Guys the new flag choosing option will ruin us

Guys the new flag choosing option will ruin us.
>No longer will we be able to make fun of Israeli posters
>No more typical swede to a cuck post with a Swedish flag.

+No more rare flag

yeah it's pretty gay

This isn't the first time it has been this way you know

>no more Sup Forums shitposting
How is this a bad thing?
>new flag choosing option

>Waaah we won't be able to say the same memes over and over again

go back you faggots

this whole flag thing by gook moot is probably to make it seem like this is a legit ISIS chat forum so the UK and other govs can start shutting us down

fucking moronic to put ISIS flag options at this time of all

flag "banter" ruiined this board, its literally plebbit-tier
we're returning to good old days

This flag system is old Sup Forums and hopefully you kiddies fuck off now finally.
go to Sup Forums or /bant/ if you want your reddit tier bullshit.

The only new thing about the flag system are all the Reddit scrubs like you who can't remember Sup Forumss early days

there isn't an ISIS flag option, there's a jihadi one though

There are still rare flags, because "geographical location" is still an option.

What does everyone think about 2 flags? One location flag, and one symbolism flag?

Tehe hi boiz~~~

If you haven't noticed, there is now a new type of shitposting. Its arguably becoming even worse. Before there was only inter-national shittalking but now there is inter-idealogic shitposting to add on top of that. Also, there is just larping shitposting like blm posters saying u mad whyite boi etc. Its going to be even worse making poo and leaf look like innocent times

*shits on leg

Case in point

Lovin' the new flag system. Maybe finally you Americunts can't ignore my correct opinions just because I am a leaf. AHAHAHAHAHAHA

Shut up faggot. With flag "bantz" it was the same memes over and over again.

It will die down in a few days like it did last time newfag

>Discussions might happen instead of "haha your flag is X so I'm gonna ignore everything you say and reply with memes".
>Oh god, Sup Forums is ruined!
Fuck off you cancerous nu/pol/ memefaggot, this is the original and much better system.

I love the new option. We will focus more on ideologies and less on unimportant "where R U FROMM" retardation


Shills have been using proxies since trump took office.

You've only been talking to jews.

I swear a fucking leaf was behind this shit

Flags exposed their rampant shitposting

nah if i have no idea where the fuck you're from a lot of context gets stripped out of the discussion. maybe the trashposting will go down but the top-tier posting will to. it'll still be 80-90% shit like it always is


how do you like my epic rare custom flag?

New flag system eats donkey dick.


This would actually be a good idea

lmao fuck you

I know double chan does this but it is pretty retarded


Fuck off nu/pol/ love the new flags as it allows them to have their kekistani flags to please the god emperor

This. Every Fucking Time

Holy shit all these newfags, I had no idea things got this bad

> "haha your flag is X so I'm gonna ignore everything you say and reply with memes".

This, they really need to fuck off. They're the cancer of the board. Everyone was complaining how bad it was when everyone got flags. So many newfags here it's not even funny.


No, we can spot a leaf a mile away.

>What does everyone think about 2 flags? One location flag, and one symbolism flag?


why again did Sup Forums do it?
did any germancuck oder swedcuck cry to much because of the hate he got?

btw original flag is north german confederation

I remember pre-flag. I have been here since 2007. ID was clear improvement to old times when slimy shills could samefag easy and only way you could guess is the timing of the posts. Then they added flags and at first I didn't really like it but later I began to saw patterns and its actually pretty useful information to provide context in debates. Without flags anyone can be anything like a kike and switch masks at will.

I mean, has anyone seen any leftwinger argue against this? It seems like all the trashposters are loving it but not the serious Sup Forums users.

>swede to a cuck post with a Swedish flag.
>dog living in a stable is a horse

oh well

We sill know who you are. We've become very good at sniffing out proxyfags.

You most of the leaf shitposting was the CTR faggots using Canadian proxies to avoid campaign laws
Shareblue faggots switch up their proxies about once a week

>serious Sup Forums users.

fuck them

no-one knows I'm a dog

Sup Forums used to have it before 8gag even existed. It's funny watching all the newfags freak out.

