What was the point of changing flags? How will know to disregard posts by leafs, strayans, or swedes?

What was the point of changing flags? How will know to disregard posts by leafs, strayans, or swedes?

Hahaha. Slurmpf BTFO.

To bring Sup Forums back to what it was
I hope they remove geographical locations altogether
Only newfags and r*dditors would dislike this

Fett ägd, trippelneger.

hahahahahha need to see our superiorety?

Sup Forums destroyed Sup Forums before flags were taken in use here

Because this board now NazBol

bra sagt

Knulla dig


>being this newfag
Sup Forums was better before the flags were implemented

I actually liked being able to tell if someone is a turkroach or a leaf desu senpai

Flags were brought back so us PEDES can ASSEMBLE

Flags should be random and changing each time you post.

Choosing your own flag is a manchildren thing

geographical locations turned Sup Forums into a shitflinging fest. particularly American the_donald posters love making irrelevant replies, it's like their sole reason for being here is to look at flags and find an insult that fits it.

hmmm really makes you think

I admire your group's ability to meme. You fuckers shitpost harder than austrailians.

t. shitskin

Oh boy. I can't wait to go back to the days where every retarded post was met with "hurr durr dumb americunts" despite zero evidence of the user being american. And then that bullshit absolutely dried up when we found out that all the shitposting was actually from leafs and ausfags.

Not to mention the JIDF will now have free rein. Before, the israeli flags couldn't really dispense bluepills because because we could just point out the flag and say "nice try, shlomo". That's no longer going to be the case. Literally "how do you do, fellow nazis?"

I would remove the lowest common denominators for sure. Besides its easy to call someone out for being a commie faggot they usually post they same shit every single time.

>be politics board
>cant pick a side

I personally think the bigotry and hatred against leaf's should stop anyways.

It's not their fault Justin Trudeau is such a cunt.

To derail discussion and cause disturbances.

Sup Forums always smells their farts under their blanked by making claims like
>"We are quarantined here, if you take away our board we'll just spill everywhere on the internet. And that's against (((their))) interest!"

Well, guess what. (((They))) can just dangle some shit covered in honey in front of us, and we can't resist the sweetness.

There is literally no failsafe for Hirokaze Shiroyama going rogue and hiring shill janitors to fuck up this board. We only have to believe in his good will.

Damn nigga


I'm actually more NatSoc, I just like Syndicalism and the NazBol memes.

>How will know to disregard posts by leafs, strayans, or swedes?

Don't worry about that, their posts are very obvious

>disregarding aussie posts

Spotted the Jew.


>Sup Forums - Politically Incorrect

that's how is supposed to be, friendo

You can call out low quality posts for being low quality
If somebody should—perish the thought—express an opinion you disagree with, then I guess you could have an argument instead of screeching "A FUCKING LEAF"/"POO IN LOO"/"____KEK" at it

You can stop making low quality posts

>There is literally no failsafe for Hirokaze Shiroyama going rogue and hiring shill janitors to fuck up this board. We only have to believe in his good will.

You know that's already happened right



how about just reading the posts?

>How will know to disregard posts by leafs, strayans, or swedes?
JIDF is still clever enough to use the new flags, but some shill groups will always use the german/swede/canuck flag as part of their propaganda

Hahaha you will never know where I'm posting from! Fuck drumpf and hail EU!

I missed the user selected flags a lot. I miss old Sup Forums.

praise kek!

I kinda missed it desu senpai

Because fuck you wite boi

thanks to the shitton of diaspora in every country it's useless anyway. half the German flags running around on Sup Forums are actually Turks.

This is like the before times, of the long long ago in 2012

It gives cover to paid shills all using the same foreign proxies.


I just with these flags weren't shit quality compared to the country flags

Auto country flag for leafs, poos and jews.
Auto NatSoc for everyone else.
The final solution.


proxies are insanely cheap and easy to use. anyone who actually wanted to fake a different nationality could already do so with minimum effort

Feta jänkare är avundsjuka för att de inte är vita. The eternal swede!

>Before, the israeli flags couldn't really dispense bluepills because because we could just point out the flag and say "nice try, shlomo".
Jew diaspora and proxy so it does not matter. They should add a JIDF flag.

Its too much to ask of le reddit


Without flags how will I read threads from oldest ally?

Because you're a figgit

Very simple, only jews need to constantly hide their origin, so everyone with changed flag = jew.
Just don't interact with them.

National - statist flags were a disgrace for non-socialists. No safe space for you anymore.

Strayans = National Bolshevik flag
Swedes = LGBT flag
Leafs = Communist flag


I'll never forget about you, at least when I'm not drunk

Now White faggots would have to listen to opinions of others rather then shit flinging.

That's kinda the point.

how about no flags? the LARPing will only get worse now

Burger BTFO

White flag=France

It's good. You will now be forced to judge a posts by its content. The POOS have finally won.

Can you tell if a post is shit without the flags?
Then you don't need flags because you can treat shitty posts accordingly
Then you don't need flags because your reply would be nothing but a worthless cancerous maymay

Ooh let me take a wild guess... Europe?

I'm not quite sure of the new flag system

plopperdeplop what is deze

I'm a leaf. I'll post under this flag from now on so you can identify me

Nou, daar wordt lui moe van


>not using Clover

We are not communist.

>Trump repeals online privacy laws
>All posters using Nazi or White Supremacist get their IPs tagged by FBI to charge later with new online hate speech laws.

All according to my keikaku

>Sup Forums gets merged with Sup Forums
>every single SJW shitposter is a leaf
>flags not being useful

hebben ze ook een zwitsalhoofdje denk je



We're slowly taking back our board.

>implying jews aren't in every single country actively subverting their ideals

Well, at least future commies will agree with you that you weren't Real Communists™

>inb4 the "post with your geo loc" replies gets thrown around every thread

Give it a week for people to get used to it and see how things change

>phone posting

To make newfags like you reveal yourselves to the rest of us. Fuck off.

fuck yeah!! Flags

Can't we all get along man?

I'm just going to ignore posts by any fags that use one of the gay flags

Should make things easy

Don't forget about the satanic Catholics.

>waiting until you have access to a desktop before redpilling

>Can't we all get along man?

gay, commie or any other trick by the jews

This is the final and complete death of this board.
Fuck this cancerous custom flag bullshit and fuck cancerous Hiroshimoot.
The whole point is knowing where people were from and all that is now lost. No more good country-based bantz.

at least that will save you the time to talk with them. it's immediate proof that they cannot counter your argument and instead try to go for personal attacks

Changing the flag is proof you're not a real nationalist. Proud to be dutch.

Fuck I missed it

Go to Sup Forums then, this is what Sup Forums was like before

Reveal to me my flag, oh glorious Kek!

Everyone with a user chosen flag is a faggot phone poster

i wanna see my flag