>The European Commission launched a legal case on Tuesday against Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic for refusing to take in asylum-seekers, ratcheting up a bitter feud within the 28-nation bloc about how to deal with migration.
>The European Commission launched a legal case on Tuesday against Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic for refusing to take in asylum-seekers, ratcheting up a bitter feud within the 28-nation bloc about how to deal with migration.
to get sanction on us EU need all member countries to agree, czechia and hungary will not agree to sanction on us, we will not agree to sanction on them, we are safe
that's kind of what I thought. they can come to whatever conclusion they like but as long as the three countries don't break, it's unenforceable.
also it ignores that the migration was illegal to begin with and contravenes existing treaties (that they get asylum in the first country they enter, for instance) and the initial resettlement was never agreed upon by the 28, either.
so strictly speaking the EU has no legal basis for this suit, but that's never stopped them before.
what about slovakia
they forgot about us
But surely missing out on the benefits of refugees is enough? They keep telling us that refugees are good for the countries they end up in, so Germany and the rest of the EU should be happy that they get to keep all the refugees for themselves.
Looking forward to watching this play out.
Nice union you got there, bully.
Leave lads. You don't need this shifty oppressive union :^)
polan stronk
Hoping to watch it tear itself apart in the not-too-distant future.
I seriously hope the Poles go first. I have a soft spot in my heart for the Poles. They constantly get their asses' kicked, but always manage to get back up off the floor and immediately resume telling the same two guys who just put them on the floor in the first "fuck you."
If you look at it from this perspective, its actually quite impressive. Thus, I hope the Poles do it.
Never change Polacks. Never change.
Different thing bro. It will be impossed by the E-court. No biggie. Some money in the worst case scenario. Worth every fucking cent anyway
You take in refugees, then?
Pretty cucked
>Legal case
I don't think the European court works the same way, the parliament or comission works.
So, honest question, is this how ww3 starts?
You guys should seriously tell Berlin and Brussels to fuck themselves and not pay a red cent.
Man I just hope they leave the EU and take white refugees from the EU.
they can't force those countries to take them cos 1. any eu country can refuse asylum-seeker unles hi is fleing directly from the country that is in war
2 when syrian citisen land a foot in turkey hi is not a REFUGE ANYMORE and hi looses his right for granted asylum in eu countries
end of the story
You Guy's better hold out might actually move there if stuff gets to shitty here wich it looks like it will
Fuck, why not us too? Is it because we sued them for the migrant quotas?
We already do, Westerners come here in small numbers. Last year something like 3k Swedes moved here. German people also move here but I haven't seen any data on that.
Fun thing is our allies will betray us again.
And you think it will end up otherwise?
there is no place for racism in europe, its time we joined the rest of the civilized world and helped our fellow humans in need
>Be part of a union
>Refuse the setbacks and ignore the reprecussions of acting against that union
Just say what you really want: For them to leave the EU
Actually, we have pretty huge 'refugee' wave from Chechenya, which is a part of Russia (and we do share border with them). But over 99% is rejected, kek.
They mostly buy apartments for now and are waiting till shit gets serious in Goymany
You Guys accept western refugees ?
What happens if they refuse doing anything?
No more free cash? Who the fuck cares?
We would file an appeal to European Court of Justice if it somehow imposed.
There still isnt a single line of written law that will hold up in court, simply because its all made up bullshit.
I think you guys are going to end up paying the fine, which is absurd as the fine for every rapist not admitted to Poland is almost as much as a Pole's annual salary.
Like they are fucking you guys hard.
Its the same question the Greeks were asked, and they chose poverty in favor of keeping the EU. I wonder if the Poles will chose their pride over keeping the EU?
also as soon as they bring "refuges" to the poland if those sandnigers dont get as much free money as in germany (as far as i know they would get 3 times less) they WILL escape from poland to germany and how they will stop them? if they would try to stop them it would be ridiculous (leting them to eu but not leting them out to germany) and yes this ALREADY HAPEENED , "refuges" fleing from poland to germany cos biger benefits
Not all of them, some really do live here. I have a French family from Marseille living in my estate.
There is an American guitar teacher in an office I used to visit sometimes and there used to be an English guy in my Liceum who lived here pernamently. He's come just to talk to us.
