So this is how it works now? Women who bring nothing to the table can just demand whatever they want?
So this is how it works now? Women who bring nothing to the table can just demand whatever they want?
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Yes, even 5/10 girls have beta orbiters and men they can exploit for monies. It's a golden age for women, they can live care-free lives because some beta will take care of them if they make too many mistakes.
"Hellooooooo. How y'all doin dooday?"
White girl privilege.
>Women who bring nothing to the table can just demand whatever they want?
Getting what they want is another matter entirely, but they can demand all they like.
>It's a golden age for women
At least until they turn 40
Curvy lol bitch is fat
>At least until they turn 40
They still get to live their youth doing what they want and getting away with almost anything, you know the best part of their lives.
"Obese" is now "curvy" or "chubby," I guess. And "average" is the new word for "chubby."
Only if you give them what they demand. Unfortunately, there's too many desperate cucks with more money than brains out there that will. These men need to be culled.
It doesn't hurt her to try. You could learn something from this woman, you ballless cowards too afraid to talk to a girl.
lads, what do you think, how many german women who saw this cover yesterday got interesting into trying black dick becuase of its size?
And then they get to enjoy cats and loneliness while all the men their age are only paying attention to girls 10 years younger
Yes, welcome to dating hard mode edition
I just tell them I like younger girls. You should see their faces when that happens. There's nothing I hate more than an old wrinkly bitch thinking she's the shit.
Not many will get this, but rest assured my friend. I understood that reference.
Fucking pirate post.
>Expecting rational sane women who aren't socipaths by internet dating
There's your problem
>dating websites
user, it's much easier to go outside and meet someone nice than to use one of these hellish websites.
This is because of men bottom feeding. She does it because she can, because men will entertain her.
Pirate posting is best posting
>implying this Dracula Wont suck you dry of money/happiness
Learn what? How to paint my nails?
Fuck roasties
This is why I gave up dating. Vapid cunts.
>golden age
>implying hedonistic degeneracy is a good way to live in any way other than
Maybe you guys are new here. WHITE WOMEN who can have kids, have quite a lot to offer. You are more than welcome to ignore that fact.
Pizza is not on the menu when you are 400 lbs.
Until she confronts herself to reality.
She's biting off more than she can chew. Definitely not gonna find that guy, especially when she looks beastly. Glad I got married to a manlet and had kids couldn't imagine myself using social media to attract a mate.
But is frieeed
>implying hedonistic degeneracy is a good way to live in any way other than
Are you saying that even the ones that don't go out and party / do drugs don't have beta orbiters they can depend on as a safety net? I never said it was good to be a hedonist, it's just that women can be hedonists and still have betas to fall back on if they ever fuck up too bad in life.
God damn right it is
Get into it with a nigga gotta tote my gun
Get into it with a nigga gotta tote my gun
Get into it with a nigga gotta tote my gun
Get into it with a nigga gotta tote my gun
Get into it with a nigga gotta tote my gun
Day of the plank when?
She's a solid 5 aiming for 9s and 10s. I'm saying if you are TFW no gf, just go out there and have high standards. Who gives a fuck if you have a 95% rejection rate, this bitch doesn't.
I would amend that pic slightly; I notice numales tend to post with just their eyes showing in the bottom of the
Only if you let them.
Nothing new.
Lots of women have always been like this.
Just use the stats as your red flag guide and look for a higher quality person.
It's strange that she would demand a graduate/PhD when her height requirement is only 5'10.
Fuck women, I'm a fag.
Jesus you faggots are hopeless. There are plenty of wholesome qt girls out there, you just won't find them in a dive bar or in stormwind. My gf has a 8/10 kissless virgin who will literally probably marry the first man who asks her out. Plenty out there like that but it requires actually developing a social network.
All German women are coal burners anyways or sand dick lovers
She will settle for a nig, it will not end well for Ms high hopes
I have better things to do with my energy than chase 5/10 who's going to waste my time and (if I'm lucky) grant me the permission to put my hotdog in her dickdungeon
Now that's a redpill
Kissless virgin best friend*
If that's what you want, then more power to you brother. Too many people here complain about no gf but do jack shit about it though, or have completely unrealistic expectations that make bitch in OP's pic look well adjusted.
>There are plenty of wholesome qt girls out there,
I didn't say there wasn't, your strawmanning me once again. And nobody cares about you or your life go blog on tumblr faggot.
>implying neets don't want 10/10 virgin perfect gfs
of course if you're crap you're going to get crap, man or woman
Post more Choosing beggars
Fine. Sorry for interrupting your slag-hate session. You may resume.
I agree that there's tons of great women out there who have a good set of morals and had good dads to raise them. I'm just saying that a lot of women have life on ez mode compared to men. I don't hate women, just stating facts bro.
The only place that's a 5/10 at is maybe in bongistan. MAYBE.
inaccurate, the numale has too much hair on his head
I want Wendy to eat a chocolate frosty out of my asshole
>not a mug shot
6/10 best i can do
I wouldn't say I expect too much.
She doesn't even have to know how to cook at the start, but she better open her ears when I tech her how, and introduce her to kitchen appliances like a crock pot.
thanks thiccfags
protip: they end up alone, fuck fodder for the late bloomers
One large curve does not make you curvy, you need several curves for that.
