Ask an Orthodox Jewish Rabbi anything. I promise, no tricks!
Ask an Orthodox Jewish Rabbi anything. I promise, no tricks!
Other urls found in this thread:
tits or gtfo
What can I do with a tetragrammaton?
nothing it's just the four letter name of G-d. It's written all over the Bible. Improperly pronounced its the J in J's Witnesses.
I'm not a woman. Women can't be rabbis in the orthodox faith.
Post mutilated dick then
If a Jewish man has a child with a non Jewish woman, will the child be Jewish?
what's your deepest darkest secret, user-kun!
there are plenty of circumcised penis' available for you to gaze upon on the internet, or so I am told.
No. Not according to Jewish law. According to some sources their conversion can be made easier if they want to be Jewish.
Is Sup Forums Kosher?
It tentacle rape Kosher?
Why do you mutilate you dicks?
No dick on tits...
At least hook me up with a yid gurl
Yeah his family, mostly his sister is against the whole thing. What's his endgame in this then?
Pic of traditional jew garb with timestamp or gtfo
Kosher refers to dietary law. Therefore it is not applicable to non-food items.
We believe in the Bible, there G-d makes a covenant with our people that we will do so on the 8th day since their birth as a sign of our everlasting covenant with G-d.
Sorry you did not explain the situation well. please elaborate.
Unfortunately we are not a perfect people and there are many sinners amongst us. Promiscuous (atheist/reform) Jewish girls do exist I am sad to admit. You can find those on your own.
its like pic related to make it easy
Fuck off heeb, go back to sucking baby dicks.
Have you heard of the Protocols of the learned elders of zion?
I can't confirm the Jewishness of any of those actresses, however, please see post
I understand there are many forms of humiliating pornography, these are popular amongst the groups being humiliated in the films. It is related to an early life rejection or feelings of inadequacy growing up. It can be worked through and overcome, so that you can have a healthy relationship of women of your own kind.
Yes I have. Do you honestly believe we're magical?
dont care what lubawich says you cant have shabbos goy it contradicts halchot also on pesach rice is not chametz
Interestingly enough, Maimonidies in his code of Jewish law addresses this issue.
"The following individuals do not have a portion in the world to come. Rather, their [souls] are cut off and they are judged for their great wickedness and sins, forever:
those who deny the Torah,
those who deny the resurrection of the dead and the coming of the [Messianic] redeemer,
those who rebel [against God],
those who cause the many to sin,
those who separate themselves from the community,
those who betray Jews to gentile authorities,
those who cast fear upon the people for reasons other than the service of God,
one who extends his foreskin [so as not to appear circumcised]."
His name is Lubowitz... Manfred Sepse Lubowitz
Interesting. The Talmud has explicit examples of using a gentile to perform certain forbidden acts on Shabbat. Do you use a different source for Jewish law than the Talmud. Regarding rice, many agree with you. The Ashkenazi do not consume however.
yes but do you know the true pronunciation ? because I know, I've heard the sound of declaration and I will never tell you what it is filthy genocidal rabbi
Did Temple priests of the 1st through 2nd temple period have more powers than Rabbi?
I saw raiders of the lost ark. The Jew priests had some sort of Bronze Age particle accelerator.
The pronunciation is not difficult or unknown. There are a few possibilities. Perhaps you're confused and you're referring to the 72 letter name of G-d that is secret and through which people have performed various miracles throughout history, i.e. the Golem of Prague?
Do you truly believe that God came to the jews and only the jews in the year that he did and not to the many other civilizations throughout history dating 1000s of years before you? Do you truly believe you have God's given text and that no other religion does? Do you believe your God to be your own personal cultural Gold or truly the God of man? What makes you believe this and what makes you correct and other religions incorrect w.r.t their reference to the (((one and true God)))?
nope, bye
That's an interesting question. There were various sects of Jews back then. The group to which all modern Jews come from are the Pharisees. They maintain that the Rabbis (scholars) are to be revered and respected above all and that their wisdom should guide the nation. The saducees who controlled the temple services, felt differently, that the priests were the central focus of Jewish life. It's hard to say, kings and prophets definitely were the most powerful in the first temple period though.
How important is gematria (and Why is this also used by Secret societies) and what do you think of the protocols of the elders of Zion?
What are your thoughts on the Sephardic rabbi who recently make comments supporting the gay community?
>jewish rabbi
No funny stuff
What is the difference between Orthodox and Hassidic?
Is it correct that there is a prohibition on animal sacrifice since the destruction of the second temple?
What is the reason for that prohibition, since there were animal sacrifices before there was any temple?
By whose authority is that prohibition made?
Kek. I can't tell if ya LARPing N sheeeeiiit.
