The NBA champions refuse to visit white house. Sup Forums and Drumpf BTFO

The NBA champions refuse to visit white house. Sup Forums and Drumpf BTFO

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>Less blacks in the white house.


You used to have to tell them where they're not allowed to go, now they just know what to do. How did you train them so well, fatty?

I can't wait to hear the niggers give their reasons why
1. Trump is racist
2. Trump hates gays
3. Trump is working for Russia and they invaded Korea
4. Trump likes ketchup instead of hot sauce


Welp, I guess they can bring out the silverware again. Cancel the exterminator and order of purple drank.

Nobody gives a shit about apehoop

>you cant buy integrity

but you can buy a FINALS MVP!

Who cares about nigger ball, sage

Remember when people lost theor shit when Tim Thomas refused to meet Obama? It's always funny when the shoe is on the other foot.

Good, I don't think a bunch of nigs could even understand what goes on in the white house

Why didnt the NBA let Lebron win like last year?

Oh, no! Floorsqueak players won't be at the White House.

Whatever shall we do!



They just kicked a bunch of black people out earlier this year. No need to invite more in.

Silly niggers

Who says they were invited in the first place?

No fucks given.

>idols for black city youth setting bad examples
shiggy diggy
>tfw no prophet! flag

>black nationalist flag labeled as BLM
godfucking damnit. I welcomed the flags when i saw them on mobile.
hiroshimoot is useless

Trump better troll the fuck out of them on twitter

Good. An anonymous source in the White House said they just got the smell of Newports and cocoa butter out of there.

Anyone that still watches the NBA is hopeless.

No one cares about basketball.

Their viewer ship has been decreasing every year.

>The NBA champions


you mean the same basketball where players believe the earth is fucking flat!! seems to me all these blacks need to finish grades 2 - 4 before even speaking the white houses name

It's not just the players. Their coach is a giant cuck who bashed Trump for being a racist, sexist meanie.

I used to be a fan of the NBA, but they obviously don't give a shit about people like me, so fuck that cucked league. The SJWs can have it.

wow, so brave and progressive

The political opinions of professional athletes are even more worthless than those of celebrities in the entertainment industry.

Who cares.


who cares based Rodman is out there doing the emperors bidding. I don't even know who any of those niggers are but everyone knows based Rodman.

>trump curse kicks in
>wont even make it to the finals next season

Trump should re-invite the Patriots


>that flag

>watching apehoop


>niggers decide to not show up at White House
Don't see the problem

Why would you want them to?

Reminder that hockey is the white man's sport.
>99% white players
>played on ice, therefore a water sport, therefore nigger repellent
>heavy metal played at arenas instead of ape hop
>sportsmanship at the forefront instead of showboating coons


>*In the locker room, team captain giving speech*
>Yo my niggas FUCK dis racis ass TRUMP
>rally round my brothas n be da change u want to see
>We refuse ya offer respectfully, ya honor, we's choose to keeps our dignity

relationship with NBA champs ended

Ambassador Dennis Rodman is my new best friend now


>one of the best players is PK Subban

said the ball bouncers ........

milk dudes anyone?

this is good, fuck the racist fascist orange in the white house, i refuse to even call him my president

Fuck sports. Opiate of the masses that doesn't improve humanity in any way. Might as well pay videogamers 100 million a year for their Epic Skills.

Nothing sadder than some 30 year old neverwas spending his paycheck to buy tickets to watch other people have the life he'll never, ever touch. And don't get me started on the billionaire (((team owners))).

Gas everyone involved.

Who gives a fuck. NBA is shit-tier nigger culture for degenerates. You're doing Trump a favor. Go drink yak milk from a gourd bowl, niggers.

Nigs got bad hearts too ...........

Reports have also shown that African-American athletes may be more likely than white athletes to have heart defects that can lead to arrhythmias during exercise, and that their chance of dying from sudden cardiac arrest may increase two- to three-fold.