Pretty much baka desu senpai.
It's a woman's world now.
Have you guys seen that e harmony commercial with the single mom and the Egg McMuffin looking faggot? Her probably got with her to molest her son.
The scary thing is, all women (and even most men) take photos of themselves at the most flattering angle. That double chin face straight to camera, I guarantee she's Jabba the Hut or Bartolo Colon.
But she's looking for a successful, nearly perfect guy. Good luck to her, but in a just world, she should be with a chubby neckbeard with toenail fungus making 25K a year. 3.5 or 4/10 girls like this one here should be the ones who can look past physical flaws and money woes.
She is very likely a devotee of Sex and the City and thus has unrealistic expectations.
That pic is as sad as it's true.
We truly live in a shitty society.
Don't use a dating website then.They are plenty of real, live pussy-bearers walking around outside RIGHT NOW.
Everyone knows those websites are shilly anyway. It's shopping for people, what do you expect?
Exactly this. I see it first hand from one of the wifes BFF's. She has champagne taste in men but a Busch Light body with a Smirnoff personality.
Women in their 30s are crying when things don't turn out as they expected. Many such cases.
I'm beginning to understand why you create such radical feminists and in such numbers.
This woman,this thing,will be lucky if she finds someone generous enough to fuck her.
But she thinks she's entitled to everything a 10/10 can have,thus she's deluded.
Someone need to explain to her that she looks and acts like a piece of shit.
>unrealistic expectations
No. Her expectations are more or less in line with her biological programming. Women want the best DNA possible.
Originally this was done by rape and fighting between men.
For organized society to work out you obviously can't have men running around curb stomping each other and raping every woman they can get their hands on.
So this was solved by religion and monogamy. Social class suddenly evolved from this. The most capable man picked the best women, and then it went down the line until the trashy men and the trashy women ended up with each other by lack of choice.
Women's liberation combined with teaching girls that they all get a handsome prince has lead to complete outright Chad harems. Except the same contraceptives that enabled sexual liberation have also enabled Chad to select who carries on his DNA. So every woman fucks Chad, all believing he's going to pick them but he's not going to. Their ovaries will dry up.
This theoretically isn't a problem... It should in theory lead to an ubermacht future... except that women are shit at selecting partners.
They all claim to like smart men but they are full of shit. They like tall men, regardless of any other merits.
So you have a rapidly declining and degrading native population being replaced by Muslims because they are the only group with religion and family values left. Although they practice polygamy.
So even if they did fully take over, the western solution of eliminating male sexual frustration through monogamy and dating hierarchy would still be an issue.
Society is literally on the verge of coming uncoiled at any moment.
I laughed maple tears at that cartoon, Leaf. Good stuff.
I'm reminded of a line from Lawrence of Arabia that became prophetic in the selfie age. After Auda smashes a journalist's camera for taking his picture, Lawrence explains the Arab's actions:
"He's a bit old-fashioned. He thinks
these things (the camera) will steal his virtue. He thinks you're a kind of thief."
All cameras should be banned from women and mirrors banned to them after washing up in the morning.
As a 24 y/o trust fund kiddy, I saw how the men in my family got treated by women. Just about each man wanted to get ass at night and work all day and come home to food. The only ones in my family who got them had to lower their standards for a much better women. Unless you are a retarded talk out your ass fuck boy women will fuck you over. Its all a mind game and you have to be alpha to survive the modern women.
Another of my favorite roastie hate comics.
also I can already here the contrarian faggots saying
Maybe if you're a nigger, but in Western society it was decided that Intelligence, Wit, and Ingenuity were the important qualities over raw physicality. It made us undefeated on the world stage.
i approve of this desu
All you say is true. But I still wager $20 that she watched Sex and the City religiously.
Nice. I like knocking down younger women in the same fashion. Nothing pissed off a broad more then when you ask about her mother.
>my gf has a kissless virgin
careful what you wish for
This is the same type that will wonder "where all the good men went" when she is alone at 42 and realizing she is unmarketable at that point and getting more so by the day. I mean, good for her for trying to hit out of her weight class, but most guys will see a woman like that and run. Face it, wealthy tall athletic men generally end up with tall beautiful women from wealthy families. So the decent dude of average height and body proportions making 65k a year who might have otherwise given her a shot wont even bother making contact with her.
I have been married for 7 years now, haven't been in the "dating scene" since 2010. Is it literally all 5/10's looking for a 10/10?
Don't make me laugh
Everyone can demand anything. The question is if they will get it.
Yes. It's gotten pretty bad desu. I used to be able to get 6s and the occasional 7. Now my choices are either settle for a 0/10 who will expect me to raise her already existing children or die alone and childless.
Note that she doesn't actually read the book.
>Women who bring nothing to the table can just demand whatever they want?
Sure they can demand it, but there is a reason why she is single and looking for it on a dating website.
She won't meet any of her demands there.
Yeah, you should thank thirsty fucks for that.
Fuck america, has it gotten this bad?
lmfao fat fucking slob with no personality and can't cook looking for 10/10 140 IQ male.
This is why modern society is so fucking stupid. And these same chads and 2/10's now want to decide who runs the country.