EU launches legal cases against Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic for not taking in refugees
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wow it's fucking nothing
But they've taken in millions of holhols?
Hohols are too white, atleast according to EU cucks.
Do it faggots, make us hate the EU even more.
>the biggest gibtakers in the EU are finally forced to do something in return
leeches get rekt
fuck you
we will fight back like in 1410
ain't no prusfag gonna tread over ME
too bad this particular EU procedure takes five years to complete
that is 2022 for first sanctions to happen, if nothing will interrupt the process
like dissolving the EU or Polexit
And they wonder why far-right parties are on the rise.
Thank you friend
We can now settle in Poland in peace
because the right-wing thinks it's entitled to free money? because Western right-wingers are sorry to lose welfare cases like Poland?
What HOW?
>and all the pimps and hookers out of the EU. problem solved. my grand pa didn't work his arrrs off to pay tax just for drug dealer and hookers from the east to come to my country and play racist. go back to your country eat potatoes and write some racist slogans non of the Muslims or any immigrants what to be there in eastern europe
EU trying to be as retarded as UN
fuck the eu. the V4 should cede along with the Craiova group.
>The European Commission has launched legal action against three EU member states, claiming Poland, Hungary, and Czech Republic have not “taken the necessary action” in dealing with migrants and refugees.
This is incorrect. We took the necessary actions; we built a wall.
>the UN is financially supporting countries
nigger countries maybe. Time for Poland to get a job and move out of Mommy Merkel's basement.
i dont think getting your country infested with machete wielding shitskins who do nothing but cause violence and destroy your country was part of the deal
Stay strong.
Piss in those bureaufags faces.
No EU burocrats deserves respect.
All the Visegrad countries have to do is wait them out. At the rate the shitskins are invading Western Europe in a few more years Brussels will be transformed into one giant migrant ghetto shithole and the EU commie-wannabes will be forced to flee to New Zealand.
All those butthurt westerners. Eu can't do shit to us and you know it.
Now gibe some money.
lmao those countries can never get out of the union, they are way too dependent on it, fucking leeches
pooland in loo
serves them right
If those Muds are forced into Poland by the E.U, what do you think will happen to them?
They are going to get beaten to fucking death
Wow nice sanctions like V4 Euros give a fuck.
Shit they might even leave if the fines are too high, it's not like they were ever in it for anything other than the dosh.
Yeah 1.3+ mil but since yesteday(?) Ukrainians can enter EU without any visas so of course they will all go to Germany. The ones in Poland are all on work visas, they ones wanting free gibs are all going to Western Europe as we speak XD
no matter what they do, it's still better than getting mudslimes on your ground..
EU can literally unironically fuck off, same way rapefugees did. No compromise, no surrender.
People of Visegrad are programmed to do the opposite of what the enemy wants. And EU got itself into that enemy tier, harder they push harder we fight back.
Get ready to pay up, leeches. God I love Merkel. Gonna vote for her again
or maybe they're just sick of unpopular policies shoved down their throats by unelected puppets with no legitimacy.
>because the right-wing thinks it's entitled to free money? because Western right-wingers are sorry to lose welfare cases
If you replace every "right" by "left", you nailed it.
No data, just memes.
>le Poland is afloat becuz gibs
Why does Poland always look like it's raping qt3.14 Czechia?
>From the biggest parasite to sanctioned bitch
Make it happen Mutter Merkel
But none of the countries OP listed are white in the first place
>Poland and it's harem
We should allow Lithuania to join as the dog
Where is the dependency?
Can't see shit.
Post a graph of EU net contributers.Oh wait, that doesn't show the dependency as well.
>it is illegal to not destroy your own country
Where are the sanctions against the German government for single-handedly inviting the immigrants and creating the crisis?
Orange is contributors, blue is recipient, Boris.
>bribes to politicians are gibs
>we bought your politicians so you must obey us !
>you must ruin your country and sacrifice your people !
Even then we can just call it 'reparations' for WW2 where entire Europe threw us under bus where Germonkeys waited to rape us. You betrayed us in the past and we refuse to serve you in present, so go suck a dick Schlomo, don't bite off the foreskin.
you realize that the only reason West keeps pumping money here is so they can drain our markets and exploit cheap workers?
