Don't be racist americans, welcome Puerto Rico now! Be nice!
Don't be racist americans, welcome Puerto Rico now! Be nice!
Something weird is going on with that vote. Only 23% of the population voted, and other votes, not that long ago, were split pretty evenly between wanting statehood, independence, and status quo.
Something's up.
Most Puerto Ricans boycotted the referndum, due to them disagreeing with the way some of the options were worded, which is why the turnout was so low.
That only accounts for the PPD vote that abstained. 400,000 pro statehood people chose to stay at home. My theory is they knew the vote would be ignored.
Puerto Rico is a burden on our country, we should either let them go or make them a state, it make's no sense to keep them in this quasi bullshit if they basically experience 85 percent of the same rights as normal US citizens. I personally would've dropped those fucks years ago.
Fuck no, that eat meat is broke AF. We do t want to take on their debt.
tfw no boricua gf
>Goes bankrupt
>Suddenly remembers it wants to be a state
Really makes you think
Boricua are not for gays.
They deserve it more than Hawaii.
The opposition knew they would lose so they boycotted the ballot in an attempt to reduce its legitimacy.
What exactly is tax supported debt? Can anyone provide a definition in layman's terms?
they're literally nothing wrong with racism
I don't dispute Memeneux statistics, but this is an USA territory. Our education, health and security is overseen by the USA congress, so if this island is shitty, that leaves a lot to tell about the one that is managing it :^]
Don't be racist France, let the entire African continent move into your country! Oh, wait.
>this is an USA territory. Our education, health and security is overseen by the USA congress, so if this island is shitty, that leaves a lot to tell about the one that is managing it :^]
you're right, we should just grant you full independence
If I had to guess it would be if you taxed everyone for a year at X% of their personal income and spent it all on paying the debt you'd pay off the debt entirely that year.
yo wtf is up with these flags, don't fucking call me new bc I'm here everyday how do I not know what is going on?
read the sticky matey!
Agreed. We don't want your nigger ass or redneck culture endangering ours, like you did with Hawaii.
>take on all this extra fucking debt!
better than spic and island nigger culture haha
>permanently blue state being added
My portarican neighbor is based af. He voted multiple times for Trump and so did his family, which is huuuge. Lets show this based pede some love, Sup Forums.
>complains about niggers
>is a nigger himrself
Sure, it is still better than shitty reggaeton and middle school girls getting pregnant to the closest kako they can fuck
A shitty kid overseen by good parents will still remain a shitty kid
We still have to agree to let them in.
I guess I'm retarded I can't figure it out. How do you choose?
Then the parent is reponsible.Theyr education failed.
almost 4 million people live there, its basically our staging ground for an assault on Cuba during the cold war, its basically a military island that we dominate.
we should just take over Dominican Republic and Cuba while we're at it.
should be right under the captcha and above the "browse" button to select an image
Not is not. Americans don't even have culture. You're just a bunch of brits degenerates that wanted a piece of land where you could inbred in peace.
Reggaeton is not part of our culture. Reggaeton is basically hip hop. A copy of the degenerate nigger culture that came from USA. If you see the welfare culture in our island, is basically the same as the nigger culture in the mainland. Once we become independent they should be killed or exported to one of their shitty states. Probably California.
Too bad your nation only wants gibs and shows it cant be self sufficient. We already send you aid and you still suck.
Since when sending aid helps anybody you dunce? That's what got us in a bad situation in the first place.
>Once we become independent
>Not is not. Americans don't even have culture.
And you ESPECIALLY don't have a culture
>You're just a bunch of brits
first redneck and nigger and now you're entertaining MY EUROPEAN HERITAGE as well? you're too kind
>this is an USA territory.
I have visited your island and want to know this...
Why are all the beaches strewn with trash like someone tipped over 100 dumpsters eveyrwhere except Vieques???
Vieques was nice & the PR girl I was seeing at the time took me over there to meet her Dad. All the people on Vieques seemed a bit whiter than on the main isle of Puerto Rico so maybe I just answered my own question.
We will. If USA won't give us statehood. What is the other option? Or will you crawl like a worm to beg for it?
>don't be racist americans
thats an oxymoron
Should of let you die then since you cant handle the responsibility.
More to do with your median IQ being 84.
So they would have to tax their people for almost their entire paychecks for a year to pay their debts?
Poorto Rico, get your shit together.
Your southern shithole state is also a burden on our country.
>What is the other option? Or will you crawl like a worm to beg for it?
lmfao you're going to exactly continue crawling like a worm and beg for statehood like you've done countless times before. What a pathetic and sad island, so "self-determined" of its nation that it wants to give it all up for gibs!
I've got nothing. WTF.
Press F5 and try again.
You're welcome :)
You're more mixed than a street mutt by now however, to brag to much about European ancestry tho.
Because Vieques was managed directly by the USA, like the whole island should have. I am not arguing that you burguers fuck everything up by managing PR, I'm arguing that you fuck everything up by being irresponsible with the gibs you gave to a territory without properly supervising it. Vieques was a paradise while it had Navy bases and gringos paid close attention to the island. If they managed whole PR like they managed Vieques, we wouldn't been on this situation now.
Fuck Puerto Rico
Still no. This is infuriating.
>t. The southern state redneck that fucks with it's dog.
Shut up nigger.
Just let them try to ignore it
Brits are mutts to begin with. Anglo-Saxon/Celtic/Norman... It's a hodge-podge.
