Is Israel National Socialist?

Is Israel National Socialist?

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I guess

What? Do you realize we are literally jews?
No, it isn't a socialist country.

You are silly OP.

no, they're communists.

While you don't have the traditional traits of a socialist country, your culture kind of turns it into one.


they created communism

How come?

>Extremely protectionist
>Friendly for high tech corporations
>Farmers are strictly protected by government
>Super strong workers Unions
>The country is moving very slowly to become more capitalist
>Minimum wage still rising up though
>Education and health system are mostly nationalized
>Netanyahu is a huge fan of Capitalism

I would say that Israel is pretty much social democratic country that is slowly moving to capitalism

And you are a useful idiot. Holohoax never happened. Germans played right into jewish hands. Current state of world is the direct result of their foolishness.

This basically

yes its a so called Jewish state ..

Socialist country turning briefly into a kike theocracy, before getting btfo when yitzshak and Ari are too inbred and busy fucking/studying Talmud all day to maintain your nuclear arsenal.

>jews always lie
israel is , slowly moving toward

It's more complicated tham that.. Haredis are starting to get involved more and more in the workforce and many of them even become secular

The formula of national socialism was not pattented by Germany. Anyone can use it for their own group.

It's like saying my neighbor can't own a gun because I once used one against him to get my lawnmower back.

If technicist country is a totalitarian leftist coutry so you're not far from true


Show your real flag or go away

>jews always lie
Your father is a respectable person

delivery for this thread

alluha akbhar!

Its moments like these the flags will be worth it

technicists can be right or left. it also depends on what you mean by 'right wing'(gov control over citizens or ideological LvsR spectrum). i would consider israel slightly left wing. israel is as right wing as russia is

>There's probably an Israeli flag hidden under that natsoc flag.

That's why I warned you about the (((custom flags)))
I'm actually the one who made the big thread with this pic

Israeli anons give me quick rundown on this guy. Was he based?

>Jew warns us about potential Jewry

He murdered the Prime minister cause he was leftist and too soft on the Arab terrorists and also wanted to give them a Palestinian state


leftists are soft on terrorists? kek, are you lying or this dumb? is this why israelis say they are right wing? do keks think stalin was right wing also?
>massive gov assistance programs, free healthcare, free school, free houses, totalitarian government, but israel is right wing because they are hard on their enemies.

Why don't you go fuck yourself, you anti-semitic piece of shit?

As a staunch National Socialist, I have nothing but huge amounts of respect and admiration for Jews and the Nation of Israel.

Was it justified?

It didn't really make any difference, Netanyahu would have won the elections the next year anyway

Israel is a jewish ethnostate.

I've been arguing for that point on one thread for the last few hours, completely agree with you. The only other alternative is for moderators to get their shit together and start being objective, only removing people who shitpost for the sake of shitposting about flags

I do have my personal reservations about countries like Israel and some others, but that doesn't mean that I can't be civil and actually form coherent responses

well thats how you determine a right or a left winger here

judaism is not a race

No. They're Zionist.

No, they're parasites. Most irsaelis are goy like us to I bet.

Poor Rabin

>>Super strong workers Unions
nigger what, every factory I've been to the workers there are scattered retards that work overtime to barely close the month with a salary of slightly above the minimum wage. The only unions I know of are the teacher union and social worker union. Seriously link me a union site or post their name/address, as far as I know Israel doesn't ever have a strong labor history like other countries because of how young it is.

Jewish is a lineage as well as a religion

israel is jewish


are organized labors unions(TM) has about 600,000 people in it

Israel is a make-believe land with as much historical relevance as Hogwarts.
The original Jews were wandering thieves and bandits who chose to live outside of society.
They were not united by language, race or even religion.
After hundreds of years of inbreeding, they created the Jewish ethnicity.
Later, they invaded the land of Canaan (Palestine) and conquered a small portion for themselves.
They named it "Israel" and from this land they strive towards world dominion.
Not only are their beliefs fucked up but so are their genes.
And so today we are faced with the Jewish Question.