But lemme tell somethang...
Does my flag offend you?
No, according to Jewish tradition G-d came to all the people of the world and offered them the Torah first. They all replied that the various 100's of commandments were too difficult. Finally G-d came to the Jews and they accepted. It is believed that though the service of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob Jews were given a spiritual gift that is inherited as a birth right. G-d is the G-d of all people, only his special relationship with us demands that we follow his laws. According to Jewish law, all righteous people, Jewish or not, have a share in the world to come, only that they are not obligated in the responsibilities of the Torah like Jews are. G-d intercedes in the lives of all men and did for thousands of years appearing to Jew and Gentile alike. We obviously believe that our text is the only correct text and all others are incorrect. We believe that unlike other religions where one person went off to a cave, and a few saw a miracle that others were told about. The entire nation of Israel, all 600,000 stood at Mt. Sinai where G-d spoke the Torah to them and proved his relationship with our people. That's one of the "proofs" of our correctness. There are others but it is principally a matter of faith and tradition. Following the G-d of our fathers and our fathers fathers. Are you asking about the "choseness" of the Jewish people?
OK, expert.
Riddle me this:
Jews collectively insist that you're better than everyone else, (We are God's chosen people) yet you wonder why people don't like you?
Plain language, please, and none of your holy book's justification. Talk with me like a person.
gematria can be important when holy people make points about it. but obviously anything can be the gematria of anything else and proves nothing. Someone can read into gematria whatever they want.
That's silly. Gay acts are clearly sinful and forbidden. There's no way a Rabbi could support that unless they completely abandoned their principles to be accepted by the modern corrupt culture.
The Baal Shem Tov was a rabbi in the 1600's/1700's and he made new emphasis on prayer, dress, and saints that did not really exist before. Both groups are orthodox and pretty similar nowadays.
Yes there is a prohibition on animal sacrifice.
Sacrifices were permitted before the giving of the Torah wherever one wanted. After that they could only be made where the Ark of the Covenant was housed. Since we don't know where that is...
No one made that prohibition. G-d says to sacrifice to him, in his chosen place, on his alter. We don't have those places.
Not really. Obviously I'd defend my people and family against violent Nazis, but internet trolls trying to be edgy to get a reaction are not offensive or threatening.
The way we are taught in Jewish school is that we are not better than anyone, we are just different and need to follow different rules. But I understand that it can seem like we think we're better. In some ways we do think we're better, i.e. we have the true religion and everyone else is missing out big time. But is that different than any other religion? Doesn't Jesus say there is no way to heaven except through him? Don't Muslims believe in the superiority of the Muslim religion. Officially it is not our belief that we are superior but like every other religion we believe we are right and everyone else is wrong. I don't think that's a justification for antisemitism...
What is the true meaning of the word "goyim"? Is it "people" or is it "cattle"?
Do you think non Jews should be your servants?
Is shilling for Isreal on the Sabbath a violation?
> No, according to Jewish tradition G-d came to all the people of the world and offered them the Torah first.
(((according to jewish tradition))), So again I have to take the jews word for it. Funny how this works. But I'll go with it. So, you claim God came to all people of the world in the same unmistakable way he came to the jews such that they knew he was God. He then offered them his worded text in their language and for some strange reason, they all rejected him and his text w/ no records of such encounters except ofc for the jews....
> They all replied that the various 100's of commandments were too difficult.
Right... even though other civilizations codified laws/commandments 100s of years before jews :
> It is believed that though the service of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob Jews were given a spiritual gift that is inherited as a birth right
Right, yet, in manifest, this clearly isn't reflected and there is no genetic reflection of any distinguished 'birth rite' among jews. There are far more spiritually heightened religions in the east.
> G-d is the G-d of all people, only his special relationship with us demands that we follow his laws
The definition of God varies from culture to culture and across time through various civilizations as does the mythology/tradition/oral/written stories. It's funny that you maintain this basic observation of history changed suddenly and only you were a witness to it. Quite convenient.
> According to Jewish law, all righteous people, Jewish or not, have a share in the world to come, only that they are not obligated in the responsibilities of the Torah like Jews are.
The exception clause to your special cultural God.
But but but everyone else is doing it...
Care to try again?
>No one made that prohibition. G-d says to sacrifice to him, in his chosen place, on his alter. We don't have those places.
So would it be correct to say that even if the Jerusalem temple was hypothetically rebuilt, there could still be no animal sacrifices, absent the Ark of the Covenant?
Do the orthodox speculate as to whether the Ark still exists, and if so, where it is? Is the question addressed in the Talmud, or other sacred writings?