They don't like these countries acting on their own. They want they Poland to be a "state" instead of being sovereign Nation.
They don't call themselves refugees, but yes.
the east is part of europe now, and europe is about cooperation. if you cant cooperate, you cant be european
>They don't like these countries acting on their own.
Wow, it's almost like being part of a union has obligations
Why dont you just create a pure, strong white Visegrad union
Enlighten me, how easy is it for a non-Polack to purchase property there?
I'd love to get my hands on an old farm house in Pommern, something close to the Baltic which I could rent out.
I've heard mixed things from Germans who are in Poland, especially in the former Prussian part -- as those there are more hostile to the Germans than those in the East of Poland, oddly enough.
>I wonder if the Poles will chose their pride over keeping the EU?
mark my words 10 years and we are out. Everyone say that the next eu budget will not include structural funds from which we mainly benefit. Once we start paying more than we get we will try to take Norway path of relationship with Eu - ie only economy, no politics
don't worry my sweet kurwa, if the EU puts sanctions on innocent Slavs I'll go out of my way to buy your exports
best part is that other countries only fulfilled immigrants relocation in 12%, so you could say we are only slightly behind them.
second every one talking about being humanitarian, at the same time forced relocation treat immigrants worse then cattle
You are thinking of executive action. The Commission is arguing that this is a breach of treaty obligations and therefore member states are liable for fines under the CJEU. The CJEU will contort the Treaties to agree to it because they never go against the Commission.
Stay strong, stay free lads. Write to your politicians to remain uncucked.
What is intermarium? Also Trump will be visiting Poland during Intermarium meeting in Warsaw in July.
>being forced to accept people who want to conquer you and your history into your country
If this is really the case, then someone seriously dropped the fucking ball when combing through the fine print.
It's not hard, you are allowed to buy property just as we buy property anywhere else inside the EU.
Why would you do it though?
Sigh. This country is fucked anyway. It runs on debt, investments here are too much tied to the EU funds, they can trick us really hard
Exactly why you should not join one if our want to act in a sovereign manner. Unions will always overextend their power just like they have done in the states. Many states never wanted gay marriage for example. Regardless of your opinion those States still have that right as marriage has traditionally been handled by the states. Poland will be forced to loose its own identity because someone in Brussels, Paris, Berlin, or London are offended. It is wrong and non geographic flags are worse then being a tripfag douche nozzle.
Intermarium was a plan for an eastern european state . Never got fulfilled tho
fuck the EU
We hope you will, the New Silk road isn't some mountain passage.
> Intermarium meeting
What? It exists?
New terrorist attack in Western Europe every month
Western Europeans STILL tell Eastern Europeans to take Muslims
How are those EU values working out for you, EU scum?
It's only a matter of time before the globalists take over the administrations of v4.
It's easy to buy.
Difficult to live.
We love to casually discriminate any and all foreigners.
Only place people like Germans is Silesia.
Swedes are like Gypsys. You find them everywhere.
God this is so heavy-handed lol
I hope they milk Germany for all the wealth its still worth and tell it to fuck off.
>EU scum
>shitting on EU
>"great" anglostan had like 3 attacks in the last few weeks
I for one will gladly remove the kebab, and the german kike with it
>It's only a matter of time before the globalists take over the administrations of v4.
>mfw Soros is shilling harder than ever before
Primarily for geographic diversification. I have family in the United States (which is turning to shit faster than Germany is) and its only a matter of time here before the rapists decide they want a caliphate, likely when the gibs get turned off.
I have no desire to fight to preserve this government here, the people and the group of people, perhaps ... but that theos here is unstable and unlikely to hold.
I see a massive economic crisis coming, which will turn the gibs off to the muzzies and then the Germans will likely vote hard left to keep their gibs coming.
I was not born to be a slave and I imagine that the Poles would burn their entire country to the ground before they let it turn into Turkey or Venezuela.
This is what not being cuck means, Hans.
>leaving the EU after the gibs dry up
>not utilizing your Liberum Veto to obstruct its political processes to grind the whole beastly machine to a halt
>not destroying the EU for everyone else, forcing France, Germany and everyone else to quite, but you
Absolutely un-Polish.
