>New flags? Sure user.
>Mlpol? We will never allow it. Most of you have enjoyed it far too much and we hate seeing you happy.
New flags? Sure user
""""""""new"""""""" flags
test test
Not a meme
I don't like the new flags. I'd rather see the nationality of the person who's posting.
this board is really going downhill, might as well just convert to a subreddit at this point. I mean i have to go elsewhere to get a good discussion, its the same 10 slide threads daily and everyone falls for it...now we get fake flags and what emoji's next?
I'm isck of you fucking newflags crying
go back to r*ddit
Fuck off newfag
you have to go back
Grow up you fucking degenerate, it's a fucking cartoon for little girls and autists. No wonder girls made fun of you.
In b4 "g-g-g-go back to r/t_d" or some similar pathetic excuse.
>Most of you have enjoyed it
With every hostility, kys.
Now I can hide my shitty flag like before :DDDD
Is it april first again?
>he thinks false flags is good for the board
Confirmed retard.
You're a German or a Swede.
Plus there was another one where 80% votes said they wanted the merger to be permanent, with over 3000 votes.
No, you're still a filthy jewish rat. FUCK YOU!
Fuck you OP...
Your 23andMe will tell you otherwise
>new flags
>actually admitting to being a newfag
Newfags and ponyfags should all be gassed
Yes, there's no way to cheat internet polls.
A relevant chilean :DDD
>hates /mlpol/
>loves ten rainbow flag
Great the mods figured out how to ruin /pol worse then Reddit great job fucking dipshits
Mlpol is for faggots, if you seriously wanted that shit, become an hero now
What the fuck are you saying. We used to have flags like these a few years ago.
>implying this isnt new
Nice ID, kike.
like whatever man.. test
Shiver me timbers
>New flags
Don't they have their own website now anyways?
Come home jew
Still, home is home.
>mlpol? We'll never allow it.
Some old Sup Forumsacks are proud to have built, in another part of the net, a digital Shangri-la, an impregnable fortress protected by pastel horses.
It's funny how the new flags completely changed the dynamic of the board.
It was a fun experiment for the two days it was around. I never realized the amount of corssover there was between the boards, desu
>hey let's make a new board named /brant/ for cancer so Sup Forums is for discussing politics
>a month later let's make it optional for some meme flags to show as original flag
The Kekistani people will be freed
Horsefuckers pls post your berneyfag cartoons so I can report you for violating Global Rule 3
I reported you, darling.
So Cal master race reporting in
Yeah but so are you.
>he thinks Sup Forums wasn't better pre-2014, when luggage lad replaced ideological flags with this redd/int/-tier country flag bullshit to disrupt our board culture as a fuck you on his way out
>tfw /mlpol/ was taken down forever but /bant/ is still up
>tfw custom flags are back but one of them is Kekistan
>tfw can no longer reliably identify leafs
This is awful.
stop you're violating the NAP
Worst of it, Sup Forums wasn't even the board that made luggage lad
It was Sup Forums
Bring back /mlpol/
CIA subgroup took control of Sup Forums after we destroyed them in the US election.
Their mission is to slowly degenerate the board into destruction, mlpol was one step, this is another.
>muh kekistan flag
End yourselves
the fuck is /mlpol/
we can assume that any one being a faggot who doesnt have a national flag is a leaf or a roach
Yeah, Sup Forums just picked up and ran with what was really Sup Forums's dirsty work. Worth it desu- good times
you don't wanna know
>J E W
I do
post feminine benis pls
pls come back to your other thread:
I have no clue about these flags but i do know one thing
>ore wa kaizoku ou ni naru otoko da!
Jesus Christ it was only a couple months ago.
You make me ashamed.