Can a man be raped by a woman?
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I love getting pegged by my MTF trans gf. Does that count?
Both must be stoned
No, men are all rapists, you can't rape a rapist
Have you ever heard of someone being upset by a surprise blowjob?
not if you excersise your sphincter daily
attaching a buttplug into your anus for 3 hours daily will render you rape proof in just 9 days
my brother is gay and has twice been raped by women. both times he'd been passed out drunk at a party and the girl has tried to 'turn' him while he's been out.
>not realising only the guy is getting pleasure
Rape = Power + Privilege
Yes, that is how all sexual encounters should be, fuck toxic masculinity, females need to be the dominant partner in a sexual relationship.
>not realizing the woman is getting psychological pleasure
was that bulletproof english?
Did they get him hard while he was passed out and did he cum?
That's really deviant mate. Did your brother consider it to be rape? I think if somebody did that to me I'd just laugh the next morning.
rape = unwanted sexual intercourse + privilege.
only white cis males can be rapists.
So if i travel to a country where niggers are in power and rape some nigress. Was it rape?
Or just leave the buttplug in firmly to block unexpected raping cocks.
Yeah , sure
Not unless he's married
Not in the UK actualy, a women can NEVER be sent down for rape as defined by British law.
It's classified as Sexual Assault by Penetration. Carries a much weaker penalty.
It literally defines rape in UK law using the words "his penis"
>1-(1) A person (A) commits an offence if—
(a) they intentionally penetrate the vagina, anus or mouth of another person (B) with his penis
So no, women cannot rape.
This is relevant to my interests,
i';m a straight pede and so it's my bf.
hope 2 learn something from this thread.
#staywoke #pedesnotpedos #pride
Only if he's enough of a weak low t faggot to be physically dominated by a woman
I'm 6ft 180lb /fit/izen, I doubt any woman will be able to get a jump on me
or, you know, if he's underaged
Yes, they can. You wouldn't believe how many women have pent up rage they are waiting to take out on some vulnerable dude. Be careful out there.
yeah they got him hard while passed out. no he didn't cum- he ended it as soon as he realised what was happening. he's fucking disgusted by vaginas so he wasn't too happy and he does consider it rape. just not that a big deal.
I was talking about adults
Women who have sex with underage boys are pedos and deserve to be locked up
>Can a man be raped by a woman
Yes, but women rape men financially
It can happen if you're really drunk, desu.
lol that's pretty funny
Well if he considers that to be rape then he's a fag. I think I'd be too embarrassed to tell somebody about that unless I thought it was just a funny story.
Ask that to Swedes
Your brother should be more tolerant of new ideas and stop being a bigot.
you tell 'me, brother!
Are you being attacked by someone who is fat and/or ugly? Yes.
Is she good looking? No.
Tell your brother to stop being a fucking faggot
Also you said there was more than one girl and they were trying to "turn" him, like as in riding his cock was while he was passed out was going to cure the gay?
This is too fucking funny. Did the girls cum? Sorry but this is hawt.
Yes, if the man didnt explicitly consent.
>Can a man be raped by a woman?
Anyone can get raped it has nothing to do with gender.
The only question is whether or not you had sex forced onto you despite your deliberate lack of consent.
What kind of stupid question is that?
A fat chick once put a ruffie and viagra in my drink and raped me.
I got a yeast infection in urethra from it.
About 2 years ago, my friend came out to me as Bi. Initially I didn't really care, but recently on social media he's come out saying he's been sexually assaulted and my first thought was "Well that's what you get for being a faggot"
Am I a bad person Sup Forums?
it's happened to him on two separate occasions. which fucking pissed me off when i heard about it because i was in the middle of a 2 year dry patch.
apparently it's not unusual for faghags to try to 'turn' gays because they're so used to being able to fuck who ever they like a guy that legitimately isn't sexually interested in you is obviously a major challenge.
fuck knows if they came, i doubt it.