Goy literally translates to nation. When describing Israel's ethnostate to be established in Israel G-d refers to the Jews as "Goy Ehad Baaretz" which means one nation (goy) in the land. Goyim means nations. Since Jews have been a small nation often at the whim of larger nations, the nations of the world are often considered disparagingly and referred to as nations (goyim). Isaiah talks about how the nations will come to recognize Israel etc. So in short it means neither people nor cattle.
I do not believe that non Jews should be my servants. That misconception comes from a biblical prophecy concerning the coming of the messiah which will say that instead of being terrorized by the nations of the world, they will come assist(serve) you in your service to G-d. There's no implication that we want that or that that's good or that that should occur before the messiah comes. It's implied that once the messiah comes everyone will go wow, thats a great leader, let's help Israel etc... Interestingly enough, while the Bible permits slavery it requires the slaves to be Jewish or convert to Judaism to serve a Jew, so under no circumstance is it permitted to have a non-jewish slave according to Jewish law.
Define Shilling. The violations of the sabbath are enumerated and easy to look up.
No, I think that if your argument is that belief in the superiority of your religion is a Jewish phenomenon and that's why Jews are hated above other people, I've completely debunked that line of reasoning. Why should I "try again"?
> G-d intercedes in the lives of all men and did for thousands of years appearing to Jew and Gentile alike.
You'd think civilizations that keep advanced records would have mentioned this. Funny that the Jews are the only ones who maintain this account and written word.
>We obviously believe that our text is the only correct text and all others are incorrect.
So, you don't believe God meant different things or has different agreements/covenants with others such as he has with you? You don't believe there are different texts but you do believe yours is the text of all text of all man. How provincial and convenient for you. How interesting that you say that God made a special covenant with you but no one else.
> The entire nation of Israel, all 600,000 stood at Mt. Sinai where G-d spoke the Torah to them and proved his relationship with our people.
So it was orally said. Lots of other religions have similar Oral tales. The border on equal legend.
> That's one of the "proofs" of our correctness.
The most often pronounced lies and over-stated legends of (((man))) are not proof for man is wicked and is proven to lie.
> There are others but it is principally a matter of faith and tradition
Every cultural religion has their own faith/tradition.
> Following the G-d of our fathers and our fathers fathers
As do all such cultures and civilizations of the world for all of time.
> Are you asking about the "choseness" of the Jewish people?
I wanted you to detail something that is obvious on true reflection.
You're making a lot of statements without any reasoning behind them.
> There are far more spiritually heightened religions in the east.
Remember you're asking me the Jewish teaching on the subject. I'm not claiming no other teaching exists or that these teachings aren't based on faith and tradition.
There are many logical refutations to your points but I don't think you're interested.
I do not understand why any one would believe there is a god, no matter what their religion
What's your opinion of the KosherSwitch?
Why are there so many of your people in prominent positions within the media, Govt and financial institutions. Most of our problems come out of these institutions so it would beg the question..
There are differences of opinion on the rebuilding of the temple. Many hold that it can't be rebuilt and has to descend from heaven prebuilt when the messiah comes. The other opinion that says we can kind of do it ourselves would hold that as long as the temple is on the Temple Mount you can sacrifice there anyway (and indeed they did sacrifice there during the second temple when the ark was absent).
There are many speculations about the location of the ark. A popular opinion is the earth swallowed it to protect it from the invaders and it stays hidden in the earth until we stop sinning and G-d sends us the messiah and restores Israel to her former glory.
>It can be worked through and overcome
Please be a real rabbi. This shit hit too close.
>Ask an Orthodox Jewish Rabbi anything. I promise, no tricks!
Why white genocide?
Thanks for your replies.
I don't like it. Too many shortcuts around shabbat. Just leave the lights on. You messed up and didn't turn the lights off.
Going on the internet and posting in the interest of Isreal and Jewry in general.
I've only seen anecdotal posts on this issue. I'd like to see percentages, then I could answer the question. Why are there so many blacks in the NBA?
Maybe because Jewishness is mostly a tribal affiliation? You guys aren't out there proselytizing and trying to get more people to become Jews. The "superiority" non Jews are concerned about is not about your so called religion, it's about your belief in your superiority as a people, which has led you down some dark paths.
Do you think disproportionate Jewish influence in American society is going to lead to another shoah?
what are they singing?
I sympathize with "white" people. It is terrible to not have, cultural, national, ethnic pride. People can get so much joy out of it when excercised in a healthy way. I agree many Jews on the left are neurotic, sinful and repress pride in white heritage. I don't like it. I don't think there is actually a white genocide though or that Jews are exclusively behind shaming white people. (blacks, and mostly whites are involved IMO).
Yeah, I guess that's the only answer you can give. There is no rational explanation for believing in god, well from religion's viewpoint anyhow.
