>paying $10 for a coffee
I seriously hope you don't do this
>paying $10 for a coffee
I seriously hope you don't do this
Other urls found in this thread:
somethis th cappuccino with almond milk taste good
never bought starbucks in my life.
Coffee is bad for your health anyway
Won't lie, Their drinks are better then what I'm willing to take the time to make. It's only ridiculous if you do it literally every morning. ie. dumb white bitches
Fucking insane
Had to buy a coffee there yesterday, cost $2
But it's fair trade!
You're paying $10 because the workers who made your coffee were treated fairly. :^)
McDonalds has $1 coffee's. The caffeine works the same.
the music sucks, the so called baristas give very poor service, their coffee is average, carton cups, etc, why the hell
Poorfag. I bet you use one if those free android phones
>drinking coffee
>Not drinking low sugar energy drinks
>The caffeine works the same.
Go buy caffeine pills then, you absolute pleb. Coffee is about the taste.
you could buy just an espresso and bring some milk, the coffee will cost you half
i buy a container of instant coffee for $5 that makes over a hundred cups
>been to caffe this morning with friends
>had normal coffee, paid around 1€
>joked, talked, smoked couple of ciggarettes
>wasted a bitmore than hour there
>went on exam, probably fail
Westerners will never understand joys of drinking coffee
I go a few times a year, that crushed ice chocolate mocha whatever the fuck thing is so damn good.
how is $3 for a quad espresso?
>actual black coffee is 2 dollars
>Frapachinko that has 1000 calories is 5$
Got outside
1.) This is not /bant/
2.) Starbucks is brown water - not coffee.
3.) sage
Nah, I have an HTC 10. Its not the newest phone out on the market, but it still works.
Thanks for the advice. I won't follow it, but at least you care.
Where the fuck do you go that coffee is nearly 15 dollars?
>drinking starcucks
you could get various starbucks cards, they will give you a free coffee each month
Hi Mr. Starbucks executive
>drinking anything other than tap water
all a waste of money desu
WTF flag is that? It shows up as "Jihadi."
Citation needed.
>Thank you for choosing dunkin donuts, what can I get ya?
It's the new Sweden flag.
>drinking coffee, at all
caffeine makes you weak
the cafes here are not designed for that experience unfortunately
They offer half and half and sugar right by the counter. A double shot is like 2 bucks with tip and plenty caffeine
it's 2.50 and no i quit drinking coffee except for weekends.
>still consuming sugar
it's like you want to be a nigger.
>Not paying #6.66 for your world government mandated beverage
Positively dissentious.
>from a tap
>Drinking coffee
I really hope you don't do that
Do people really do this? WTF amerilards??
This is not reddit, nigger.
I walk near a starbuck everyday, always crowded, always fat sluts and manlets with glasses.
>drinking US gnat piss brown water rather than superior coffee - the only thing roaches are good for
This. I do know a guy that delivers for them though. Brings me free bags of coffee that they sell to make at home from time to time. Shit always tastes burned.
I read a thread last weekend on $6 big macs.
Now I wanna barf my burger & covfefe.
$16 a hour for these workers PLS
Come on man it's fucking delicious..
it'll give you mantits but the white chocolate hot/iced mocha?
holy-O fuck man.
I make my own coffee each morning with whole beans and hand ground using a burr grinder with anti-wobble mods. The coffee is meticulously brewed with a 2 step cold-hot process only known to myself and 2 others.
>tfw 0.70 € for espresso
I buy starbucks like five times a week
Need my shot of espresso
It's because they flash "roast" their beans in about 90 seconds. It's like flash frying compared to baking. The outer hull is always over cooker / charred. They also add caffeine artificially. There is literally nothing good about Starbucks. If you're in a strange city and want fresh coffee just go to a Dunkin' Donuts. They bind taste tested better than Starbucks.
I can never understand, I like my dark coffee and I love iced coffee but I have never liked starbucks coffee ever is that weird?
Always ALWAYS either betacuck or stupid tumblrwhores with shitty looking thick 90's style glasses
You're an ignorant filthy Communist.
Of course you get shitty coffee from a major corporation.
God, you animals deserve the gas chamber.
>Roach coffee
never again.
Might be a dumb place but.
Walked in a place LITERALLY CALLED
"Turkish Kebabs"
ordered a kebab and a coffee.
the guy was all ????? coffee ???????
the machine looked like it had never been used.
He fucking makes the coffee like the human questionmark he is.
I take my first sip and almost fucking spit it in my car.
I tossed it down the drain and the cunt hadn't even filtered the coffee, it had fucking granulated coffee grounds at the bottom of the cup, no wonder it tasted sandy.
you'd expect a roach could atleast manage a coffee, but no.
Kebab was alright tho.
Muslim coffee is even worse than western coffee
Fucking hang yourself sand nigger
i do but i dont tip all is good
lol, they all look the same! They really do!
No, it just means you have a european soul deep inside you with good taste.
Starbucks coffee tastes like burnt skunk ass.
i think dark roast is like 2 bucks. its the waiting 20+ minutes that i hope people dont do
I buy coffee for $18/lb from a small roaster with two locations. Ships it to my house, usually the coffee was roasted within the past four days when it arrives at my house (sometimes it was roasted the day it ships). French press and drink black, no milk no sugar... absolutely delicious.
