The heroic Golden State Warriors refuse to go to the Whitehouse.
Fuck Trump and Fuck white people.
The heroic Golden State Warriors refuse to go to the Whitehouse.
Fuck Trump and Fuck white people.
That's intelligent.
So it's racism then.
fuck white people
good, niggerball is for subhumans
they wuz chempions
Stop leaving your chicken bones on the sidewalk. And please learn how to walk in a straight line.
Oh no what a giant loss. How will anyone ever recover.
fuck yeah high power hitch is is the house
lol, so a bunch of butthurt niggers acting like nigs, what a shocker. Also niggerball sucks shit
Everytime I watch Empire of Dust I'll think Of your post.
It's all so tiresome.
Do you think the warriors players are just ignorant to the entire situation going on or do they actually know too well that if they went all their fans would be angry so they just avoided the drama?
Lol the new flags are perfect. Shows who really are ( or think they are) niggers and commies. Oh, fuck basketball. I'll go to the zoo if I want to see monkeys okay with a ball.
Oh wow, a bunch of fried chicken eating, watermelon chomping, kool-aid sipping, dindu nuffin, monkeys that can throw a rubber ball around refuse to go to the whitehouse?
How will Trump ever recover.
Hm intriguing
How many stupid fucking threads do we need on this? Since when does Sup Forums or Trump give one single fuck about Basketball Americans?
thats not gonna stop black people from commiting the majority of crimes in America
and then the warriors gets boycotted
Hey, look ma! Another nigger thread!
>Trump is such an embarrassment that Basketball players won't meet with him.
Basketball players, these are men who are so dumb their only life skills are being tall and putting a ball through a hoop, and even they know how full of shit Trump is.
Ahhhh darkies
i'm disappointed that there was no isis attack made at these niggerball games. i fucking hate california and was hoping for tragedy in the form of losing the title or people losing lives.
>America's Team, The New England Patriots, visit the White House
>Tom Brady and Bill Belichick are known Trump supporters
>a bunch of braindead niggerball chimps get butthurt and don't go because 'muh blaqq lives mattuh'
Oh no, such a terrible loss
Oh, so Trump didn't have to meet with a bunch of feral niggers. How will he take that. I wonder. Probably celebrating.
i think you have your streams crossed or the cum you are drinking has slipped into your bloodstream, because brady refused to go
he said the team went, not brady.
besides, brady's wife wouldn't let him go. but he wanted to.
Literally who are these people and why does anyone follow them?
Brady didn't refuse to go because anti trump you dolt.
Brady only high end pro athlete to have MAGA hat in locker before the season.
So piss off.
Oh yeah and fuck the golden State warriors. All anti trump morons including the white cuck coach Kerr. They bought a championship instead of won one. Like true liberals. Take the easy road.
Thank God. We don't need any filthy niggers inside the WHITE house.
>brady's wife wouldn't let him go. but he wanted to
is this what they mean by cuck
They wuz courageous
Who cares I don't u derstand why the winners of sportsball should be going on the white house
What's this flag?
Did they even get invited yet?
>trump get's further red pilled on niggers
>trump's disdain for them grows
>implying this is bad
trump has been unstumpable since he first started running. why do people even keep trying?
>California bay area meme team being lead by mullatos
I'm okay with this
Niggers arn't allowed in the WHITE House anymore.
Good post.
I think thier Jew masters told them what to do, just like last year when thier Jew masters had them take a dive in the championship series.
So all of them are niggers?
We have a bunch of monkeys playing ball. Who would want them to go to the white house.
So brave!
good they won't have to fumigate the place to get rid of the nigger stink.
theys sum good boys not going to drumpfs house....good boys.
Jus like you keep on trollin these nazis and youll get a lil mo somthin in ur welfare.
i hate drumpf now
Fuck niggerball. I hope the ratings keep dropping
Why would Trump want to meet any of them anyway? He has an actual job to do i.e. not throwing a meatball around for 20 minutes.
Blacks don't commit the majority of crimes, tho.
Making enemies with the POTUS is a very wise move from the owners of this team :-)
We wuz basket lords and sheiit
More time for Trump to focus on draining swamp
fucking fat ass spics
>Implying trump wanted them there in the way of making America great again
yeah man fuck trump and fuck white people!
*Not racist*
>the Bess version
they should impeach him for this.
>San Francisco
>Single White Whale
>black child
he's Kerrazy
NBA commissioner (((Adam Silver)))
absolutely roasted
>we stand for something bigger
>oh god muh jersey sales
>what will my bitter fans think?
Can't say I didn't see it coming.
ID: (SUB) [human]
oh. you misread that. blacks are also known as "niggers". and niggers are pretty much keeping my law enforcement family employed.
Oh no not the niggers
Curse to kick in when?
Shaun king is really letting himself go.
Not having to waste time or shake the hands of some niggers.
Wheres the downside?
good, niggers shouldn't be in the white house anyways.
so glad this shit isn't happening anymore.
mmmmmuuuhhh b b-b-b-b-balll
They finally got the nigger smell out of the white house, no point in starting again.
but trump believes in durant, though?
they're uneducated folk? what do you expect. the media has made them believe the right is evil, even though folks in their tax bracket could really benefit
Of course they're not going to go - for several reasons.
1. Kerr is a legit fag. He's steeped in the SJW shit so deep you can't see the top of his head. Which is semi understandable because his entire job description is basically head nig-wrangler
2. Some of the players would want to go. I guarantee this. Players who haven't won a championship before, etc. Fuckin za-za wants to go I guarantee it. Klay said a month ago he wanted to go. However the liberals are so vitriolic they cannot say this now or their teammates will be petty dicks about it.
3. David West is like basically a straight up black panther. He would likely stab anyone willing to meet with Trump. Ties into the above point really.
I'm a GSW fan (grew up here) but you'd likely get the same response no matter who won the championship. Except maybe Utah.
What is this new flag shit?
>Team from San Fransisco.
If its true it wasn't a "team decision", it was a PR department decision and not a particularly good one.
Even in a city like San Fransisco the neo liberal don't watch sports, so they're pandering to a community that doesn't buy their product while alienating potential fans outside the state who won't support a team that places asinine partisan politics ahead of patriotism.
>I'm a GSW fan (grew up here) but you'd likely get the same response no matter who won the championship. Except maybe Utah.
Any red state team would go for sure.