>there are people on Sup Forums that actually defend democracy and capitalism
>the crooked systems jews use to control us
>there are people on Sup Forums that don't understand how cancerous every single capitalist and banker is
>there are people on Sup Forums that actually think there is no reasonable alternative to them
There are people on Sup Forums that actually defend democracy and capitalism
MFW no qt KKK loli
Why even live
*fascistic screeching*
It's not (((KKK))), it's a spanish thing
*buys all 4 roads surrounding your house and makes treespassing illegal*
>mfw no qt spanish thing loli
why even live?
Fuck off statist
>capitalist wanker
>calling anyone a statist
Enjoy having the entire world including you to work for the wealth and prosperity of a few hundred international jews and their cronies
Statism is great if your leader is a based man such as A. Hitler or M. Gaddafi.
>there are people on Sup Forums that think the shittiest system that fails every time should be used
Go vote for Bernie faggot
Didn't you need to be at the train station?
>retard thinks that marxism-leninism is the only alternative to capitalism
>retard thinks that voting matters and Bernie is somehow different than Trump
Read a book before posting
you don't want those quadroon niggers
give morocco to islam
Do you really think the arguments you present for fascism are so persuasive you can't conceive of a person who is not convinced by them?
What a retard. Specially when we live next to them.
Democracy is a tool we use to control ourselves.
Capitalism is freedom, and freedom is great because it lets us choose how we live our lives because we know how we want to live our lives more than any bureaucrat
You are the one getting used. Stop beeing beta and getting walked over you fake nazi, faggot.
That image isn't true though. Muh cycles isn't real
>Read a book before posting
Perhaps a book about the unconditional surrender of Germany in 1945.
But OP fantasises about being the bureaucrat who makes decisions on your behalf. It's all a power fantasy.
You are right, the pic doesn't apply for canada, there are only weak men there.
Fuck Democracy. Capitalism I have mixed feelings.
Inshallah brother.
tell us a story! what is all this about?
are these virgins for ritual catholic sacrifice?
spanish KKK best KKK
Nah, it`s just holy week in sevile.
I'm an Armenian Jew that loves America and capitalism
I've actually seen guiris who thought Holy Week was part of some racist organization.
What metric are you using for strong vs weak men?
What periods had the strong and weak men? 40s-60s?
KKK isnt even real. Maybe a couple drunk rednecks but most of them are probably paid shills and informants/plants
The group exists now as a boogeyman that liberals can use to justify their paranoid and delusional world views
Capitalism is inherently Jewish
I'm sick of Democracy, just look where the tyranny of the majority has gotten us. The biggest fucking mess in human history. The US has taken the ideals of individualism too far, to the point where it has caused whites to lose all sense if group identity. Without that sense of identity they are numb to fact that their race is being forced to extinction.
Please tell me you aren't so stupid that you think your photo is depicting the KKK.
It's ok, the wests democracy will soon fall in place of dictatorships when they're all totally bankrupt and the public vote in fear.
Who is she? Why does she wear the mask?
This so much.
Free enterprise =/= (((capitalism))), especially given how much usury has fucked over the West.
The best way to control a man is to let him think he has a choice. Pic related--he might be a cuck, but it's a good quote nonetheless.
Dont even need to read the thread to know its about a 95% chance this is a communist exploiting the National Socialist symbol to recruit lemmings.
The problem is that what he said is 100% in line with National Socialist ideology, so what he said isn't actually bullshit. Its still probably a shill, though. National Socialism has many capitalistic aspects, live private property. People who wanted to go further towards actual socialism, who missed the fact that its not the same thing as marxist socialism at all - were executed.
Profits are good, private enterprises are good.. but everything in moderation. You wouldnt see CEOs and upper management be making exponentially more than people beneath them, and industrial profits were shared by law, which is something that some companies decide to do on their own. The point is that everyone was invested in the success of the country, and the harder everyone worked, the more they would personally benefit. It was like a repeating cycle of everyone is inspired to work hard, they work hard, they receive more benefits from their labor, and then they are inspired to work even harder, to keep working hard, and they continue to prosper etc.
Without capitalistic aspects, National Socialism falls apart at about step 2, actually working hard when you are not promised any extra benefit for your productivity. It also cant just be working hard, you need to be effective. People are not equal, remember. Not all white people are equal in ability, that would be a ridiculously ignorant assertion for anyone to make. Whites as a group are superior to other races, as a group. We still had eugenics for a reason, and even the US had a eugenics program decades ago.
Anyways, youve been warned, this thread will attract commies even if the OP isnt a shill.
That's quite clever. You see that right now. Jews are so cunning.
>tfw Anglos are no longer the cunning fox of humanity
We dont have free markets in the west. We have mixed markets. They are partially regulated, as opposed to fully regulated - or "planned". China is closer to a planned economy, but even theirs is mixed now. We have the same style economy as China.
That's during Semana Santa in Sevilla
Freemason scum just loves to copy.
True free markets are impossible to sustain, yes. I'm talking about the freedom for people to set up small local business within an agrarian, non-debt-backed system. Regulations would ideally be only against fraud and corporate selling out of the nation.
I defend Direct Democracy not "Representative" Democracy.. Capitalist is for stupid useless dumb fuck..
