"US 'created ISIS" based iran

"US 'created ISIS" based iran...

look at these BASED MUSLIMS lol. The MSM won't show this, upvote this to the top!

well he's not wrong

They are freedom fighters

He's correct.

>give weapons to "moderate rebels" next to ISIS
>rebels then "flee", leaving weapons behind
>repeat several more times
>just a coincidence!

He is right about that indirectly. The US (really mostly the kikes in the US) destabilized the region - destroying the power structures that had been there for 100s of years, which lead to IS and other such organisations gaining more power.

Also Israel supports IS at least indirectly.

TFW, technically correct

Zarkawi basically created ISIS. Check who hosted him 2001 to 2003.

USA should get over it's anal pain over '79 desu


earn dem shekels shabbo goy

back to raddit. Sup Forums is pro-iran

Allahu akbar

True, telling like it is

Those WMD are looking too obvious there Iran.

This was all obvious in summer of 2014

It's a readit try's to fit in episode




well, unfortunately, he's not wrong

our flag is best flag

wtf i love muslims now

The Oded Yinon Plan
The Kalergi Plan
Zionist/Supremacist Jewry's pincer move


Didn't trump say Clinton/Obama created ISIS before he turned into a cocksucking Saudi cuck? Man I miss campaign trump. At least Iran fights the good fight still.

they're not wrong

i remember watching a newsnight report where they just casually referred to ISIS as a rebel group with t-shirts back when assad was literally hitler

Someone should tell Iran that the world already knows this and that they should pipe down

Never go full red pill

didnt see we could choose flags til this thread
*sniff* nostalgia...

well they aint wrong.........


where was this fucking faggot before Trump got elected?

Oh right

>playing the game like everyone else
bombs incoming...

The (((media))) has hard on for Iran as Iran is truly what they claim to be. A plucky independent state surround by enemies and treated unfairly making great strides. Iranians do while doing without while Israel has every advantage and still is genetically compelled to thieve, spy and plagiarise.

I'm going to be very sad when we eventually go to some fake war with Iran and a centralized private bank gets established with a new leader that's a slave to the Jews. Iran is one of the only countries that is uncucked and it needs to stay that way.

Iran supported Assad before Trump even started his campaign you fucking retard
Go back to the_donald, faggot

Will never happen. Iran will flatten KAMAG making Israel eternally polluted.

you're basically a slave who can't think

look how angry you get and you failed to decipher my post

peep my doublespace

Iran created the idea of blowing yourself up as a means of getting into paradise - fuck those fags


There is literally cucked by Hezbolllah porn in Israel. Jew melons were totally twisted by their defeat at the hands of masculine NS which is what Hezbollah is.

This, we've always taken a pro -ran pro-assad stance.

Sad, sad, sad state of affairs when the leaders of Iran and Russia are more trustworthy than our MSM.

Can confirm Obama gave us loads of guns and ammo as well and CIA training

What is going on here?

Iran represents an entirely different sect of Islam than the one causing 99% of the problems.

Yeah and what a lovely fucking bunch they are.

your Muslim president used US tax payers to fund a holy war

some dumbasses decided to sell out like leddit

kuffar shia degenerates

a jihad on them

Islamic extremists aren't, never were and never shall be the tiniest bit the threat that the Communists were.

Well it's almost correct, but US is pretty much Israel anyway so good enough

>US creates Al Qaeda
>Uses them in the gulf war
>Discards them, they become angry
>years later, ISIS spring forth from the ashes
>Take control of territory because of destabilization caused by the US in Syria and other places
>Somehow this is not the US fault
He's right about that though.
This world needs to be destroyed. Starting again is the only option.

This is nothing but obvious, but of course amerifats will ignore the fact.



>Iran came with the idea of blowing up sunni's asses while at the same time killing shias
>2 birds on stone


arabs were always powerless

Then the early 20th came along, some ruthless guy named Rockefeller started a company called Standard Oil...and everything went to shit.

Its actually amazing how much one man cucked the USA, and in some ways the entire world. He's not Rothschild tier, but he's pretty close.

Anyway, the USA doesn't want to use less oil, because guys like Rockefeller wanted to use the most oil possible. He not only helped kill/restrain our railways, but he also battled Henry Ford over making sure automobiles ran on oil instead of corn grain alcohol (which would have made more sense in every way)

All this shit we have now. islamists, The Global oil market, Saudi Arabia controlling the petrol dollar, etc etc. It can all be traced back to Standard Oil (Rockefeller)

>trips of truth
rockefeller invented the saudis, he invented fundementalism, he invented 9/11

The construction of the first World Trade Center was conceived by David Rockefeller

In 1946 Winthrop Aldrich chairman of Chase bank ( and uncle to David and Nelson Rockefeller) explored the feasibility of the World Trade Center project.

Port Authority formally backed the project on March 11, 1961.

On January 22, 1962, the two states reached an agreement to allow the Port Authority to take over the railroad and to build the World Trade Center on Manhattan's lower west side

Protests before and while the World Trade Center was constructed, as to whether the Port Authority really ought to take on the project, described by some as a "mistaken social priority". (the goyim sensed the masonic b.s.)

real estate developers and members of the Real Estate Board of New York also expressed concerns about this much "subsidized" office space going on the open market, competing with the private sector when there was already a glut of vacancies

Yamasaki as lead architect, who had previously designed Saudi Arabia's Dhahran International Airport with the Saudi Binladin Group (more masonic molochism)

The plaza was modelled after Mecca, incorporating features such as a vast delineated square, a fountain, and a radial circular pattern. Yamasaki described the plaza as "a mecca, a great relief from the narrow streets and sidewalks of the Wall Street area.

twin 110-story towers

demolition work began on March 22, 1966 to clear the residential site, Radio Row

Some Ameritards will deny this. Any who have done their research and are honest with themselves will admit it. However, I am of the belief that their hornet's nest operation just grew too rapidly and outgrew the controllers and handlers before they could get it reeled in again. ISIS is a joint US/Israeli creation. Period. End of Story.



even in the official most blue pilled version isis was created because americans fucked up iraq and then left when it was still in shambles.
