This is Fiamma Negrini...

This is Fiamma Negrini. She got 10% of the votes at the local municipality elections in her small town as the head of a Fascist list, but now triggered politicians in the government want the vote to be nullified because "muh Resistance".
Say something nice about her!

She has nice legs

DEATH TO ALL WOMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

her name looks like something racist in italian

I thought the mayor in Italy was the man who has touched the most women in town. Was I wrong?

It can also be the women who have had most men touch her. Italians are very progressive.

Drop her insta bro

Nvm i got it

>tfw no fashy right wing qt to fill up with my cummies
why even live?

10/10 would go to war for.

>Le Pen fails
>Wilders fails
Fiamma jumps in for a last second save. She even does the bimbo posing with smartphone thing, perfect!

>tfw no Italian fascist politician gf

dov'e la vittoria


would breed desu

He's wearing festival bracelets.
Gas it.

Eh, now I get how she got that far, she's a bimbo LARPing as a fascists, fair enough

There are so many Italian facists.
I'm surprised, they look like cockroaches - not like Aryans.

Italians are based I knew it

Muh diq.

>fascism is linked with MUH ARYAN RACE
I though you guys received a good education? Especially about the people who put your cousins on trains?

Skellingtor is a good corpse, isn't afraid of nothing

yes,in fact our dna is close to ashkenazi jews

she must sent to a training course about acceptance and equality.

You clearly have no idea about what fascism stands for, do you

there is almost no correlation between fascism and race

can't be happier

There is
If your nation implies a racial original type, which is the case for most.

It translates to "small flame little niggers"

I wanna sniff her seat cushion!

This, and even nicer politics

Remove Muslim scum, make Italy fascist again

she should fight (and win),

help her do so Italiabro.

Ethnicity is a component of nationality, or at least this used to be the definition. Anyway, fascism never stressed out the "race" component. It didn't need to to be fair, only italians lived in Italy at the time. Mussolini also didn't really believe in racial purity. This was also a time where everyone of every political doctrine assumed africans and the savages of the new world to be inferior, it didn't need to be included in the ideology.

>that feelin' when no Lombard wench t' share me booty wit'
'tis a bad feel lads

She seems like a very nice lady

is every pirataposter aussie? Nothing but shitposts from you fags

Viva il Duce!

Which municipality?
Which party?

Does she have an instagram account?

Viva il Duce! Viva il Lavoro e Viva la Libertà! RITORNEREMO!

I be no Australian ye squiffy cunt

We must end Gallo-Germanic domination of Europe.



Ashkenazi jews are the result of a group of males from the Levant marrying Italian (probably) women some time around 4th - 7th centuries. Then they received very small gene flow from Western Europe (though this is quite obscure, difficult to say) and Eastern Europe (definitely) in that order.

How? Afaik Italians either have Greco-Anatolian or Gaulish blood

Gook Moot here.

These new flags are here to stay

Tell me she has nudes or at least hot pics

renovatio imperii !


Norway-bot has best post

Ironic how the globalist empire and their cock puppets use the word 'resistance', I hope the Italians support her.

Do you have any pictures of her?

>Tell me she has nudes or at least hot pics
Please, oh lawdy, dis nikkah hea is gonna bbc that ho when he arrives from libya.

I love how the left freaks out and wants to nullify votes that don't agree with them, and then claim to be tolerant. I would love to just nullify commie votes, but instead I have to keep track of the price of helicopter fuel.

Kek, she actually looks reasonably hot. Right wing girls here are usually fat or ugly

>tfw no fashy Italian gf

i'd give it to her

So when will the Italian navy start torpedoing Soros' nigger smuggling ships?



After his death, how long did it take you to realize that Ghaddafi was only killed so the kikes could flood Europe with niggers?


it means "flame little niggers",i'm not memeing


I'd vote for her.


You are fucking faceblind if you think that the same person.
the funny thing is. The Italian is quite correct.

I'd fuck her.

>a woman
>leading a fascist list

>aussie BLACKED shitposter
>thinking pirate flag will disguise xir

Oh, so you have far-right qts as well? Sweet, I must get rid of my dislike towards pasta-anons




Looks like the escort I booked last weekend.

Tutte le donne sono troie ed incapaci di ragionare logicamente, il che le rende altamente incompatibili con la politica, specialmente quella fiscista. Troia.

Penso sia una strategia per impedire alle opposizioni di schierarsi troppo violentemente contro la candidata per non esporsi ad accuse di sessismo, non che con la Meloni sia servito granchè.

Se sei accusato di fascismo perdi ogni diritto umano, non sei più ne uomo ne donna ma solo un subumano.

Came here to post this.

I would do her.

italian master race

Name of this polish qt?

In the OP

She is the il Duce of my heart.
And she could easily pass for Murdoch-chan.

Thank miss skeletal

Agata Kulasiewicz

if any white women sees pic like this she will start lust after that dick and from that moment forward everytime she sees black male she will associate him with big dick, bigger then white males in her head and will sees blacks as better lovers and eventualy fuck them

women shouldn't be in politic or careers

this is WHY the west i dying, because you allow this

get fucked


Nice try, Merkel.

t. nigger
our women are either extreme coalburners or extreme racists. No in-between. But the first ones are usually in London or similar shithole

all of them would still love getting fucked by average black dick

It literally translates to "flame small niggers"

>Agata Kulasiewicz
No fucking burger, I am not asking for the Italian, I am asking for the Polish woman the pole was posting.

Checks out

Can't be perfect

She can fart on me

She single?