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Hi~ X3c

Sieg Heil!


Grand State of Burgundy at your service mein führer

>lose to inferior races

The entire world of banker good goyim attacked us. It was all because Hitler wanted to stop the parasitic influence of banks enslaving the people with debt.

And retarded fucks like you fell for it.

Democrats are the real racists

Mind = Blown

National socialism is shit because it still has the government compelling action. The lack of freedom is shit.

>when your political system creates a nation so strong it literally takes the entire planet working in unison to quell you

Im not a Nazi, but fuck man, they defo got something right


>hurdurrrr racisss retards

Brit here, the allies were good shabbos and our grandfathers were conned into fighting for a future they didn't want, they would have defected to the enemy if they'd known western pluralism would have resulted in what we have today.

You're such a fucking retarded leaf.

What most brits don't realize is that had your government not been a bunch of shits you could have allied with Hitler and he would have put you first amongst all his allies.

am i welcum?


Knowing this hurts every morning when I wake and wonder what could have been

All modern governments are like mafia enforcers for the jewish owned and controlled banks.

Nazbol party

I guess whether your race is superior or not is irrelevant if the rest of the world will zerg rush you till your army runs out of bullets.

Based kikes

Am I doing it rite

no, he is right

>Most of Russia Annexed and colonized by Krauts
>Continued Anglo dominion over Africa and India
>Development of Racially conscious Nationalist governments in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa
>China and Korea enslaved by Nips
>Only surviving Jews are in North America and can't destabilize or pozz it for fear of a weakened America falling to the Anglo-German alliance.

Just giving a pity (you)



Pls no more

>a fucking leaf

>hurdur no fair they ganged up on us
So? You still lost, nigga. Its obvious the jews are the master race since they know how to actually win.

Still lost, nigga. Jews are the master race. Aryanism is a meme.

Get angry and hold onto that anger my friend. Its gonna be a bumpy ride and you're going to need something to keep you from despair.


>Jews are the master race

The world lost, communist faggot

Fucking kill yourself degenerate

Government compells action, you do not have a say in how you live your life.
You lack property rights and the government can and did seize property at will without compensation. Lack of property rights undermines everything

Wew lad.

Hitler loved animals, did you know?

(((A fucking leaf)))

Forgot this was reddit. Where you dismiss a comment, instead of refuting it. My mistake

Theres no point in talking to lobertarians and ancaps. You'll sperg about how the world would be perfect with no ebil gubberminto to stop you from building your money bins and wearing your monopoly guy outfits, and then declare victory no matter how retarded your arguments are.

Wrong, you have property rights, but you can't speculate on property and you cannot make money on rent seeking behavior. The property however is YOURS.

Fucking lolbertarian faggot ass leaf strikes again.


Tyranny in democratic republics does not proceed in the same way, however. It ignores the body and goes straight for the soul. The master no longer says: You will think as I do or die. He says: You are free not to think as I do. You may keep your life, your property, and everything else. But from this day forth you shall be as a stranger among us. You will retain your civic privileges, but they will be of no use to you. For if you seek the votes of your fellow citizens, they will withhold them, and if you seek only their esteem, they will feign to refuse even that. You will remain among men, but you will forfeit your rights to humanity. When you approach your fellow creatures, they will shun you as one who is impure. And even those who believe in your innocence will abandon you, lest they, too, be shunned in turn. Go in peace, I will not take your life, but the life I leave you with is worse than death.


>papacy would not adopt vatican 2
>the pozzing of the church would not happen (any of them)
>Unitarians would cease to exist
>faggotry would continue to be a crime punished by death

Freedom and individualism needs to be crushed for the sake of the people

Hitler's 1 big mistake was losing the war. No one will ever seriously affiliate with an ideology that lost, it goes against our survival instinct.

That's factually incorrect though. Nazis did seize the property of Jews. If the government can and does negate your right to property because of your ethnic group, your country does not have property rights.
The world would not be perfect in a libertarian society, it would be better though.

National Socialism sucks

No it doesn't have minority rights

If we kick out Muslims, do we suddenly not have citizenship rights?
No. Don't be a retard

Fuck off faggot everyone knows hitler seized Jewish property and we support it

Fuck you leaf

redpill on the russian revolution


There are no such thing as rights



It would though. If you negate citizenship or property rights because of ethnicity it's proof that you don't respect those rights, as they are alienable at government whim.
The fact he seized it shows that they didn't respect property rights.
Venezuela seized oil production facilities, how did that work out for the Venezuelan economy? How much did other companies invest into the country knowing the government could seize their property at will?

