Treat ISIS videos like child porn

>β€œI think we should treat all the online recruitment material that ISIS and all the radical Islamists use like we do child pornography,” he said. β€œIt is illegal to access it, illegal to share it, and if we catch you with it, you go to jail.”

>He is suggesting that viewing an ISIS beheading video, or hosting the web site that carries that video, should be a crime.

>That may seem like a radical idea, but would it pass legal muster?

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first amendment, wouldn't work in the USA and by proxy everyone else would get fucked

They want to ban Isis videos, because they don't want us to know Isis is real islam

Guess Sup Forums is going to jail for all their videos

because both are produced by Jews like Rita Katz?

I wouldnt mind it, ive never watched an ISIS vid and it would mostly affect the Muslims

There are videos of isis kids beheading and shooting prisoners even in facebook.

But dont post them shirtless or the fbi would rape your ass lol


Fire is red tho

half my hd is beheadings other half BLACKED 4k hd

plus 18gb HD version of blade runner

Also I hope not, the only reason they want to do this isnt to stop ISIS propaganda but to stop normal people from being exposed to a very real and evil pressence in islam in the hopes of making more people indifferent over muslim immigration

Then how shall the infidel know our might? This only means we must attack them in their homes more.

crISIS actors are so bad, they don't want anyone taking too close a look at their videos. The media hoax the shit out of the news, and always have done. Don't believe their lies.

Who else watches ISIS excursion videos for the nasheeds?

Any ruling on a test case would blow up in their faces when pedos start using it in court.

Trumpist snowflakes can't handle it. They want the entire internet to be their safe space. I say treat ISIS videos as a warning for western war criminals.


I dunno, I'll try but don't think they'll make me wanna fap

CGI flames. They got some dank production software!

Why weren't they before?

fuck off, achmed

Almost all americans approve of the nuclear bombings of Japan. #notallamericans

people should go to jail for going to websites like huffington post or mother jones. that shit will brainwash you harder than any isis video could ever hope for

>Stopping people from seeing how barbaric Muslims are.

>jerry agar
Who dis

I sure wonder why (((they))) would want to conceal the savage nature of Islam

>>That may seem like a radical idea, but would it pass legal muster?
Maybe in britain with no constitution or free speech rights it might.

They were justified.

99.99% of people who have watched their videos are just people with morbid curiosity that like war and gore n stuff, or they're just interested in seeing what goes on the world in the most bad places.

To me it's a reality check, it makes you appreciate that you're not in a shit fucked up part of the world and have security etc.

To make it a crime to see these war videos (which is what they're, war videos) is fucking retarded.

Why would they want pedophiles to jerk off to ISIS videos??

250.000 innocent dead from the atomic bombings. Christians applaud. Compared to the US, ISIS doesn't seem that bad.

this kind of thing does not work

What else should be illegal to view?

lol how about banning the fucking accounts posting the shit?

there's nothing unique about isis. Muslims have been forming terrorist groups and beheading people for centuries.

Bad idea. It undermines the purpose of freedom of speech. We're meant to embrace bad idea so we can prove why they're so backwards. That's what they did with Nazism.


child porn is inherently harmful to it's subjects and viewers. ISIS videos are only harmful if you're a fucking idiot and there are other ways to tell if someone is becoming "radicalized"

besides, im pretty sure most of us here have watched an ISIS vid or two anyways

To not see how radical islam is.....


Yeah but itd set back the pedosexual garbage. Toss in child porn and ISIS together you associate two evils together.

It's a tough decision but yeah

The real reason they want to do this is so nobody sees how bad muslims really are.

Child porn isn't harmful except when it's made, and even then it's a long shot.

If I am 17 and take a picture of my dick I am producing, distributing, and possessing CHILD PORNOGRAPHY. I still have that dick pick 5 years later and I think it looks pretty good.

Most of the "trauma" comes from women who turn pubescent and gain the ability to tell chads from eugenes, and then realize they nearly wasted a precious egg on a eugene.

that would a fucking step back

>Bongs make it illegal to view the content but give out free passes left and right to those who create it

>kill a quarter million now because japan refuses to surrender and wants to prolong a war that has already killed millions of innocents and soldiers, and then ally with them so you have a major millitary presence near russia, china, and NK
>prolong the war and kill several million, making japs extinct and opening the way for china to get an early start on world domination


This is one thing I must admit.
Muslims may be the most inbred group of people, but they've got some nice tunes.

Why would anyone kick up a storm about the atomic bombings when America was doing mass bombings on population centers all over Axis powers in WW2? They killed way more people than the nukes.

i don't think you need to associate those two things in order to get the point across that they're both evil

i doubt anyone would care about your 17 y/o dick pic you took yourself, but we're talking like legitimate kiddie porn being made and distributed by actual child molesters and other such scum, exploiting and endangering children

No, here is what true men do.
They take the women of men like you and leave them in a pool of blood with their retarded offsprings.

Needless to say that the modern man is a domesticated farm animal. But you need to keep this in mind. That's how it works in the real world, that's where our lower instincts come from. Cuck are serious fuck ups, as much as a gay who can't procreate with the opposite sex.
Litterally bio unethical.
You're not worthy of life. You deserve nothing.

I think we should treat cp like isis videos instead

I think it would be easier to just bomb the middle east. Why waste the resources on combing the internet when you could just bomb the sources of the videos out of existence.

