Dying of typhus in poverty.
Attention white people: be humble, sit down.
Can I touch your hair?
Fighting a war amoung themselves to end it that resulted in the casualities in our history?
Please tell me you tweeted back something to this effect
Ending slavery was wrong
We never should have brought them here in the first place
They fought a civil war that had 620,000 dead and ended it.
sage in every field
Us : Black Africans sold they're own people into slavery
Dying in poverty and serfdom, there were worse fates that death or slavery, atleast slaves were fed and didn't have to buy their own food.
>Them "Only X number of blacks commit crimes"
>Me "So what is the rest of the farm equipment doing about it?"
Not an argument
Black Panther is the shittiest black hero. Luke Cage is much more interesting.
They established the Abolitionist movement.
Porch monkey
Slavery doesn't exist today in the West now does it? You think it just went away because of voodoo magic you dumb fucking nigger? Man, ending slavery was a big mistake.
Also Us: Black Africans had each other as Slaves also
Who the fuck knows I was -200 years old
What are Muslims doing about the muslims that blow people up?
Oh we can't use that argument because racism.
Nothing because your own kind sold you and fought to own you in the court of law.
Less than 3% of muslims are terrorists. Are you going to start blaming them yet?
Building road, industries, houses, hospitals etc. etc.
>less than 3% of niggers are a net benefit to society
What are the other 97% doing?
>The civil war was about slavery
Is this what counts as education nowadays?
Dying in a war to free you, then spending th next 150 years regretting it.
My favorite slave was named Sage, but I only worked him on 1 field at a time.
He does it was whites who ended slavery, right?
Of course not, he's a dumb chimp.
Take your own advice nigger
I wish they were still slaves, so there's that.
Fighting in a civil war for your stupid ass
Niggers are only 12% of the population yet commit over 60% of the crimes, murders and rapes, what is the other 88% doing about it?
Muslim terrorists are 3% of the muslim population, what is the other 97% doing about it?
Niggers today in Africa still carry out modern day slavery, what is the current nigger doing about that?
What are 85% of blacks doing about the 15% that commit 50% of all murders in the USA?
>the 1% is only 1%, what are the other 99% doing?
The 1% can have the 99% murdered. It's not easy to stop them.
I thought blacks were the greatest warriors and 'aint need no snownigger help!'
>akira toriyama designed the Super Saiyan after the Aryan Race
> t. kid from Mississippi
Niggers: ''Only 50% of us commit serious crimes, rape, kill and pillage''
Me: ''So what is the other 50% doing about it?''
Emancipating them you dumb nigger.
Getting killed and maimed in horrific ways over it.
Mississippi is a river you stupid fuck. You are making us look bad.
are you muslim, BLM?
if not
repent and become islamic extremist or die
Who stopped slavery again?
Us: we fought countless battles in African soil to stop black slave traders from enslaving more people to sell to the juden
If the other 97% didn't do anything about it, slavery wouldn't have ended.
It's called the Civil War, dindu.
Yeah I am not your bitch nigger fix your own shit.
um sweetie
Stop posting anytime
Being a slave too in the Scottish highlands, but we don't complain about it like a bunch of lazy niggers
>1 post by this ID
We waz kangz
Black Africans Bought their own people in the US lol.
> He has a Ph.D. in Physics from Oxford University. Considered one of the eight smartest people on the planet
You mean Alabama. Mississippi River is what separates us.
Why do you think LSU and Alabama have such a big rivalry.
Don't you watch football faggot?
It'll be a cold day in hell before I recognize the state of mississippi
same thing about moderate muslims are doing with isis i hope :^)
Kek. Best part is that jews literally monopolised slave market but noone notices that. Weird
>sergio iv of italy
Trying to avoid war to resolve the issue peacefully only to end up fighting the Democrats in a bloody civil war because they didn't want to do the right thing.
Shill thread detected. Sage and hide people!
Isolated as fuck.
Less than 10% of blacks today have any relation to slavery.
How did the nigger get his wealth?
They wished they had slaves.
He did it to buy his fucking peoples freddom
nothing, like the other muslims aren't doing jack shit about stopping suiciding.
Lmao, stormfront running out of ammo, eh?
>Black Panther
>Born into royalty and gets wealth because of lucky asteroid filled with vibranium
>Has powers due to voodoo and magic herbs
>Luke Cage
>Had a hard life, was experimented on due to a setup
>Uses powers for good
Cage has a better backstory and is more intresting where as panther got lucky.
Civil war dumbass
Saving up.
Hurry up n answer honkey 4 I bet yall azz
Sold to them by Jews
Paying your welfare.
>please whites fix my problems
And so it goes ...
Wasn't a bad read on wikipedia, but then this happened
It doesn't give any references to what racism crept in or how, but it's there goyim!!
Da jooos. Shut honkey we is da original jews
>Watching this abysmal capeshite to begin with
Freeing them, sadly.
What are you doing to stop child sex rings?
100% of the jews were doing the slavetrade, what were the 0% jews doing about it?
Yall whiteys be da 1 raping keeiids 100 100
The problem with niggers is that they cant actually imagine that the common man didnt really have a whole lot of extra tome in his day to solve the nigger slave "problem." They seem to think that people were not working 16 hours a day, trying to keep their own families.
Fuck off nigger you werent a slave.
>created, drawn, and profited from by a white man
The truth is that the slave owners were nigger lovers and the abolitionists wanted to send them back.
Guess I'm an abolitionist
3 % of blacks commit crime
And what are the other 97% doing about it?
Well you dumb nigger the other 90% fought the civil war so that your stupid ass would be free. SO why dont you be a little more appreciative and shut the fuck up
maybe the other 90% should have said fuck it to Lincoln and not started the abolitionist movement to try to help free you and your kind from oppression and slavery
hmmmm guess that was a mistake
less than 3% black were cannibals so..
One more
>Only 60% of blacks commit crimes. What are the other 40% doing about it?
balls deep in modern niggers great great grandmothers
They should ask the 28% of blacks that owned slaves
Black panther is pretty much the shittiest character ever
they didnt. they sat around crying about muh ancestors while the germans build a country, had it destroyed, rebuilt their country, had it destroyed again, rebuilt it, became so economically wealthy that is decided to let niggers in, thinking they were human, only to destroy it again.
Niggers are not just a plight to The West, they are a plight to the entire world.
How's this for an argument: I don't give a flying fuck if their ancestors were enslaved. Couldn't possibly care less in fact.
If you hold a grudge against an entire race for something that happened hundreds of years ago and is currently benefiting you and other likes you greatly then you're an idiot and a racist.
I guess starting a civil war and getting millions of whites killed, then ending slavery.
>Take notes.
they're in the getaway car