So many Snow flakes in here its like a goddamn blizzard
I mean, we basically colonized them, giving them statehood seems only fair.
do you have any addins like 4chanx running?
>You're more mixed than a street mutt by now however, to brag to much about European ancestry tho.
speak for yourself, spic-islandnigger MUTT
>muh rednecks
stay mad and non-white
Giving them independence seems fair.
Statehood no. Unless you want to add the Philippines next.
Nope we arent married yet. EARN your statehood or remain a territory.
>b-but I'm white, look I even have a confederate flag
we fucked off from colonization for a reason and that's because these shitty islands have become far more trouble than they're worth
t. non-white
Im hispanic so no, I'm not white. What's hilarious is you assuming you are one.
Pretty sure the confederate flag is more about not being fucked over by my populated parts of the country like New York and California than hurr durr racism.
t. A fucking leaf.
Testing. Btw not sure if it matters but I'm canadian.
Also another way to think of this. We can help them now for an investment later. In some generations they will be just like a normal state.
Nah, they actually use it cause they want to claim muh whiteness, ignoring the fact that southern states are more surrounded by niggers than the northern states.
They vote liberal. No way
>coming from a spic-islandnigger
lmfao nice assumptions
Then he'd use the white supremacist flag if that were the case.
the boycot by the opposition only explains the lack of votes for territorial status, you still have to explain why 400,000 statehood supporters chose to stay home
That's actually a good pro statehood argument. I mean, I'm either pro statehood or full independence, but if we get statehood, Puerto Rico should submit themselves completely to sell themselves as a good deal. For example, our proximity to other latin american countries for business, our strategic position that can be used for more Army bases, the fact that we are bilingual. There are a lot of ways you can sell statehood, but the average puertorrican just wants gibs and no give anything in return.
Puerto Rico is just Detroit with palm trees.
Do Americans really want another Detroit?
The same was said for Alaska.
The need to defend it only gives strength to my assumptions, darkie.
facts are facts ,. if PR becomes a state they will always vote blue ,. the democrats know the population will be heavily dependent on welfare and the liberal scum will make sure they are kept in line by promising more free money and healthcare to all ,. they will be a burden to the US just like all the democratic strongholds are ,. PR people are probably good people but like niggers and mexicans once they start getting free welfare money and see for each kid they pop out they get even more money they will be stuck in this slave dependent lifestyle for generations
i wish the US would just let them be their own country and do whatever the fuck they want ,. some people are saying if Trump does it they will be thankful and Trump can work his magic and swing the population to be more right minded ,., but i just don't see it happening ,., kinda sucks because i always found PR chicks to be banging!
I just want jobs, to get rid of this debt and to clean this islands name.
>my speculative groundless assumptions are right because you say it is actually false!
>stop denying that the earth isn't flat, you only reinforce my guesses!
spic-islandnigger logic everybody
Again the same shit has been said about Hawaii and Alaska. There is just no way to predict how a potential state will vote. For example yeah, people here love gibs, but socially they are more conservative, example; the hate sjw, left thinking, big government, anything run by the government, they are still very religious and hate transexuals (gays are more accepted).
Exactly. I know a lot of Puerto Ricans and they are solid Democrats. They know it's the Free Shit Party so they will never vote any other way.
They believe they deserve handouts so they can have fun, fun, fun all the time, and its just cruel to deny them the rich person lifestyle.
They are just a bunch of illiterate children.
America is a liberal nation from the core.
>no for real, I'm white
The nigger's self hating mechanism everybody.
You're just in denial faggot, we'd be a hard blue state regardless.
Why not play this game in reverse. Fix the island so the 6 million Puerto Ricans move back to Puerto Rico where they can't vote for president. The Dems would lose 5 million votes in the US.
Me too bro. Sadly the pro statehood party just focuses on the gibs.
You become a state you will have unlimited opportunities so yes.
niggers are socially conservative but are diehard democrats. You can't deny this, spic-islandnigger
>people here love gibs
>hate sjw, left thinking, big government, anything run by the government,
>hate big gov
where do you think those gibs come from holy shit, Rican education everybody
not really, it was primarily and will always be a constitutional republic. Meaning, limited gov at its core. The Federalist party was shat on for this reason during its inception, and US history has never been explicitly inclusive: see injuns who deserved it. If you meant economically liberal, well yeah, that's part of freedom
Yes 4chanx is running. Why would that fuck it up?
speak for youself, darkie :^)
They will keep their colony status for a long long time, won't they?
not when we grant them full independence after putting up too much of their bullshit
chances of that are 0%, every single President in the last century has supported self determination, aka, unless a majority of Puerto Ricans vote for independence the US won't cut us loose. And the odds of a majority voting for independence are 0% when, just as one example, there's a million people dependent on Medicaid on the island.
I know you're probably inbred and that takes out some IQ, but concentrate you fucking retard. What Im saying is that although in some aspects the average person here thinks liberal (for example in gibs) socially they tend to be more conservative. People here hate anything run by the government, and most social services are run by private companies. Those of us who work, also hate the fact that our taxes are used for gibs, but those people that live of gibs, work underground without reporting it to the treasury. Those are easily fixed problems that can be addressed immediately.
Looks like it.
If the republicans are stupid enough to actually agree to let PR become a state on a sham 23% turnout election than they are just proving to us they never want to win an election again. PR will forever vote dem in presidential elections, will always have at least one dem senator, and will always have majority dem representatives.
Sure thing brodda ;^)