Unless the new flags die down, the cringe will be too much and will overtake poll. The amount of Kekistani threads I have seen is a bad sign. RIP Pol
Flag system the death of poll
Get fucked back to T_d
Praise kek
It doesn't change shit, you faggoton
What's even more mind boggling is that they introduced /bant/ to keep Sup Forums clean. Now look at the mess.
As a gay Muslim I'm confused at which flag to use
As a newfaggot i finally feel representedm fuck what u think t_d nazi.
>inb4 but what about the memes
>inb4 these are good memes
>Praise kek
Penetrate my boipussi with a dark dick baby.
Praise le kek my shadilayian brother
This is the greatest thing since Sup Forums was birthed
Check em
m8 the flags are a vast improvement.
Who even gives a fuck?
>praise kek
>tells others to go to T_D
Oh the delicious irony.
Inshallah, the novelty will wear off kuffar. It's like the since4pass option. For the first 2 days it was an endless since4pass dick measuring contest and now you rarely see anybody since4passing.
This one, they'll never suspect you or throw you off a building.
Or do what I've done and get a different flag each post
Heil Kekler! LOL
I'm gay?
Pol has already been dead for ages, you fucking spastic.
please get rid of the new flags
Dis bait spelling doe
Is that....
this is how the flags were before IP geographic flags you fucking new fag
the muslim flag. It includes faggotry like bacha bazzi
Praise the Angel of Chaos and the Bringer of The ends times May we be blessed with the End of The Old World. Reeeeeeee
Use the Union Jack of course, Mr. Kahn.
now you won't know if you're debating a third worlder or not, white bois
t. third worlder
I think it's cool actually, no longer my posts will be dismissed as the drunken rants of a shitposting aussie. Thumbsup.gif
lel all the newfags losing their shit
I prefer the standard country flags.
Next it'll be avatars.
Profile descriptions.
This was done because Shills , Correct the Record , and Media Matters couldn't get their retardett army to change their VPN's to the correct flag.
So now we cannot ident these fucks and operation mockingbird is in full effect.
Hahahahaha it will be great to see kids running out arguments no longer attack your flag with a butthurt. Now it's time to praise Kek of Kekistani.
Some pajeet is going to tell you off because "web 4.0 da future is here very good technology we advance to be world superpower" god I hate Indians so much
this baka desu senpai
no one knows I'm secretelay a nigger
I don't like the change. The board is already infested with t_d fags calling everything 42d chess. The flag sustem has entirely no purpose anymore, it might as well just be removed if they're gonna do this.
I'd be interested to see any metrics Sup Forums has for activity. My guess is it's gonna drop off a decent bit. Not to mention mods keep moving nigger hate threads and stuff to that shitty /bantz/ board that no one uses but keep the kekistani shit around. Half the time threads removed by mods are on topic, they just get salty about them i guess. In a weird way, other boards are starting to feel more like Sup Forums. This place is basically becoming a digital version of london. A bunch of fags came in and now it's trash.
>operation mockingbird
Oh shit, is it really time?
Activating the Lightly Antagonistic Reactionary Protocol
Damn I hate you guys so god damned much. I bet you wear praise kek t-shirts to middle school
We had flags like this only a couple years ago. Things might actually improve now that people won't be shitposting over countries
We need a JIDF flag.
the only important thing on this thread are those fucking tits in that gif goddammit post more
>can't wait to set up my profile
>upvotes when
die fags
Mandatory cunt flags damaged anonymity desu. This is much better.
This is the doings of that fucking leaf mod.
He got tired off his scum kind being called retards constantly.
I agree with you, the new flag system has increased the number of shitposter dramatically
I salute your optimism but you're delusional.
>being this j(N)ew
You can always fuck back off to T_D.
the flags are a cia psyop... dont use them
Found the shill
I'm calm and rational and ready to have a debate / conversation about operation mockingbird / its new reincarnation
The ID system is worse for "anonymity" than the flags.
So long as you can't put a different nations flag up its fine. We always know who is trying to mask their identity.
nu pol
I've wanted a pick your own flag system forever.
I have nothing to add I'm just testing it.
Straight up sexual assault. I hope she had to register as a sex offender for that.
(checks flag)
(see if you change your flag I wouldn't know you're cuck cuck cuckada )
It's almost like people are trying to have fun with the novelty before it wears off.
No, it's preventing samafagging
Fucking newfags LEAVE
Agreed. It's observably already ruined brit/pol/.
If they cared about anonymity they'd make it easier to use TOR on the site.
We wuz flags n sheeeeeeit.
It was literally like this way back, this isn't something new and unprecedented you fucking newfags. Same thing happened when mandatory geographical flags were introduced.
>Shitty threads and memes for a few days.
>Everything dies down back to normal soon enough.
It will be better or shitposting.
damn thats a nice pair
i need more to confirm wether those are natural or not
I don't like it when things change desu
Want some damn 88's!
>New flag system
neither do people with autism.
This is how Sup Forums used to be though.
Tfw no reddit flag
The flags are cool desu my senpai