There is literally nothing wrong with cuckolding.

It's natural.

I guess they were playing this song


>If you ban it, it'll go away!
lel these naive cunts

What's wrong with the isis videos? Reality is a cruel bitch

Sometimes legitimate kiddie porn is a 13 year old kid with a camera snapping pics of his 11 year old girlfriend because they grew up too early. Sometimes it's a creepy uncle raping his cousin. Sometimes it's a teenage russian girl who fully understands what's going on and has already committed to a life of prostitution.

It's pretty hit and miss. I don't think we should criminalize it, especially since the AOC in half the world is 16, the most common racial group on the planet is chock full of 20-30 year old women who still look like tweens, and most men are probably pedophiles o some degree or another (or flat chests and fatless hips would have been naturally bred out by merit of their fertility disadvantage if not something else).

>if you hide it
>it wont exist
Where have i heard this before.

so i should fap to isis videos ?

Banning shit like this will just make in more appealing to wannabe jihadists anyway desu


Good one

For what country is he suggesting this happen in? I'm assuming all western countries right? It won't happen in America, probably will gain some traction in Canada and Britain and France and maybe Germany. But that's not happening here.

>need maor censorship!!!!
how about no?

>first amendment
You realize that the prohibition of child porn also technically violates the 1st amendment, right?

ok do that but with Islam

>extreme free speech
lel gets me every time

Most people know why they want to ban those fake videos. It's because we knew they were fake and we knew they were funded and made by the US, Saudis and israil. They want to save money by not having to make any more fake videos because we treated them like comedy

I mean yeah its recruitment material for the enemy. I'm sure there were laws in place in the 10's and 40's against german propaganda.

>we need to make it illegal to not closign your eyes and putting your fingers in your ears when it comes to ISIS

The lack of reason behind capitalization in that picture irks me so.

Sounds like a great idea if applied only to islamofascists


I honestly think ISIS was created by Mossad to counter a potential rise in National Socialism online
By using radical Muslims as a proxy for 'radical' goys they get to setup an entire movement to censor and push back against 'extremist' content and make the internet a safe space away from new ideologies
if ISIS videos become like child porn then Nazi content would be next
the UK is going to censor the internet to stop ISIS content (Theresa May is heavily owned by Jews) I think that by itself is evidence of the real reason for muslim terrorism 2.0
If Jews went directly to trying to ban and censor national socialism people would rightly think they've got something to hide, this way they sweep it under the rug

The entire Jewish hold over the world is way more fragile than you might think, the internet is essentially a kike killer because all their hoaxes and control will become known sooner or later (if it wasn't for Kikerberg and ISIS leading to internet censorship)

ISIS was created by Mossad to fulfill their political ambitions in the middle east
It just so happens they can capitalize on it in multiple ways

We have to cover it up somehow goy.


First they came for the isis vids ...

oy vey gotta hide all these videos because people might think ISIS are muslims

No, sorry pedo retard, child porn is going to remain banned so degenerates like you can't wank your willy off to kids. It's really that simple

surly a 17 and 11 month old bitch getting her dick dose is more horrifying than people getting beheaded and terrorist recruitment media
which is really not even needed since Wahhabi mosques operate freely in the west and openly gets administered and funded by saudi arabia

Yea ahh.. I'm just going to assume you'll be in jail soon but god damn just reading that made my skin crawl.

I can't wait until you get arrested you dirty, reprehensible pedophile. Coming up with reasoning for cp is literally the worst sign there is.

I've reported your ip to the FBI.

>surly a 17 and 11 month old bitch getting her dick dose is more horrifying than people getting beheaded and terrorist recruitment media

Why? I'm not advocating for or against anything, but if brutal, for-pleasure murder is less horrifying than anything else, your priorities are fucked... and/or you bought into the "rape is literally worse than death" tidbit of feminist brainwashing.

would I get assraped by Jamal, Bubba and Muhammed in prison for ISIS videos?

i'm being sarcastic you fuck

Isn't it possible to quarantine geographical regions from the internet?

The only reason they want to do this is so they can stop people from trying to red pill liberals and moderates from seeing how bad Islam is and what it means to flood their country with them. While at the same time giving a free pass to all the jihadist and if you try to show their crime they will arrest you instead.

Hope this dumb ass idea does not get traction.

Of course, ban the viewing of sandniggers being sandniggers because it breaks your little narrative that your jihadi pets are peaceful and belong here.

They've confused retards in our countries that speaking ill of Islam recruits for them, I'm sure they can convince them that spreading this bullshit also does the same.

Convinced not confused.

Censoring anything doesn't stop the idea. Just look at the resurgence of Nazism on the internet.

The establishment can't argue against any of it because you can't use post modern philosophy to argue properly against jack and shit. They can't use the excuse that they are intellectually disarmed to argue for censorship.

CP is closer to shouting Fire in a theater than it is to protected speech.

>using this thread to talk about your dick

I agree with your post honestly. Just thought someone should say that.

It is actually not protected by our legal system, incitement of violence is not protected by our courts.

What the fuck is going on
Why do we have custom flags back again

Why would you jack off to animal porn tho ?

I think people forget about the Japanese concentration camps in China.

>OY VEY don't be so prejudiced towards pedos. Fucking little children is a good thing
Gee, I wonder who's behind this post ..