>people thinking that the new flags will halt discourse and render attempts at serious discussion discussion futile
Maybe for a day or two. When everyone calms down that chosen flags are back then it'll be back to normal.
Also BUF flag when????
>people thinking that the new flags will halt discourse and render attempts at serious discussion discussion futile
Maybe for a day or two. When everyone calms down that chosen flags are back then it'll be back to normal.
Also BUF flag when????
hello i am sweden
Hello Sweden I am Germany
The new flags won't halt discourse. They'll make discourse better because ideologies won't be seen as memes. People will be representing those ideologies through the quality of their posts and we'll get an idea of where people really stand. Also I totally agree, we need a BUF flag. Mosley is one of my favorite leaders.
kek, these flags are for shitposting
Nobody actually takes them serious
Insallah, how is it in Germany brother?
Raped many white women yet?
I raped 3 and got away with 1 months prison, Swedes are retarded
At least for a brief moment we enjoy a flag we can actually be proud of
Should probably ask for it on /qa/, it's such a simple thing but it would definitely make Britpol much more enjoyable.
On a seperate note: I think the removal of the Kekistan flag would be for the best, it will attract Reddit
What's going on here?
>I can't discriminate shitposts without flags to help me out.
This. I feel like I belong now.
i also feel home
>I know that feel
We also need a RSI flag along with the BUF one.
This is retarded.A lot of discussion here is on country related topics and I loved insights from the people living there. Now I would never know what is legit and what is LARP.
We ought to compile a list of desired flags, see if we can get a few added
Just ignore comments from hidden flags then, Roshni
nationality should be present, so we have an understanding of where the person came from, what is happening in their country and how that may affect their political stance. i'm not opposed to there being the option to display ones political ideology, but it's kind of useless unless we know which country theyre from
now we no longer can call Svens and Hans cucks and Pajeets poos
hi sweden i'm canada
Thought I'd spice it up a bit, Pajeet is getting a little old don't you think?
Hi I Am from Moon
hello i am also from nazi germany