The kid is only 11 fucking years old and get criticized for the fucking t shirt that he wears.
They also tried to try calling him autistic for using a fidget spinner LOL.
Check the new balance though, kid is based AF and /ourguy/
The kid is only 11 fucking years old and get criticized for the fucking t shirt that he wears.
They also tried to try calling him autistic for using a fidget spinner LOL.
Check the new balance though, kid is based AF and /ourguy/
Other urls found in this thread:
literally 4D chess on Trump's part
The lack of maturity from leftist professionals is jaw dropping. Does this "academic" not see how inappropriate it is to attack an 11 y/o child? Unreal.
For people who supposedly hate Trump so much, they sure do spend a lot of time fascinating about him.
>implying this wasn't planned
She has a black husband I think too, how do we get this bitch fired?
What a fucking fat-faced whore.
Stop acting surprised. Remember that communists LITERALLY KILL WOMEN AND CHILDREN during their bloody revolutions.
They would absolutely delight in putting a bullet in 11 year old Barron's little head, if they were given the chance.
Stop pretending that communists (liberals) have even a tiny shred of human decency or morality. They don't. They have proven it historically time and again with their genocide of the 'ruling class' (aka, whoever they deem to be worth eradicating), whenever they stage their revolutions.
Making vicious remarks about a young boy is childs play compared to what they will actually do, if they ever gain total control.
Report her heterosexuality
Professor is jealous of an 11 yo.
Sounds about right
how long will it be fine to just spy on people constantly?
If you're a government, it already is.
doks dis bič
>communists (liberals)
our founders were liberals
why did we let them steal this word......
>our founders were liberals
Correct, actual liberals. Not modern liberals, which are effectively communists.
you don't know the meaning of liberal, communist.
OP here, this is the tweet
spread it if you have twitter and try to get this bitch fired
>inb4 not your personal army
just retweet it fags
they were also white nationalists
Libshits hate children when they can't rape them/sacrifice them to Moloch. That's why they covered up Muslims raping 1400 girls in Rotherham and hundreds in Köln.
>the conservashills shit on Obama's family non-stop
So we live in a society so partisan that it's acceptable for an adult to make fun of an 11 year old boy.
hello my fellow american white people, how are we doing this fine day
i am 100% pure aryan genes, see my flag says so
death to the infidels
fuck off, faggot
they try to get everyone fired over nothing, we are just giving them a taste of their own medicine.
As a leftist, I can agree. I'd love to slap that woman for criticising someone so childishly
It's so nuts that there's an army of grown ass men and women who hate this little boy for no good reason at all. Psychopaths.
Literally looks like the doc stepped on her face to pull the tail off
That's what a normal person's face looks like when viewed on the back of a spoon
During the election, there was a lot of talk in the media of not going after his kid or stooping to his level. That restraint was forgotten after the election, and now people are getting fired in the media at a high clip. They are tired, they are confused, and at the end of the day they are poor imitations of that which they despise.
And now I just threw up in my mouth a little.
i hope this new flag bullshit goes away soon. this is going to unironically fuck a lot of the board culture up and open us up to major psyops attacks, concern trolling, derailment and so on
It will piss of the MSM and give the liberals something to cry about though
Your founders were libertarians with strong conservative beliefs.
Unironically this. You fuckers need to get a clue before its too late.
Is this Northeastern Univeristy? If so I go there and can probably find out info on her
Do it
Is she Islamic?
Liberals and Communists are completely different.
Communists are in fact inherently anti-Liberal.
They are only showing what sick people they are.
Which is why the useful idiots are the first to be sent to the gulag.
I hope one of you is saving and compiling these anti-barron posts/tweets, a finished collage would be quite a compelling piece demonstrating just how violent and hostile leftists can be towards children they don't like, which at this point could be anybody's children.
I go to that school. It's like 90% hardcore liberal. The other 10% exist purely as a reactionary effect to the extreme views shoved down everyone's throats by the left. Even our schools meme page is run by a massive SJW who bans anyone who isn't far left
I'm more concerned with the fact that these subhumans actually teach kids
These mouth breathing freaks need to stop trying to attack an 11 year old what the actual fuck is wrong with them? This is continual proof for me the left has no decency or soul left just vitriolic anger and hatred for anyone or anything unlike themselves
Jodi Beggs (what's she beg'n 4?) is wearing a dinosaur tee shirt. I just shit my pants " a little"
Why to go Professor kike
the left completely fine with shitting on kids if their parents wear a red tie. really fucking classy
only if you are a professor, since that is not a real job you pretty much cannot get fired...
look up evergreen state college btw
Has anyone ever clicked on the Baron Trump's IQ Shocks The Nation! ad?