The 1932 NSDAP platform planned for a central government bank that would - as part of a much larger and more complex system - give people loans at zero interest, which they would not even be fully liable to pay back. The loans were to fund part of their new homes which they would participate in building, and learn trade skills in the process. The money that was being used would normally be free welfare gibs anyways, and was instead being used to create growth and train people. They focused on many other things like land reclamation, clearing forests, bogs and marshes, seeding barren lands etc etc, and this land would pay for itself eventually and beyond. The goal was to get people into jobs, and out of unemployment, because everyone who was employed would eventually be paying taxes instead of receiving them for sustenance. They were also given plots of land, around their new homes, where they could grow more, and healthier food. Not just to replace what they had been eating, but to eat more and better.
They were given these loans, and it counted as debt, but from what I understand they werent compelled to actually pay it back, and if they didnt - no one really cared anyways, in government, because it was just welfare bucks that would have been squandered otherwise. They did many other things too, like protectionist trade policy, so that people wouldnt be buying foreign goods, but ones made at home. Why buy french goods when the same ones can be made domestically? I dont fully understand the economy, Im not an expert on it, but people were encouraged to start private businesses. They used to have competitions between companies for the contracts on military vehicles. Porsche for example had an alternate version of the tiger.
Capitalism is for LOSER
Every time I read about NS policies, I am brought to tears by how close to perfection their society came.
>give people loans at zero interest, which they would not even be fully liable to pay back.
Sounds good, but also impractical. This was just an extraordinary measure for the Depression, right?
I really like the emphasis on self-sufficiency, though.
Also, based Ferdinands.
Its in the 1932 nsdap platform, it was for people who were living in the cities in Jewish slums, and the only people who suffered from it were the kike slumlords. They were paid and trained to help build their own homes on the outskirts of town, with their own land etc.
The types of crops they could go were lightly regulated, no commercial crops like grains.
Some krauts visiting got socked when they saw it for the first time
capitalism is great. Democracy can go.
>It's in the 1932 nsdap platform
Do you have a good link, by any chance? Preferably original German with English translation.
>no commercial crops like grains
I assume you mean the low-tier export varieties? Like, you could still grow wheat or barley, right? Just no making it a commercial farm, as that's just abuse of state resources.
The types of things that farmers relied on... so yes, wheat specifically.
Oh, and the link. One sec, I can get it, not in German though.
Lol and they dress up like the KKK?
Will that not trigger the libtards?
Ah, thanks.
Shameless quadpost.
Background: This pamphlet, issued around May of 1932, (before the July Reichstag election), outlines the official Nazi positions on economic policy. It was issued in a large edition, and was to be binding on party speakers and writers. It provides a wide range of proposals, many of which would have looked attractive to Germans suffering through the Great Depression, which was far worse in Germany than in the United States. It is based on the work of Gregor Strasser, somewhat on the “left” of the party, and who six months later left it.
>The program aroused considerable opposition from business and financial circles, with the result that Hitler ordered that distribution of it cease in October 1932.
>I’m not as familiar with economic terminology as with other areas, so I’m less confident of the accuracy of my translation than I usually am.
>The source: Wirtschaftliches Sofortprogramm der N.S.D.A.P. (Munich: Eher Verlag, 1932).
A few points worth observing there. Im not entirely sure how much of the platform actually went into action, and remember, the elder Strasser was executed for being too far left, and not shutting the fuck up about it.
Nobody expects much from moortugal
The only people defending those are:
1. Jews
2. Politicians
3. Shills
4. Low IQ morons who believe they will get rich by working hard and that capitalism is the perfect system for that.
>Im not entirely sure how much of the platform actually went into action, and remember, the elder Strasser was executed for being too far left, and not shutting the fuck up about it.
I can understand this to an extent, given the necessity of a war economy at the time. But it is a shame that the Prussian Junkers fucked up most of the land management plans before they could be implemented. Still, it's not an impossible goal, and I think it would have been completed had the war been won.
Jamtland in Sweden used to have very similar customs.
So comfy.
If we had a pure form, it would be great but marxist bastards inject socialism into our capital system and fucks it up. So when many people complain about capitalism, they are complaining about socialism or suffer from envy. Envy is a deadly sin.
Its the contrary. This tradition is pretty old, these clothes are the clothes of the penitents. I think it started around the XI century or so.
I'm a capitalist. kys
the good old times :´(
>those systems have beaten ours utterly and without even truly trying, our system has destroyed our nation politically, militarily, economically, and culturally, but it is they that are cancerous, b-believe me
I leave this here just in case
Protip: Capitalism died when the Federal Reserve was created. You've never experienced Capitalism. (((Capitalism))) isn't Capitalism.
You don't think because the Federal Reserve has "Federal" in its name that it has anything to do with the government do you?
I just want people to leave me alone. Capitalism isn't perfect but it lets me have a degree of independence from the state.
Y-Ya its more like AIDS then cancer A-Actually
>Fuck off if you base your shitty ideas on Marxism
This as well. Having a central bank = centrally planned economy (even if it's loosely controlled). True capitalism isn't centrally planned.
Woah buddy! Looks like you violated the NAP...
Live in your shitty fantasy land.
Marxism is essentially a religious cult by this point.
>You worship a 150-year-old book and the man that wrote it, while choosing to ignore all advancements in our understanding of human nature, economics, and history made since then.
>Nazi flag
>posts Roman Catholic costumes
It checks out