Bit of an indulgence compared to grocery store coffee but tastes much better and way cheaper than getting coffee at a coffee shop or using single serve pods (which taste like shit anyways).
nigga not sure if you're joking but that's the point of turkish coffee. You just sip it slowly and let the grounds stay at the bottom
Knowing this little about coffee. The only place coffee is grown in the U.S. is Hawaii, and Kona and Ka'u coffee is some of the best single origin coffee in the world you dumb fuck. Most of starbucks arabica jewbeans are from shitty plots in Africa and they overroast them to cover up their flaws.
Didn't do it properly, that man sounds like a true roach.
Nah man, I am ok. Anything is better than the muddy puddle that gets served in most of the West these days. Plus there is an actual culture to it, rather than the invented one over here.
Nah. I've never been wannabe wanker or trendite
but I've owned outright every home I've lived in since 1988, owned every car outright, don't use plastic. My life's goood
Do you even know what roach coffee is, you little fuck? It is not to do with the beans, but the method of making it. My problem with US coffee is not the beans - it is the fucking blandness, watered down nature of it. Coffee was not mean to be this Americano shit. KYS.
I get $200 a month gg
why do people even drink coffee that isnt black?
Thanks man! Even when I was a kid I have always hated McDonalds and all those shitty places.
it tasted like literal fucking ass.
THE MOST disgusting scum I ever tasted.
Seriously, there's no fucking way that was 'good' by any measure.
First of all, he served me in a take away cup, so there's no way to sit it while keeping the grounds at the bottom, unless you use a straw.
Secondly, it tasted watery and gritty.
Mc Donalds black coffee is better.
>Sup Forums never asks for sources
Fucking kill yourself.
Well it probably was just bad coffee with stale grounds. But traditional turkish/greek coffee uses very fine grounds and it's pretty good.
When I was seven years old I found a chicken nugget and when I bit into it the whole thing was all fat no joke man. I never ate there since.
He didn't do it properly. Properly made, the grounds are tiny and stay on the bottom. It comes with water on the side. It is part of a ritual (read up on the coffeehouse explosion in the 17th century). It is actually a pretty nice tradition, to be fair, and part of socialisation.
It is one of the thing that appeals to me over Western style coffee. Ours is made to be on the go, bland and weak so you can drink a few big cups of it. It is fuel to a hyper-capitalist economy, it reflects it. Roach coffee is part of a chill sociability, the one part of roach culture I want to "appropriate".
I have no problems with people calling each other out.
You are not people.
[citation needed] is beta-lefty bullshit from reddit.
Caffeine and sugar dependency for what exactly? It serves no function, it is a pointless expense. Did you really have to make a thread about it? Idiot.
>Being too poor to pay $10 for a cawffee
LMAO, stay jelly poorfag
Yeah. We tend to tip people when we feel they provide an adequate service. It's not expected at a place like starbucks, it's totally optional. If you live in a community and visit a business regularly and establish a friendship or at least make a friendly acquaintance with the baristas tipping is something you just do out of kindness. My girlfriend used to get tips when she wasn't a manager and it was mostly from regulars. Tips don't come out to a whole lot, just enough for a little something extra on tip day. Don't speak on something you don't understand. At Starbucks and places like Starbucks tips are just something you do if you aren't a shekels mongering jew. Feel free not to tip there.
>throwing away money simply because you can afford to
you sure enjoy playing into the jew hands, don't you?
Starbucks is pro-environment, which means the industrial farming of beans, cargo shipping to and from processing facilities, air miles from source country and the manufacturing of cups, franchise upholstry and electricity upkeep don't matter fuckface
>sips mocha skinny latte with hazelnut-chai syrup
I don't drink coffee or tea.
One time I went to Starbucks and got a hot chocolate. Shit was so strong I threw it out.
>sips mocha skinny latte with hazelnut-chai syrup
That sounds like too much damn sugar. And I have yet to read the contents.
>drinking the caffeinated jew
>paying for it
>paying $10 for it
>supporting a literal sjw company
I shiggy dog diiggy
>go in starbucks bc its the only coffee place where we stop during work lunch
>purple haired fat peirced quadroon as cahsier
>3$ for a regualr coffee
>expect you to use their retarded size lingo in italian, in fucking canada
>everyone in there is a hip[ster faggot writing their blogs on a mac computer
I've shagged a girl who worked at Starbucks.
Gave me a card that can be used in ALL stores for free coffee, any sort, any time.
I don't even like coffee though.
$5 for a large frapuchinno, I had a gift card.
A venti coffee from goybucks is $2.35 though.
LMAO, breh I got fuck you money. Stay hating if it makes you feel better though.
that's isis flag. You should know it, cause it's your future
You're a fucking newfag and it shows.
Yea that coffee actually adds up, thank god I am not addicted to caffeine anymore.
nope, i make my own coffee at home or go local. starbucks just isn't that good, it's like a coffee shop for retards.
local coffee is better and i can support local business. coffee gives me the shits though.,
best flag
it's pretty good