>allowed in this thread
un flags
nation flags
everyone else
D I P L O M A C Y B O I S where we at
>allowed in this thread
un flags
nation flags
everyone else
D I P L O M A C Y B O I S where we at
Fuck my black gay asshole
Nah Id rather just fuck people up.
>D I P L O M A C Y B O I S where we at
Get outta here.
This is the biggest psyop to ever hit this site. If you can't see that you're retarded.
suck my cock you mongrel
Reporting in
this will increase shilling ten-fold
Fuck off, you globalist scum.
Look at my rare flag getting
>>allowed in this thread
>un flags
>nation flags
>everyone else
(((UN))) = ExNazi Party + all the Commies that Stalin and Hitler didn't kill
Yup. Short of when they first put flags....
They are trying to misdirect attention / focus, something must be happening
Tired of us spotting and calling out classically shilly nations like Canada and Germany. They don't realize we can identify them by the psychic imprint they leave on their posts. Will they ever learn?
Let's work together to and turn humanity into gods.
I supoose Im more transhumanist but politically united nations would suit me best
>Pic Unrelated
It shouldn't be our origins that define us, but our minds and our ideology. I think it's a very good system.
Pedogate is real
What can the nations of the world do about the niggerfication of the West?
What can the world do without the White Man's science, technology, and Medicine.
The mongrelification of the White world is a threat to global stability. We at the United Nations must preserve the White Man like a natural resource.
It's in our gibsmedat best interest. The White Man needs to keep doing his White Man work and gibs us medicines, science, tech.
We think the problem may be white women. We must coordinate with the White Man to keep the White Man's gifts flowing.
Wow, this is nice, haven't open my computer in a whole day
No such thing as a fucking psychic imprint left on posts
Guess which country I'm in faggot
the united nations is a White Man idea based on White Man ideals.
The United Nations only exists because the White Man wills it to. What would the United Nations do without the White Man? Who else could guide the world and has the ability to make it a better place?
you do know what God does to fags right?
Hi Leaf
UN is satanic cancer
Hello Leaf
Tell me the secret of your flag, master.
Holy shit new functions.
>United Nations
I'd sure like to see some proof of that.