Why are Asian men failing to compete in the sexual marketplace?
Why are Asian men failing to compete in the sexual marketplace?
why don't you worry about your own race
They just can't compete.
Unbleached Asian vaginas and anuses look like darkened bologna that was left out in the sun.
Wow, that face of hers just destroyed that whole story for me, I don't even care if these ugly fuckers boned on a plane.
>muh dick
the fuck?
>anarcho communist not listed
ugly on the outside, ugly on the inside. fucking untermensch trash
Basically anarchist isn't it?
>superior asian male laughing at """hunk""" pussy slave for revolving his life around a vagina
I don't think you understand, OP.
Can someone post that "fantasy vs reality" where Emma Watson and a bunch of other actresses are with black men in movies but date asians IRL?
>fucking on a plane is totaly normal
white vaginas look all raw and fleshy like toronegi sushi, weird.
They have mass satanic orgies with goats you naive red bastard
Beta males. They are the Epitome of being a beta male.
Why are kike posters failing at life?
>>> /oven/
fuck western culture,allahu ackhbarrrrrr
Asian men are the least masculine.
Why is that chad with such an ugly slag?
Who's going to provide source?
I don't think that has anything to do with race
lollll he's having sex on a plane wtf?
he just met her on board and she agreed to help him join the mile high club
>why can't Asians compete
>literal more of them than anyone else on earth
What did he mean by this
>he hasn't gone Goggin' just cause he can
lol I've had fat chicks leave work and fuck me in the parking lot over their lunch break
Asians are to Whites
Whites are to Blacks
>ayo lil dicked whyte boi it aint my fault yo women want da BBC lmao
>heh stupid little shrimp-dicked chink, its not my fault your women want the BWC
You literally cannot prove me wrong
i don't know but i feel like that white chad could do better.
Whites have morals, chinks eat dogs.
Consider yourself proven wrong Mr Shitposter.
>Whites have morals
>Whites statistically make up a majority of criminals/drug addicts compared to Asians
Wow that sure is very moral
if you're entire reality exists on Sup Forums that might be true. most white people are kind and respectful in the real world though, it's why we are the best race. our jesus like personality makes it easy to take advantage of us.
'cause Orientals be slanty eyed yellow-bellied curs 'n cucks
jews aren't white, chaim.
>if you're entire reality exists on Sup Forums that might be true.
Only a plebbit t_d nu/pol/ tourist cuck would think that Sup Forums is never right
>be in white country
>be the majority
>make up the majority of criminals
Also, the asians in white countries are generally the upper class, the smart/rich ones (or descendants of them) that can get out of the shit hole called China.
This schweinsteiger chad could easily score girls four times better than this 40 years old 2/10
What is he doing
brits are charming individuals
t. southern european
small dicks
ugly without plastic surgery unless they are mixed with white
weird and always abusive and have strange habits
their sweat smells bad and lacks the pheromones that white male sweat exudes
they are all pedos too with rape fetishes
These new flags are stupid.
That's a good thing
>degeneracy is okay when we do it because we make up the majority
Also whites still make up a majority of drug addictions/overdose deaths when adjusted per capita
Also the USA is 50% white, so
More than half of these accounts are fake or deleted. Really makes you think, doesn't it weebs?
Sup Forums isn't always right, they are right sometimes. you're wrong about Jews though, they are gods chosen people.
The hell you talking about that butterfaced bitch aint worth a damn.
It's even better if it was just people trolling the angry asian males
>Pretending like thats not someones wife he just sat down next too on the plane.
>Super shy asian boi blushes and averts gaze timidly.
In truth it's just really sad when weeabos are so deluded that they resort to creating their own, little apocryphal world to justify their means to an end
Stay classy.
shorter and lower statues than whites.
You're an absolute retard. I can only assume you're trying to be one?
He's a holding a smirk you you fucking autist.
Ew, of course it had to be a fucking beer belly whore. Disgusting.
>that face
this story was genuinely interesting then that face had to ruin it
I'm Asian myself so I can answer this: it's low dihydrotestosterone. Hence the higher rate of suicide, diabetes, youthfulness, and low balding rates.
I have changed my lifestyle a bit and it works to a degree. I have grown some amounts of chest and facial hair to the extent I can grow a full beard. And I have gotten the attention of white weeb and Koreaboo girls. But I am more interested in Japs than them desu.
Hello Chang
Yellowfever weebs aren't representative of anything.
>be in South Korea
>be white minority
>make up 1/3 of rape cases
Because Asian men are low test betas? South East Asian men are literally like girls.
Because they're drawn in by the anime waifus, as seen with the release of the new gatebox.
why does Sup Forums hate us asians so much? I don't act nigger to white girls Eventhough I am not manlet and have at least a normal dick. I don't care whenever I see an asian woman with white man
So why does Sup Forums hate me when I just want to be friends and enjoy haplenings together?
dicks too small
Because ooga booga me white male bigger than you hurr me steal your women.
Fuck you asshole. I hate you all. This is why I voted for Labour dickhead.
crab mentality desu
the faster you get on the program of bringing america down, the better your future as an asian will be famalamama
I don't know if people are meeming, or if the guys with yellowfever come out of the woodwork to showcase their insecurities.
I don't know if I seen that shit play out irl but it is so prevalent here that it is laughable. You are just as bad as the extreme left asians
>You are just as bad as the extreme left asians
What do you mean?
Asian are yellow niggers.
souless creatures
that bitch is ugly as fuck and the man looks like Brock lesnar on crack.baka
Asians have low testosterone
But they have brains.
Complete opposite to Africans.
we need to nuke these insects NOW
Nuking 3 gorges WHEN?
The Asian man is already taken...by his mother. Seriously though, Asian mother in laws are crazy.
>Asians have brains
Nice meme.
While you are competing for an ugly slut with chad and other dumbfucks, the asian makes money and he is now your boss. Stay a nigger.
last time I heard the reason is they're washing away the fleas not eating them
still pretty terrible bruh
>two degenerates fornicating on an aeroplane
>one looks like a caveman ape with tattoes
>the bitch has a masculine face
That's the real issue. Yet, you're somehow jealous of them (pathetic) and go off on a tangent about Asian men failing to compete? Most are smart enough not to enter this "sexual marketplace" to begin with and see that monogamous life-long relationship (ie, marriage) is the bigger and more important goal so they worry about studying and go to medical school instead of "REEEEEEEEEEEEE
Fuck you Hippy symbol degenerate. Hippy posters are the new leafs.
WTF ?!!! I can't believe this shit is real.
Are they all sociopaths ?
North Asians are low test fags, the jungle gooks are more aggressive and savage.
>the guy was on a "stag trip"
>he has a pregnant fiance who he was planning to marry
Pure degeneracy.
Now that's a GUNT if I've ever seen one.
>fiance who he was planning to marry
really soaks my spaghetti
>Believing Asian stats.
Asians are liars and cheaters by nature.
This guy knows what's up
Hilariously, because of the One Child policy, women are a shortage in China and have ultimate pussy pass
That video is so castrating for asian guys... Makes me feel for them...
But then I see this
And I'm like Ho Lee Fuk
>the best chad can do
dayum white people be thirsty
This. Literally nigs with white skin. Race mixers need to be shot.
That's disgusting
Why do white men complain about niggers acting the way they do about white women but then they act the same exact way about Asian women? It's literally the same exact stuff, right down to muh dick.
Because they're beta low T fuckbois made only for white cock. Their women are also made for white cock.
the people here are insufferable people who believe in social hierarchies. they want to be on the top of it and by making fun of you, they try to say they are above you.
asian women belong with white men