Protip: All newflags are swedes or leafs

Good, you off-topic posting faggots who used flags as debates are fucking worthless anyways. You can form an argument but you want desperate to be apart of the conversation. Now you have no reason to shit up good discussions anymore. Probably time to go back to /r9k/ and Sup Forums for a lot of you.



The novelty will wear off in a week

>52% white

Thanks for all the interracial porn your country makes tho. All interracial porn is dumb "white" American trash whores taking BBC

[deep concern]

>Leafs can hide now

so why should i trust old you oldfags that say everything was so much better with flags back in the day when you cant even tell from posts about 85-90% of users on here are less than 2 years old(look at the traffic)

lol, fucking faggot

2 types of people are going to flag fag

>muh murica is horrible I've gotsta get that kekistani flag preteen faggot
Fuck off I can't wait for summer to end

>kikes and swedes
Who cares? It's easy to tell who they are anyhow

Hello Nazi

what are you talking about? the new swedish flag looks great!


I seriously have not seen a single canadian flag since the update. They are loving this

>You can't see the leaf anymore to see who the proxyfag shill is

this is just not true. i might could actually believe you if it werent for one simple fact.

leafs would of been proud of their country. id of consider changing my flag but as an american republican i see no need.

lay of the leafs ok? were all friends here and id of wanted leafs to stay their flags but understand why the might not want to anymore

if i was a leaf i would maybe hide my flag to because of the perspiration against us. its stupid to always gang up on one person just because of the color of their nationality.

consider that next time youd of had more people in this thread if not were for your hatred of leafs.

>caring about changing to memeflags

if you don't use your national flag, then you're essentially cucking yourself

trust me, i know a thing or two about cuckoldry

i will miss laughing at sand niggers

>he doesn't understand when people know where each other is from when a intelligent debate starts in provides a starting point of context

To be honest, a lot of people use vpns anyway.

>about 85-90% of users on here are less than 2 years old

yes that's obvious anyway. newfags think Sup Forums is serious business now. It was better back then, trust me

Damn Americans are really butthurt faggots for some reason hahaha.

Shut up I can finally share my opinions without retartded replies with nothing but 'POO' in the text.

Oh no, now you actually have to have an argument.


Great. This is how an anonymous image board should be like. Feels like the old days again when one is forced to judge a posts by it's content and not by it's flag.

I noticed a see very few German, Indian and Leaf flags today.

Those cowards are hiding now.


Based swede

Nice quads m8. Fuck white people.

>leafs would of been proud of their country.

No, no one hates thier county more than the leafs. The conservative leafs hate it, the liberal leafs hate it. That's why the apologize so much, yes they are sorry, sorry for being a leaf.

It's all JEWS

Flag test Desu

We fascist now




Git gud and identify leafs and swecucks without the flag, bong.

Even better Senpai, we NatSoc Now

shut the fuck up

its people like you who are for what everything the world is wrong today.

i am glad my flag is hidden so you dont know who i am and maybe i am an american and maybe not

now you dont know if whether maybe your own cuntry hates you fucker

Is that the new canadian flag?


Thankyou, a swede who isn't a political cuck



>Whats this leafy smell?

than chose us, we have no gays!
>prayed it all away

lol this is great
this will confuse the shit out of redditfags

>i am glad my flag is hidden so you dont know who i am and maybe i am an american and maybe not

This, all these faggots crying are just upset they actually have to adress peoples arguments rather than disregarding them for their flag or saying the same fucking meme that has been said millions of times. There's lots of newfags here i guess so repeating "leaf" and "poo" is funny to these fucking kekistani the_donald faggots.




leaf composting detected

we shall see, i stopped coming on this board recently anyway so youre probably right

That is not the problem, the overbearing amounts of larping is.
Whenever there is a topic to discuss, it will get derailed by political stereotyping the most extreme fringes of the given flags & ideologies.