Youre not even noticing your own orwellian doublethink there dont you?
Fuck thr EU and everything it stands for. The peoples of europe will prevail against your Mordor.
You are late my friend, I live in Stettin and worked delivering ikea furniture in and around the city.
Half the land is German owned already, roughly 20% clients were German. City is filled with Germans doing their shopping every weekend and no one really cares.
Funniest part is the fact that if you hop the border its all polacks living in Germany claiming hartz IV or living in cities like Locknitz thats 90% polish.
>Intermarium is Real
WTF? I just tought it was a polish wet dream by now
sauron was actually a pretty cool guy
finally a kanker I can agree with
Germany needs to plug the budget hole left
by Brexit. Think about this.
I can imagine you would think that, yes.
wew lass. happening imminent?
Pushing invades from third countries and multiculturalism on the other members against their will is not cooperation. It is sabotage and destruction of member countries, user.
i3, The Three Seas Initiative, Adriatic-Baltic-Black Sea Initiative
kek fuck no, these 3 are just the assholes of EU, never gonna go to war against the ones making their (our) current lifestyle possible
you just need to be more tolerant. every people of every color and creed can get along with the guidance of the EU
you got me here. Very good plan
Slovakia is so irrelevant, neither the EU nor the Muslims realized that it actually exists.
>tfw the Tót atyafiak will be the sole survivors of the downfall of Europe simply because it's such an obscure country
Nicely done.
All it takes is one administration to let them all in. Then they will be there forever. Mass deportations would be too hard, politically.
The administration that lets in all the immigrants won't say that during campaigns of course. Labour or Tories never said they wanted mass immigration. But after mass immigration happened, they called anyone against it a racist.
eu already trying to pose laws on poland to stop china from building this road ...
-poland say now they will not found the part of the road that is in polad
-china say; ok we will build this for you
polish politics be like "wait what? why?"
its beyond they imagination that you cant get money from other sources than taxes ... like economy and trade
and polish politicans hands are tied cos they cant refuse free roads cos polish roads are underdeveloped , this would make public enraged
Can you imagine how powerful such a confederacy would become? It literally divides west from east... all fucking imports and exports on the entire european continent would go through it. I simply dont understand why they dont drop out of the Eu and form their own confederacy.
fucking jews are trying to islamify the whole europe, this is getting too insane for me, fuck arabs and fuck the bigger picture I want to go back to 1990
(((European Commission)))
its not destruction of countries, but the birth of a glorious whole. deep down you know its what you want
forgot actual flag
What are the chances of a far right party gaining ground if a crisis occurs?
>I imagine that the Poles would burn their entire country to the ground before they let it turn into Turkey or Venezuela.
Now, yes, I'm not sure about the future. More and more lefites arise each day, weaklings vote for gibs. PiS is keeping us out, but nobody knows what is to come.
The jew fears the Kotleba
Im very curious what makes everyone think Hungary can trust the V4.
Its like hungarians never learn from history.
No, they cant. It will destroy all internal cohesion and your precious eu will completely disintegrate from within, resulting in endless ethnic conflict.
Maybe one day, you will see your own child being beheaded while you are being hold down and your wife raped.
Eastern europe allready eperienced this. You will too.
fun times...
I know, I used to live in Scotland and it's a shame what Britain is doing.
I don't see a way out to become an ethnostate again, sadly.
Will Putin not capitalize on these growing tensions?
When the Syria conflict ends favorably for Russia and Assad (which it looks like it will), then he will get his crucial gas pipeline and have more leverage on Europe when it comes to energy.
He could raise jack up gas prices for France and Germany, but give comfy discounts to Hungary, Poland, and Czech Republic.
Deep down I remember how shitty USSR was and what made it so shitty. EU has same traits.
we're not cracking to the multicultural propaganda anytime soon
>keks related
can bulgaria be a part of this plox
What is Baltic Pipe? Poland wants and will build a pipe from Norway to feed the eastern europe
What makes you think they dont know what lurked around the corner?You of all should know it.
They are talking about 100 millions a day
That shit is fucked up, they need to tell those cucks to fuck off for good
I thought all of the rapefugees wanted to go to Germany.