Any man who tattles to the police after being "raped" by a woman should be fucking "castrated".
Am I right oramirite bros?
Out of curiosity, if you woke up and found some dude licking your privates, would you consider it "pretty funny" and "free blowjob lmao"?
This is a false analogy as it assumes homosexuality and heterosexuality are equal in function
It's a pretty crazy world when guys are all over Sup Forums about not getting laid and then some gay guy who hates vaginas gets fucked while he's asleep.
Depends. If some fag wanted my cock that bad I'd probably be flattered. I'd probably even let it go just to see what being sucked off by a guy is like.
Obviously this is a case of molestation, but seriously there's a big difference between some brute breaking your ass open and getting your dick wet unwittingly. I would absolutely hold taking advantage of women to a different standard, or if there were an STD involved or something.
Now that is pretty miserable. In this case, you should be entitled to reparations and compensation for emotional damage.
Although UK law is worded so that only men can be guilty of rape.
ask your dad
+ dick
What the heck happened with flags?
No it really isn't a false analogy, rape is rape. Go fuck yourself, kekistani.
back 2 the past
I'm being raped by an Amazon rite now as I type this.
He's a FUCKING MALE so you know he wanted it
They are gone for good. Now (((they))) have little chance for coming after users in countries, which don't allow free speech like Great Britian, France and Germany.
I guess I'm either gonna have to wait for an update or use the god awful defaults in order to change the flag.
pic related was molested by his mother as a child
but as long as your prostate still works, you don't even need to like sphincter stuff to enjoy getting your prostate nailed. And unless you're gay you might as well have a woman ram you in the ass or at least a toy or whatever.
>Tier 1 degenerates
It pushes against her clit, friendo. Girls can cum from it.
So the consensus is no?
like dis?
Spot the faggots, ladies and germs.
Enjoy what happens after you get prostate cancer and the Jew doctor has to excise a bunch of it. And that's after he took your foreskin away after birth.
Just grind your taint if you're not comfortable enough with yourself yet to see if you can get something going from putting your fingers in your ass. It's weird as hell to get over it, but turns out some people like it. Some people even like to eat ass, but I don't really get that beyond unusual sensations.
there are few things worse in this world than putting something in your ass without necessity. prostate cancer does not come close.
90% sure you're
a cuck cuntry, or some other breed of european faggot
Standard procedure for prostate cancer is not just putting something up the downchute but savagely removing hunks of the gland and hoping you don't take out critical nerve pathways in the process. Good luck getting it up or being able to have an orgasm after that.
I'd say it comes pretty close.
i would rather spend the rest of my life being incapable of sexual gratification than allowing some cunt to peg me.
>My brother is gay
>he's a fag
Well no fucking shit retard. Besides that, men can get raped. Do you think it's a pleasant experience having a woman force herself on you when she's a hamplanet, ugly as sin, has a STD, or when you're already in a relationship? Only difference is that men aren't impacted as women are and unless you're intoxicated, crippled, or they have a weapon a guy won't be getting raped unless the woman is an amazonian.
Up to you mate. As far as I understand, most guys don't like it. I wouldn't want to have sex with another guy if you asked me, but gay guys exist.
But there's literally nothing wrong with exploring. You can do it in the safety of your own home if you're bored and horny some day. Seems for me it works best to try to kind of scratch the prostate with my finger, but it's tiring and generally not worth the bother and how it's gross. If pushing out a few drops of cum is my high score then so be it. Still pretty neat.
Last time I had a woman force herself on my while we were both intoxicated, I offered her a little bit more liquor and sent her to her room to sleep it off. Are you a man or a fag?
I don't know if I'd call it a "pleasant" experience, but it's fun as hell when a girl is pressing you for sex to the point where you just outright have to throw her off and she thinks that's fun, too. I'm guessing your a fag and you'd probably be afraid to engage in full contact sports with your fellow man.