Nazbol are true cancer and deserve all the hate that Nazis receive instead of them except even greater
Why the fuck would anyone be a fucking nazbol jesus christ?

I will liberate all of you


hitler lost and then killed himself, yeah really a figure to venerate, kek


>still haven't taken the black pill

If you want to live in a National socialist country, move to North Korea. It has no rights as well
Anything you own can get seized
You can have no freedom or individualism

Fuck off cuck

Socialism is the only answer to fixing income inequality. If you don't agree you should fuck off back to plebbit.

the anglo saxon is the superior race tho

Ireland reporting in.

Aww poor Nazis got ganged up on

There's no excuse for losing, your ideology is just weak if it leads to you getting destroyed

>people who consider themselves anything other than subjects of the nation they reside within deserve rights

No natsoc buys your inalienable individual rights

Its proof you don't respect those ethnic groups.
You are trying wayyyyyy too hard

Only shabbos believe this, even minor investigation into the subject reveals heaps of evidence pointing to the fuhrer absconding to Argentina

>Freedom and individualism needs to be crushed for the sake of the people

This is exactly why Nazis are anti-American failures

Good luck making any progress in the world when you try to destroy the human spirit all in the name of what your government wants to do

Income inequality isnt a problem. It doesn't need to be "fixed".
Some people provide skills people value and make good decisions. Some people make poor decisions and end up as single moms.
Some people enjoy working full time and being able to dedicate themselves to work. Some people prefer working part time
If you take out income inequality there ceases to be an incentive for people to do things that are more difficult. Why spend 8 years in medical school, spending all nighters in order to pass exams, if not for greater compensation?

>entire world
>a peasant army from Eastern Europe and Central Asia aka the Untermensch
>USA that joined the war months before it ended


> Why spend 8 years in medical school, spending all nighters in order to pass exams, if not for greater compensation?

Because Pajeet did the same but is willing to work for pennies

Love and peace maaaaan

Lololol when we going to troll some sjws
Praise kek 1488

>After having thus successively taken each member of the community in its powerful grasp and fashioned him at will, the supreme power then extends its arm over the whole community. It covers the surface of society with a network of small complicated rules, minute and uniform, through which the most original minds and the most energetic characters cannot penetrate, to rise above the crowd. The will of man is not shattered, but softened, bent, and guided; men are seldom forced by it to act, but they are constantly restrained from acting. Such a power does not destroy, but it prevents existence; it does not tyrannize, but it compresses, enervates, extinguishes, and stupefies a people, till each nation is reduced to nothing better than a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd.
Muh nazis are the ones destroying the soul

But it proves the rights aren't inalienable and can be seized at will by the government without compensation.
That's undermining any conception of justice. Why compete and try to make a better product, when your resources would be better spent trying to prove your competitor is a Jew and getting the government to take over.

So are nazis conspiracy theorists or what?

>Eurocountries invite muslim rapefugees that threaten to kill jews and christians
>"Jews are behind everything bad that's happening in Europe."

Pennies on our scale sure, but relative to average Indians it's a fortune. Pajeet was willing to put in the work for a better life. Again what does this have to do with income inequality being a problem?


Friendly reminder that germans are degenerate

>Spartans claim they are superior soldiers
>Persians attack them with hundreds of thousands of men
>Spartans are eventually overwhelmed and killed
>Persian cucks conclude that this proves Spartans were not superior soldiers, because they lost.

We can only dream of a world so beautiful

YHow does one get the flag

Jewish elite are behind everything, Jewish masses defend them innately through their strong group loyalty.
The Jewish elites however, do not have the common Jews best intentions at heart either.
Furthermore, it is well understood that the elites prefer to make the world an uncomfortable place for diaspora Jews to encourage them to move to Israel where they will undoubtedly be enlisted into the IDF

The pursuit of money is fine, as long as it is a result of voluntary transactions as opposed to government compulsion by threat of death/imprisonment

Fucking jews, man


4th reich reporting in

Wealth is perceived as all important. It has replaced family values in the west as the benefactor of happiness. This has been engendered by the Jew in order to push women into work and drive the corporate machine in a vicious circle of profit and social degeneration. Ignore this warning at your peril.

If you're ok with spending 8 hard years in school then staying unemployed or working for pennies because Pajeets have driven down the wages, absolutely nothing

Rev up those gaschambers.

i can have flag


Don't know about that, if it would come frome someone under different flag i might just believe that.

>The world attacked us

Tell me, who declared war on Poland, the USSR, and the US again?