This is a whole new level of boomer cuckoldry.
Death to race traitor boomers.
This is a whole new level of boomer cuckoldry.
Death to race traitor boomers.
it was a prank, bro.
> Literally one person represents the entire group.
Unfortunately yes.
Plenty of the younger Oathkeepers are seeing what's going on and are getting pissed off.
As for boomers, the good ones are few and far between.
Why do people like you spew shit? You clearly don't know much about the oathcuckers
The entire event was filled with OathCucks AS A GROUP. Man handling people and trying to act like they WERE the law. The leader is on video physically grabbing and shoving the dude choked as well as telling Azzmador that they won't let them go where they want.
open carrying in full military gear was topkek tho
Then present more evidence if people are making threads to convince people a group is bad, something other than one incident might be helpful right?
I'm preddy shore its spelt offe or oaf
>it wasn't us guise we promise!
What a bunch of fags.
Its just trash using the Constitution to legitimize their power trip.
>it wasn't on of us
>we simply supported him and protected him and prevented police from getting to him
>but it wasn't one of us
>Spoon feed me
God I hate faggots like you. First you have my picture which shows that the oathcuckers were trying to spread rumours on the Bundy ranch about a drone strike which was false, they also tried co-opting the situation for their own personal gain. The militia boys out on the ranch wanted to gun them down. Now we move to the video I posted, you can see the leader of the oathqueefers stewart rhodes say the only ones not allowed free speech are "nazis" this is coming from the same cunts who protected niggers during the ferguson riots. Lastly go kill yourself for being such a brainlet cunt.
Forgot vid
Literally who?
They've been doing this shit for awhile, we've never liked them
>nazi flag
>supports magic dirt, magic paper constitutionalists
You might be retarded
Oh calm down, I'm not going to go research a bunch of irrelevant shit when you've already done it and provide me with the cliff notes.
So now one person represents all of Sup Forums, right?
The Oathkeepers are good guys, they are on our side and we should show them respect. Trust me and quit crying about it. Sieg Heil and 14/88
So oathcucks are oathkeeper renegades
I have a theory Oath Keepers and all the other Libertarian groups are ideology traps to prevent fascist minded folks from engaging in it and having them get stuck in the "muh freedoms" feedback loop.
>Choking out a white guy
>filled with nonwhites
>on "our side"
>checks flag
So...this is how shilling is going to be now?
I'm curious if it's a rogue group, or a false flag entirely.
The Oathkeepers are good guys, they are on our side and we should show them respect. Trust me and quit crying about it. Praise KeK!
Sup Forums is one person doe.
There is literally nothing wrong with civic nationalism. You should be thankful that we have based black and hispanic men on our side.
That's not untrue. I'm all for white nations and white ethnostates, but that doesn't exclude cooperation between groups of people at a superior level. It's not all blacks and Hispanics that desire the eradication/mongrelization of the Europeans, let them have their peace and spare them on the day of the rope.
>The leader is on video physically grabbing and shoving the dude
Name fucking names, asshole. How do you know it wasn't a Soros agent?
Agree. Those who try to herd and make Shekel through """unifying""" should be the first to hang
Civilization is the first sign of the end of decline. Culture is what defines the spring and summer of new Reichs. Literally kill yourself faggot, don't drag those who fight for survival down your pit.
>one person represents all of /pol
Who is Adolf Hitler?
33% of the youth voted Melenchon and it was the biggest number, this guy is pulling numbers from his ass
No, there is a lot wrong with it.
As a natsoc I however can't ignore reality.
We need to bridge the whites in that group to accepting the idea of being proud of who they are.
Step by step
>The entire event was filled with OathCucks AS A GROUP. Man handling people and trying to act like they WERE the law. The leader is on video physically grabbing and shoving the dude choked as well as telling Azzmador that they won't let them go where they want.
Aside from whatever it is you're trying to prove. And I'm sure there is something there. Faggots who bring signs with catchy slogans or meme characters and some text or statement are absolutely SJW(((Plebbit)))/T_D tier.
If that faggot, in the video I'm sure you're referencing, brought shitty meme-lord flags and a bunch of cringe memes on signs, I'd tell him to fuck off too. The purpose of my being at that location isn't to mimic leftist bullshit tactics. It's to make a statement. One I usually don't even need to speak out loud. Just me and my fellow patriots stature, position, and demeanor being present in the vicinity, should act as a silent war cry to the enemy.
So no, we don't need your "great memes."
We don't need your comedy seeking audience.
We don't want your complete inability to act outside of a mob and stand your own ground in the face of adversary.
You millennial fucks are all the same. Your entire life is summed up as being raised by single mothers. The result of which is that you're always looking for the Father figure you never had in each one of her partners. After a few or more relationship breakups happens, you start to realize that the male "role model" in your life always deserts you for greener pastures. You focus on it and then finally decide that it is "men" or the "father role figure" who is to blame.
I'm not going to get into this too much because I'm sure you're all wasted space. But if you can accomplish true self identification. Then maybe you'll end up being ok. I'm not putting money on it though.
Forgot to add...previous pic related is something I hope to bring back.
Did the so called "victim" file a police report? Can any of you identify anyone there on either side? This looks more and more like a fake news staged event. The "victim" and "attackers" were probably sharing a beer afterwards and laughing at a job well done.
>Just me and my fellow patriots stature, position, and demeanor being present in the vicinity, should act as a silent war cry to the enemy.
Cringe post of the thread... Maybe even if the day.
Praise ceck!
Leader sits around fantasizing about stopping Hitler....
>Mr Rhodes, it reported, was "fascinated" by the notion that Hitler could have been stopped if German soldiers and police had refused to follow orders
Your blog completely failed to name the attacker or any of his friends. Where is all of the great doxxing work that Sup Forums is famous for? Nowhere in this thread. I'm calling it. You are a shill and that is fake news staged with actors.
>invade the world, invite the world with the constitution as your guide
Not in our borders though. The reason we have niggery is because they are here in the first place.
Don't allow them at our rallies anymore. Boomer ANTIFA should be tossed from helicopters just like their fag counterparts.
>blah blah stormfags
>blah blah oathcuckers
Surprise! Nobody likes either of you.
Fuck your identity politics you reverse tumblr pussies. And fuck David Duke too.
And fuck your steel beams and your water filters you stolen valor LARPers. And fuck Ron Paul too.
By all means keep fighting each other. These threads and your butthurt sustain me.
You cuckservatives are garbage. If Trump didn't come along the Republican party would have lost because people saw how weak you are. Nice job with that "true conservatism" and bending over backwards to not be racist.....Where did that get you?
White Christian conservative men are the ONLY people who don't play with identity politics and it is being taken advantage of.