flag. We need more ironic Junker posting.

This really is the beginning of an end ...

We like, are free spirits here, man, teeming with life energy and uniqueness.

Never even been there, just what I read here
Use your state flag then, or, are you just posing?
Or come to be edgy fags... anonymous, so who cares


nobodies cares about this place bud.

>flags show multicultural essence of Sup Forums inhabited by more than just westerners
>political discussions made from people that could be more than half the world away now hidden and flooded out by retards waving their meme flags
>just go to /bant/ plebbitor

There's no option for my state flag, retard. I will use my country's flag. My real country. Never you mind about it.


>you aren't thinking this through OP

Just saying, with the internett bruha in EU, and us posting anti nigger threads ( fuck niggers BTW) with a swastika attached, there will be no defense, no "it's satire".... we will be considered a totally bullshit site.
Our influence as it were, will disappear as the normies equate us with Stormfront tier posts.

Uhhh yeah there is, all 50 states moron..... I can go through town and county as well. Learn how to internet motherfucker.

Oh boy I'm fucking loving how mad this is making you already.

this. the EU is my nation and now i feel represented

Who gives a shit you fucking faggot

>EU is my nation
Get on my level of globalism you nazi white supremacist. Don't you know borders are illegal in 2017?

Sup Forums isn't your PR team. I'm a racist nazi and I'll post racist and national socialist ideas, fuck off if you don't like it.

You act as if normies leaving us is somehow a bad thing

Good. We don't want normies here. If a fucking flag can drive them out I'm all for it

That means normies will finally get out?

>tfw g00k saved us from normies and simultaneously reduced traffic on the site leading to faster load times simply by reimplementing an old feature


Hey cnn, fuck you.

Yeah, it kind of is... I love this place.
I'm not young, have grandkids some of your ages.

This place for all it's fucked up shit is a treasure... you can safely say what you want here. It's also where I come for news, and to hear views different than the drivel the masses are fed.

Think no one cares, and we have no influence?
Look at this entire last year....
MSM articles, Identifying AntiFa criminals, destroying Shia, Pizzagate, Seth Rich, combing thru Hillary's emails, and the awesome memes....
Draft our Daughters for example.

Search Sup Forums in twitter posts... millions of references.
We are absolutely an influence, and I don't want some edgy teen faggots pissing it away for "Muh kewl Nazi Flag... hurr durr.

The MSM will feature this, and Normies will take 0 notice anymore of anything we say.


Boomer genocide when?

Literally who care?

>oh no just don't trigger the normies

Keep using nigger vernacular though like "based" and "nigga" haha they will think we are all shitskins. Top kek!!!!

They already do. Flags will make no difference, the country flags are pure cancer that has turned Sup Forums into Sup Forums2.0

I'm gonna be using the Gadsden flag.
>the original flag of the Marine Corps
>I bet 90% of the fags who rep it didn't even know that

>defeat the purpose of flags

Sup Forums didn't start out with country flags, you fucking faggot.


Fuck off boomer

You are so up your own ass that you actually believe this place has any influence and not flavour news of the week.
It's just like old age Sup Forums when anonymous was a thing. Fucking go back.

Fucking moot

no more poo jokes hahahahaha

wtf I love swastikas nao

It isn't about keeping them here.... it's about our influence. This is Sup Forums... fuck off back to Sup Forums if it's all about shitposting and lulz.

You want to convert people, and keep them away at the same time. WTF dude... how to do this?

Live in a echo chamber if you want, I see it as a way to red pill those on the fence.

fuck mainstream media.

>all these people who don't use 4chanx
i'm not giving up all these features just so i can post with shitty meme flags

just treat memeflaggers like tripfags

Fucking this i bet you 100 planks of pine he's an oath cucker



At least shit was better when I was young... your peers have turned us into a fucking shit slinging joke.

OP is a massive faggot who literally can't stop sucking dicks

Look at all the god damn shills itt. You idiots are applauding the end of Sup Forums

This shit will divide the userbase. You goddamn roll-playing basementdwellers should all move the fuck to /bant/

Kill yourself.

This is a great addition.

I fucking hate niggers, everyone I know hates them aswell. There is not one single nigger that should be given rights. I don't want niggers to die. I want them to be slaves again, and I want to have them as slaves. I want them to be used as targets in military training, so we can reduce their numbers. Alot of democrats feel this way, but are afraid to say anything because we need their vote.

Better yet change them everytime you post like me

>combing thru Hillary's emails

For some reason, I read "emails" as "entrails."