Feel free to cancel the gibsmedat you bestow upon Germany anytime.
we skip sanctions and go straight for physical removal of EU commies
You forgot to show how Polish economy growth was halved after joining EU.
Good luck in doing anything to us.
Spieß voran, drauf und dran, setzt aufs Klosterdach den roten Hahn!
So the """sanctions"""(cancelling of gibs) will help you I guess.
>needing the support of something or someone in order to continue existing or operating:
The EU funds shit, doesn't mean we're dependent.
Also, that FP7 is an innovation fund. No country ever was dependent on an innovation fund.
>legal cases
>((((WE)))) decide what's right or wrong
fucking nuke every shithole that is part of the EU.
>Poland takes in butt loads of Ukrainians.
>Lol they aren brown enough.
Hello, Eastern friends. Coming from a cucked country let me tell you:
Please remember that as sovereign states, YOU make the decision who gets into your country and not some idiots in Brussels.
We will not falter
>YOU make the decision who gets into your country and not some idiots in Brussels.
yeah, we know, and apparently it is not obvious thing to idiots in Brussels
>Launches a "legal" case.
>Based on a domestic own legal system.
>That you can't possibly defend yourself out of.
This is called extortion, son.
I'm sure you have good lawyers.
You can always cite "security reasons". After all, most of the terrorists in France, Germany, Denmark and Sweden in the last two years came as """refugees""" into Europe.
>Accusing others of being gibtakers
>I'm sure you have good lawyers.
we will make national referendum about taking rapefugees
gg ez
>thinks EU gibs actually help the citizens of EE countries
How come these countries won't accept rapefugees but their women wh0re themselves out in most of the Eurosmut produced in Europe, or prostitute themselves in brothels, do degenerate sex acts in public or in performance art, etc.
think about it. currently, almost no new refugees are coming. by distributing them all across europe, they have a lower population density=less ghettos.
look at ireland
>by spreading cancer you get less cancer
>no profit
Are you retarded? First thing, distributing them means more ghettos of less size. Second thing, they multiply like rabbits, why would be want them here no matter how many it is?
How do we know that EU won't shove another quota down our throats if we agree to this one? It's a slippery slope.
>EU gives moneyz for projects
>Projects must be done by a company that wins a tender
>EU is free market goyim, so western mega corporations always win the bigger tenders
>EU money is paid back to said corporations, along with some funds that our government provides
>Everything is three times as expensive as it should be, because two thirds of the money are actually bribes, or get stolen in any other way
>At the end, we get some nearly useless infrastructural shit (because the EU is careful not to give money for actual economy improvement)
>At the end, the EU gibs went back to the Western EU countries through their corporations
>Along with the our govt's self-provided parts of the project's costs
>Except for the bribes, they stay in the pockets of the politicians
>Meanwhile, unlimited competition from the West completely destroyed our own production
fuck drumpf tho
fuck these new flags
EU just can't stop us now.
let me come to your country pls
it's better than mine but i will whine
where mosque
give mosque
give explosiv
give womane
ur racist
dear nigger
the gibs do nothing but help Germans further economically colonize Poland
fuck you, you uneducated pasta cunt
I for one am ready to apoligise for v4s anti european behavior. its time to join the civilized community
germany invading us again soon
>implying those weren't loans
>implying Euroshlomos were giving shekels for free just like that
thats not very european of you
TAKE IN MORE MUSLIMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was bound to happen sooner or later. Sorry v4
>t. lost to Greece
you wanted to say "any", not "more", user
It's easy to just skip them. I hope we get option to filter them.
What the fuck is happening!?! The media, the government, anyone won't stop Islam from destroying everything we hold dear! Why?
Fuck your pedo prophet.
In my bedroom.
My Allah, hand the Hungarian women over you kuffar
Yes massa
in ww2 we were in wrong tho and joined wrong side and now we have nig nogs in europe
They won't bend to this crap. Incoming annexation and ww3