I am sort of sympathetic. Whites have been robbed of national and ethnic pride which is an important part of human identity, and many sinful leftist Jews are responsible. Many whites are also responsible. It should be fixed but it's not a Jewish conspiracy as far as I am aware.
*Israel. Forbidden. Using the internet is not permitted on shabbat.
No I don't think so. I don't think killing people based on their race is an opinion that can be embraced by civilized people. Even Hitler hid it from the German public.
> You're making a lot of statements without any reasoning behind them.
Start from the top down. If there are any statements without reasoning, and I feel there's obviously plenty, it should be easy for you to refute any such points.
> Remember you're asking me the Jewish teaching on the subject.
I did and then I broke down the implications of your teachings.
> I'm not claiming no other teaching exists or that these teachings aren't based on faith and tradition.
You are and jews are making a claim about correctness which covers all men however and truth. Other religions exist as do other teachings which are based on faith, culture, and tradition.. They stop short of claiming their faith, culture, and tradition goes beyond their own people. I guess this is where you 'clause' comes in about non-jewish goy?
> There are many logical refutations to your points but I don't think you're interested.
I am. So, please share and do so in a manner in which you treat your replies with utmost importance and in a manner in which you sincerely feel there are no doubts in your heart.
I am a rabbi. Judaism to me is not tribal, it's religious. If you convert to judaism you are as Jewish as I am. "cultural Jews" are not very Jewish in my opinion.
Why do Jewish rabbis suck baby cocks and worship satan
What's the part in the world to come for noahides?
If I feel Jewish, should I make a conversion? I love being in churches and such, and I respect my family's faith, but I have never felt at home among any of them... always a stranger. But when I listen to or talk to a faithful Jew like you, I instantly feel a weird brotherhood, and like I'm looking in a mirror reflecting my own instincts and ways of thinking. Reading Torah and hearing the stories and reasoning that comes from studying it feels like home to me. Am I a lost Jew?
destroying the names of the wicked. Hasidic antizionism is a complicated history. I would contend that most of these people are mentally ill.
I don't believe in rational explanations for irrational things. If belief in G-d was rational we could just figure out what we have to do and wouldn't need a Torah. But we do.
in the bible when something really bad happens to the jews it was usually because they had disobeyed god and he was trying to teach them a lesson. what's the general consensus among jewish scholars as to why god allowed the holocaust to happen?
Why are so many communist/socialist/feminist/leftists disproportionately Jewish? I get that they are secular / atheist / sinful and not following the actual religion and catholics are the same way desu. I just don't see this big push for leftism coming from lapsed protestants as much as lapsed catholics and Jews. Any theories?
During my time on Sup Forums I've been exposed to the idea that Jews thrive in chaotic societies - multicultural nations with no clear ethnic identity, no common religion, etc. Thus they try to make every place they inhabit like that, by doing their best to encourage race mixing (for non Jews only of course), atheism, communism, pornography, so called sexual liberation, etc. which is why Jews are nearly always eventually disliked and kicked out. This resonates deeply with me - it answers the question "why does everyone hate the Jews?"
What do you think of this idea?
You're claiming that other religions stop short of claiming their faith goes beyond their own people? Please examine that statement one more time in the context of every major religion.
oy vey,
what do you make of the fact that most of islam and most of jews are inbred?
Why do you reject your messiah seeing as he fulfilled all the messianic prophecies?
That is inaccurate.
Jesus didn't fulfill all the messianic prophecies, not even close.
Do you have a text/book like Revelations in the New Testament of the Bible? If so, which text in the Tanakh or Rabbanic literature?
If not, what is the round-a-bout claim by jews surrounding the coming of their Messiah/Messianic age? What are jews' views on the after-life?
kys kike
Which prophecies did he not fulfil?
You assume much, Rabbi.
As you've pointed out, we are not the first in recorded history to have this conversation. If you will not learn from your mistakes, does that mean that you think you're justified in continuing?
Completely debunked = Assuming I'm in the wrong, which is a bad position for a person who claims to be interested in equality and education.
I understand that you are accustomed to being revered in your culture. I have yet to see justification for this.
In some ways the part in the world to come for noahides is greater than that for Jews, for they could have oppressed and joined the muslims and nazis against the Jews but they stood on the right side of history. Jews had no choice in what side of history they'd be on. You could be Jewish. And if you feel like you like it, you should explore conversion, we'd be happy to have you. I recommend starting with modern orthodox and visiting Israel if you can.
Why do you not proselytize as the other major Abrahamic religions do then? It seems you are only interested in salvation for a small group of people, and not for all humanity. Surely you can understand why people would recoil from that sort of thinking. That's not a religion for all mankind then, it's a little club.