You get this flag if you tell 100 kekistanis to fuck off and die

>convert people
No one here should be wanting to convert anyone, this place should be about discussing politics and current events and normies will just copy whatever shit is said the most to get (You)'s.
You're not converting them, they're just being ironic.

Fuck yourself.... I went to 6 Trump speeches, and campaigned, and my twitter is Coin_Gracie.....
See if there's any Oath Queefer shit there.

You do realize the MSM already false-flags on Sup Forums by anonymously posting "controversial" things and then writing shitty articles about their own posts pretending it was us? The flags are cancer but they change nothing in this respect. We're already known as the "neo-nazi racist misogynist le paypay xD alt-right" place.


Newfag has violated the NAP

Wishful thinking....

That's retarded. You realize this is going to significantly increase the amount of paid shilling, right?

You're delusional
Everyone from grandma to serial killers will be in here. Made for every normie and their dog and kids
Sup Forums is Disneyland now

The NAP jas violated the Newfag

Canadians, Indians, Germans, and Swedes should have their flags remain, so we can continue to identify them when they post liberal nonsense.

Though if he had not been shot, the so-called United States would be better for reasons not oft spoken of.

Federalism vs States Rights was the true point of the American Civil War.

I find it very amusing that, despite today's history books teaching that somehow, the Northern States went to war with us over slavery, for the sake of human rights and Uncle Tom's Cabin....and that Lincoln was a great humanitarian etc, ha, that they STILL blame all white people for slavery, despite so many of them dying, supposedly, for the freedom of blacks.



>grooming ourselves to make the media nobully us
Fuck. Neck yourself.


M8 i honestly don't give a fuck about what you think of this site will become or your boomer trump shit. This board took a sharp fucking nose dive when moot added country flags and i and alot of people who have been coming to this site/board for many years are glad to have a peice of old board culture back

The asshole hate machine of the internet doesn't need a smily face

The fuck is a Gadsden

How fucking new are you?

Meh, just use Kekistan. Means nothing, says nothing. Let the tumblrtards use the Nazi flag.


You're a newfag

all run by jews.

the judeocorporate media has been anti-Russia since Putin broke the power of the Jew oligarchs who raped Russia under Yeltsin.

The Dem Left supported a banker, mic, Zionist owned crook and liar who wasnt prosecuted because BFF of the 'special prosecutor' Mueller (head of fbi during 9/11), Agent Comey, and AG Lynch conspired to obstruct justice by blocking indictment for multiple, unquestionably intentional violations of federal law.

Hillary cane up with the muh Russia shit to explain her loss despite the support of banks, media, jew billionaires who were 8 of her top ten donors..

The legacy media is Zionist disinfo with CIA minders.

no matter WHAT WE SAY we are 'Nazis' while no matter how many they kill, no matter how many wars they want, they are 'progressive liberals'

Dont you get it, yet?

I love that those flags are back because they out the redditors and other newshits.
Should have made them random as they were, and where is my JIDF one ?
Bix nood.

Wow, op is both a coward, a newfag and he doesn't know pol is satire.
It's the dark triad of being a faggot.

Worst President in History, not for Slavery and shit.... He literally militarized and attacked US citizens

pol is a satire board

Fuck you I like my home.

you always were a joke. the greatest generation gave you everything by looting the ruins of european empires


there is literally nothing racist about this flag

It's great it makes them more butthurt and we can bring back national socialism faster

they actually invite not only redditers but any randoms trawling online
Word will soon be out that people can say anything they like here and play with funny little flags
The flags just opened this place to the mainstream. If you can't see that, what are you

Okay, it's pretty fucking clear that anyone that say the flags are a new thing are without a doubt, newfags. Genuine newfags, as in before Trump and before Moot left this place.
Stop being triggered by this shit if you want country flags go to .


Nah, looking at this thread: absolutely nothing racist to be found anywhere ^.^

No not a newfag, sorry....

Whether you like it or not, we are not in the shadows, we do have influence...

The only saving grace is most articles just say Sup Forums, not Sup Forums specifically.

> Normie visits Sup Forums
> Normie sees menu
>Let's see Sup Forums is first
>Ugh just anime shit
>What's next... oh I see Sup Forums


thank fuck the flags are back

Fuck off boomer. You took the most successful economy in human history and created debt slavery for future generations. You're a living (not for long) joke.

Doubtful. Your people are too lazy to use a toilet, why would they take the time to change their flag?