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Do you use Uber or do you support your local Taxi Cabs?
Do you use Uber?
I own 3 cars so I don't use either
local taxis are all mexican driven minivan or 1998 camry shitboxes with mismatched color panels and bald tires.
I own multiple vehicles and house so no. Trips where I fly not drive I rent a vehicle. Uber is for debt slaves living in shitlib cities.
Don't you need one of those stupid phones and like an app or something?
>Get an Uber
>It will be 10 us dollars
It's worth it thouugh. I only use Taxis when I'm in CancĂșn.
pretty sure you guys dont have uber or taxi`s there.
how is this politics. fuck off paco, build wall.
I walk everywhere because I live in a civilized and well engineered country.
I use taxis
sometimes i get local taxi through local "uber"
Lol why Uber? Just drive drunk goy
Uber, cause I don't like sitting in shit smelling cars being driven around by a pajeet or terrorist who barely speaks english
Everyone that's white here hates the "black taxis" (combis/minibus) taxis, they seem to not care about the rules and just do what they want, stopping where they want (even in the middle of the street) and switch lanes without indicating, often causing lots of accidents/deaths. I do feel a bit sorry for the regular taxis though, they seemed to have been losing out big time to Uber.
Taxi drivers in Toronto are all garbage, and also shit skins. Why would I support them?
I take the bus or subway. Why pay more than 10 dollars if i can just pay 25 cents and walk 5 minutes?
I drive because I'm not poor.
You have no idea how arrogant and expensive the taxis here are. I hope they all go out of business
>Driving yourself
> Not having money to pay someone to drive for you
Pleb, bet you make your own food too.
You clearly dont go out much then
Uber. Taxi unions are made of subhuman pieces of shit.
no i call for local taxis
>Call an Uber car
>behead driver
>repeat multiple times
Really simplifying the Jihad process, I give 5 stars to Uber.
I walk because its healthier than taking taxi's which just promote the lifestyles of foreigners (usually jihadis).
Same. I own five vehicles. Why would I ever take a taxi.
Uber since all taxis in the Toronto area are garbo.
Uber. They lose money on every ride they take, $3 billion loss in 2016. Why wouldn't I do my part in making the kikes lose money?
Uber is heavily owned by the saudis. Use lyft instead
Nope. None in New Hampshire.
>drinking alcohol
i bet you're ayyo lamo weed person too
I use Uber because I don't typically carry much cash. It's very convenient, and about the same price as taxis in my area (very busy tourist trap).
Plus if I use my cash it's less I have on hand for strippers and cocaine.
Some 35 year old white NEET Uber driver was stabbed to death after dropping someone off at 5 in the morning. What a sad life.
It's amazing how they can't profit off simply being a financial liaison and providing "customer support" which is mostly bots and pajeets. You'd think this would be a money printing business
Same. I own 7 vehicles. Why would I ever take a taxi.
Uber unless taxis are the only option. Taxi drivers can get fucked.
taxi's what?
just wanted to see my flag
turns out you're still a mong
Because driving is booooooooooring
so kewl
everyone will see me in a weird taxi
so kewl
I'll be able to tell people and impress them
who cares if it's more expensive and driven by straight off the plane people who want to rape and rob us
Oh and there's always the rape option for those who want quickly delivered sex (according to the media)
Yeah so kewl, so radical, so rebellious
They should, but they're too greedy, and expanded way too quick for their available cash flow.
It's an economy that rewords risk and punishes safety. You can't blame them for betting on reaching a little to high.
Uber is like 50% cheaper than regular taxi here... I'm not going back unless I have no other choice
You will also get the best possible service/price because after your ride, you get to rate your driver, and if you give them a bad rating, it's bad for business. Win win.
I use it to go to and from bars. Uber drivers are worse than taxi drivers. I hate them. They talk about the worst shit and drive like idiots. At least taxis know where the fuck they're going.
>Live in area where niggers break into people's cars inside of privately gated parking garages on the regular (somehow)
>Only need to use a car like once or twice a week
Uber all the way. For me it's cheaper and less hassle than owning a car. The most I have to wait is like 5 minutes, and the whole time I can shitpost on Sup Forums instead of dealing with city traffic. Ideally I would rather not live in a city, but that's life.
>support your local Taxi Cabs?
you mean the Mafia? no i dont support them
Local cabs are Morrocans and Turks driving filthy Mercedes swearing t you and fondling woman.
So yes I use Uber.
protip: move
it's a pretty big country and in most of it you can be impressed about leaving your car out of sight and unanttended for weeks and nobody messes with it.
Not blaming them, just pointing out the mistake they made. I'm perfectly happy knowing they lose money on every ride I take.
I intend to move (to a better part of town), but I'm doing a degree so moving too far isn't an option right now unless I want to change my entire career path
anyone who drives for uber is an idiot, especially those fags with brand new cars, making chump change in exchange for the value of your car. enjoy taking people down the street for a whopping $2. this whole sharing generation/economy is communist tier.
Local taxis are all ghetto rats here. So absolutely not. The bigger taxi companies are all Haitian/West Indian/Hispanic drivers and they are just so fucking incompetent. I've been charged extra fares because these stupid fucks pretend to not hear you and go a longer route for profits. Since uber came to our city I never fucked with those crooks again.
Uber is half the price of regular taxis and most of the drivers are just normal people. Lots of Russians doing Uber in my area, which is fine with me because they are always wonderful and pleasant.
Lyft is better for the driver though. I would switch if I was the one paying for them.