That article seems so close since my grandmother and my brother are both schizophrenic and my mother takes psychiatric pills as well

sad situation. im sorry for what your ancestors did to your people today.

Don't be, I'll probably kill myself the moment I start see signs of senility.

if ashkenazi, can use your madness + high IQ to make real changes among your community.
if sephardic KYS nao

Why the fuck would they make it easier to false flag? This is bullshit.

>חלק מהמבקרים טוענים כי הסיבה לכך היא שההסתדרות, הלהוטה למחוק את עברה ה"בולשביקי" ולהוכיח שהיא השתנתה, ומנסה לשמור על קשרים טובים עם המגזר העסקי, משתיקה מאבקי עובדים. מבקרים אחרים מהצד ה"שמאלי" תולים את בעיותיה של ההסתדרות במבנה שלה, שלטענתם, אינו דמוקרטי, כיוון שהיא נשלטת על ידי פעילי מטה שכירים ("עסקנים") ולא על ידי הנהגה נבחרת של חברי הוועדים עצמם
>בהסתדרות מודים שמצבם של העובדים החלשים בישראל בכי רע, אך טוענים כי ההסתדרות, תחת הנהגתה הנוכחית, עושה מאמצים גדולים וכנים לשנות את המצב, באמצעות גיוס עובדים חדשים וגיבוי במלחמה על זכויותיהם, וכי מצבם של עובדים מאוגדים בכל מקום עבודה הוא טוב בהרבה ממצבם של חבריהם שאינם חברים בוועד.
Well this explains why it's so shit in the industrial districts.

What if I'm half of both?

well... you can live for yourself, have a comfy life and all that...or you can think beyond your own generation and suffer to tell the People the truth. they may hate you, but you might save them too.

its cuz its a shitty organization
my grandma is a member of it and she became a member of it to get a discount on the gym

Propensity toward psychoticism is a personality trait like openness or extroversion: it's a spectrum trait. At the far end you have full-blown schizophrenia but short of that it's correlated with creativity, which has an adaptive biological function in the cognitive sense: in other words, it lends the ability to jew and out-jew others.

>that flag


Based Kekistan is national socialist

as an israeli fascist, no

Jew is lying, as usual.

Will pretend he doesn't know what a Kibbutz is.

The kibbutz was once socialist, but no more.
Israel is now a capitalist country.


>tfw kekistan gets a flag
Sup Forums was wrong about memes yet again

No, take the nazbolpill

That hammer and sickle on an otherwise beautiful flag is disgusting, desu.

Jews are nothing more than Palestinians...i.e. sand niggers/arabs.

Fuck off kike

>matriarchy that cannibalizes itself when there is no host to jew
>National Socialist


we should turn this into a conspiracy. Make this the new Israel flag.

jew girl fucks and sandnigger girls bomb

Khazarians are the original Nazis, the thread.

>Oy, is that why Ukraine is such a bunch of Kike Zionists

Ukraine is toast, and we all know it

>Oy, but what about Israel??

What about it, it will be destroyed

>Oy, but what about muh hebrew heritage!?!?!?

You are not hebrew.


Fuck Israel. Burn every fucking kike.


And the funniest thing of it all, God denounced he ever knew ye and declared everyone else on this planet following his commands his new hebrews/children.

Ultimate red, how will they hope to survive kek

the most national socialist country in existance right now
>jews have rights
>arabs dont have anything
>arabs are inferior



>the new JIDF flag

You're 100% right in this matter master merchant.

>arabs dont have anything

But that's not even true.

Palestinians don't get Israeli citizenship because it's an occupied (disputed territory).


NO, Arab citizens of Israel don't really have rights, Jewish life expectancy is 90 while the arab is less than 70

They cheat on election votes, we are being oppressed here!!!!


Good, maybe you should leave then, to somewhere where you'll be less oppressed? Or just kill yourself really, Arab scum.