>Jodi (((Beggs)))
She's a kike. Is anyone surprised anymore?
Yes it is Northeastern University,
We should try to get this bitch fired and use her as an example, hell they do it to us over nothing
she's definitely acting kikey but i couldn't find any admission of jewry when i searched jewgle
they were liberals
conservatives are trying to conserve those liberal values.
what should we call the commies instead? commies?
shit eating grin, empty normie "brain" behind soulless eyes
I don't have file saved but someone hook me up with the screencap of all those bitches having sex dreams about Trump.
Grown up that deliberate attack young children, what's wrong with people these days.
They do this when they gain power: Make no mistake, those leading the "Resistance" would do it again in a hot second given the chance.
>This is the fabled "real communism".
Where do people get off on insulting a child? Why is a child who is wearing normal clothing and playing with a popular toy relevant?
Ohh I remember that one I will try to find it for you mate
found it here you go!
Exactly. And this last line sums it all up perfectly.
>Making vicious remarks about a young boy is childs play compared to what they will actually do, if they ever gain total control.
So please Sup Forums, do not let this one go. Fight back. Tweet and email the college admin, and encourage others to do the same. For now, it is the least you can do.
>She shall be spun
Pic related. A peek at the TL of one of the first few that "liked" and rt'd her sick tweet.
You have to be a certain kind of pathetic to rail against an 11 year old kid.
Jodi "The Bully" Beggs
Day of rope for these traitors can't come soon enough
One of Obamas "daughters" flashed her knickers at a party and had public sex, but notice how the media or anyone else won't really criticize it?
Wrong, don't fight them now, we have to let these things get a lot worse. No point in reaching a shitty equilibrium. We have to let it get so bad that a race war is inevitable, that is the only solution. Otherwise we will be stuck here forever.
>this is what "professor" is busy with
Ask again why west is fucked
Allow me to remind Sup Forums that the Obamas are the only presidential family to ever not have a scandal followed by Clinton
I'm phone posting right now goy, so can't directly send you the links.
But I do have the webm of the flashing on my pc. For educational purposes ofc.
It's really eye opening how the left has turned from the party of underdog populists to the party of cringey facebook rants and sjw style communism.
Holy shit Sup Forums has been hacked by nazis. Look at his flag. MODS
she also smoked weed in public multiple times and tried to attack some guy for writing for the gateway pundit haha
I'm posting from the secret Antarctic base we have.
Hitler keeps hogging all the bandwidth though.
what...? Obama and Clinton had no scandal? Lol satire right?
her tweet now has like 10 likes and over 800 replies shitting on her hahaha
>The kid is only 11 fucking years old and get criticized for the fucking t shirt that he wears.
>They also tried to try calling him autistic for using a fidget spinner LOL.
I don't really care. He looks like a little autistic cunt.
The only thing you can say is that the left is completely hypocritical on this issue after 8 years of whining about any comment directed at Obama's kids.
Trying to start up the moral high ground is just moral relativism bullshit and more SJW inspired "you can't talk about that" ban attempts. Fuck off.
>Allow me to remind Sup Forums that the Obamas are the only presidential family to ever not have a scandal followed by Clinton
Clinton's didn't have a scandal? Are you fucking kidding? If you're trying to say "post-Clinton" that's just three presidents, and the Bush family didn't have any scandals.
Apart from having a tranny looking wife and kids who were caught smoking weed, Obama seems to have done well. More power to him. If only his "sons" would follow that example eh?
based poster
Also whats with the flags
Imagine being so important that you could force people who hate you to have violent bodily reactions by wearing a shirt
Barron's a literal sperg, though.
>Fidget spinning
Just look at that shit. He watches anime, too. If that isn't proof enough that he needs bullying, i don't know what is.
>a child is playing with a toy and watching cartoons, therefore he is a sperg
It seems like you are the autistic one
This. Physical removal is the only option
>No u
Never thought I'd the see day Sup Forums would defend autism. Real shame.
Nothing wrong with what she did, it's like if Hitler had a son.
>freedom of speech only applys when it doesn't hurt my feelings
his make believe family? his real family is rahm emmanuel and whatever fat white billionaire he went down on in "man's country"