you need us, the amount of white women who are woke is miniscule.
white transwomen just need stem cell uteruses and we can start doing our part
Tranny here
Cool your jets, faggot.
We need you for... what?
Can't wait until you kill yourself
I'd rather make it with a dog
Kill yourself
>tranny here
continuing the race, you see when a mommy and a daddy love each other very much they slap their genitals together until a zygote is formed
nine months later the mommy poops out a baby
Fucking based tranny MAGA praise Kek
>fucking trannies in the ass
>somehow continues the race
Sup Forums will soon become the hateful faggot board it was meant to be.
>white transwomen just need stem cell uteruses
One serious problem with that: whose DNA will be in the eggs you degenerates carry in you "stem cell uteruses", since it obligatorily couldn't be yours, being that you'll always have that pesky XY chromosome pair. Have you even thought that far?
How can I continue the race with a masturbation toy?
I happened across some tranny porn this morning for fapping purposes. I don't usually get in to that because that's not my jam, but I thought why not.
It was awful and disgusting. I mean like one notch above furry and old hair fat dudes in military garb.
Banging an ass it is not an act of love, but an act of hate.
It's a violent rape.
If you like to be abused ok, your body, but don't say as it is an act of love.
>soon become
That's what it's always been
I hate trannies. You want to ruin women-only spaces. I do not want my daughter growing up sharing locker rooms with men who justify being there because they put lipstick on and choose to wear dresses.
You will never be a real woman so stop pretending. If you really cared about women you would not take away these spaces from them. You all are just sick fetishists.
MAYBE.... but most faggots vote left why try? and aren't you just going to kill your self? how does a gay that will lynch it self help the cause?
well actually its most likely that two xy parents would produce another xy, xyy (slightly taller than normal) and xx would be rarer but possible
probably the most annoying phrase to come out of all this nonsense
I'm from shitting dick nipples and crush cat era Sup Forums, but even I'm offended at the notion that society has gotten to a point where anybody takes seriously the idea that some guy with a demented fetish can go in to the girl's locker room.
And then I have to listen on the radio that this person is literally hitler because he doesn't agree, or this other person is the second coming of jesus because finally now it's legally mandatory to have perverts in the girl's room. It's just nuts. What ever happened to just fapping to weird shit and discussing penises and loli in some dark corner of Sup Forums?
It's insane and feels like a fever nightmare.
What boggles my mind is that there are so many real women out there that are accepting of these perverts infiltrating places where they are most vulnerable. The same women who experience sexual harassment all throughout their lives starting at childhood.
Trannies are mentally ill men, women need to realize this but they are too pressured to conform to being overly empathetic to these creeps.
It is crazy that these mentally unstable men have priority over the safety of every single woman. I am seriously afraid for my daughter because I know that it's only getting worse.
Ah! That's right. Every time I go for a short drive to the grocery story I put on NPR, and it's a rare day they don't come out with something juicy. This of course is our standard of intellectualism.
They had a long segment about some gay guy who ruined his body, and I don't care if he wants to pack fudge or mutilate himself or whatever (although maybe I should start to at this point) but the whole thing was just whinging on and on about how we have to fight a war or something for everybody to think this is normal and he can like not even try to pass, which I thought was supposed to be the main objective of guys who wanted to cross dress and pretend to be women.
It's absolutely sick. I mean, I don't hate people if they want to go to the gay bath house or the nudie beach or buy a hooker and snort coke out of her ass, but that's why we have designated areas so weirdos can be weird together and normal society can have some standard expectations of decency.
Nah, fuck off.
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Sorry, we aren't attracted to mentally ill men here
Maybe you should fuck off back to tumblr you degenerate abomination.
why did you both assume I meant pooping literally, I was clearly being facetious? incidentally natal women often do poop when giving birth, they also tear into their butts.
also the only limitation to a trans woman giving birth is her hips are probably too narrow, but cesareans exist
currently there is vaginoplasty which turns the penis and testicular sack into a facsimile of a vulva and gives a vaginal cavity.
stem cell vaginal canals for women born without one are a real thing and just need to be tried on a transwoman.
uterus transplants are happening right now into women born without one and stem cell uteruses aren't far away
combined with a theoretical dmrt1 inhibitor that turns a teste into an ovaryn
its very much so possible in our lifetime to get a transwoman vaginally pregnant
tits or gtfo
nah mate tranny tits are awful
it's literally a gross guy who got fat and has a freakish case of gyno
Yeah I have no problem if trannies want to indulge in their sick fetishes in private but it becomes a huge problem when they involve themselves in places where young girls are exposed to their degeneracy.
Trannies are trying to erase actual women. They are trying to change the definition of woman.
Curiously enough it is 'female' trannies who are taking the spotlight, howcome 'male' trannies aren't so aggressive with their transgender identities? You don't really see trans'men' making a huge fuss over being included with other men to the point of trying to erase male identity.
Well guys are naturally aggressive. There's no doubt about that. And if I can chance to speak for normal guys, that's part of what makes us naturally inclined to be nice to women even though half the time they turn out to be back stabbing bitches and whores.
Another NPR story I remember back before "transgender" was a household word was about this woman who got on testosterone treatment. She said it was crazy, like a totally different world. She finally understood why men think about cars with big grumbling engines, and even turning on the washing machine made her randy.
Well, yeah. It was kind of interesting to hear a woman's perspective on what it's like to sort-of be a man, but the way this stuff is being pushed goes beyond my capability to excuse it as merely documenting interesting stories.
I truly dread the day I get to behold one of the demons born from a tranny's profane, engineered un-womb.
Nah Bro, your kind are useless to society
that's because FTMs are accepted, MTFs are called perverts
also shouldn't you be worrying more about lesbians in bathrooms
I mean, if a man walks into a woman's bathroom its pretty obvious they're only in there for one reason
but a trans woman who works on their appearance either passes well enough to be in and out to pee or they use the disabled if they're afraid/unconfident
What's wrong with lesbians unless they're screeching and freebleeding in the street? Seems like kind of a cult unto itself, like with gay guys, where they just adopt certain signals, dress codes, etc. to spot each other so they can enjoy sex the way they want.
Are lesbos comparatively virulent? I think if you took a poll of most guys they wouldn't care if there were a woman in the bathroom and might even think that's slightly fun. Not so the other way around.
lesbians don't rape other women on a huge scale. Crazy men who have dicks do. A good majority of women do not want dicks around them while they are vulnerable. Nice bait though.
you might want to look into lesbian domestic rape and violence statistics, as well as lesbian pedophilia statistics
Fuck off and die.
Women are for making babies. Not mutilated males.
does not change that men are the number one perpetrators of rape against women. Women have segregated spaces for a reason and this is undeniable. If women do not want dicks in their space they should not have to put up with it to appease a mentally ill man in a dress.
>tranny here
Stopped reading right here
>a new right wing world order ushered in by genetically altered femboys
Please, I already have enough oddball fetishes/fantasies