How do we fix Western women, Sup Forums?
How do we fix Western women, Sup Forums?
We kiss them gently on the neck.
At least I wanna do it to this cutie.
>We kiss them gently on the neck.
At least I wanna do it to this cutie.
Even after knowing I pumped her with my semen multiple times for almost a year?
10/10 would breed
>short hair
Sup Forums manchildren need to fix themselves first
We need a realist Wonder Woman Sequel
I'm guessing she didn't look like a lesbian while this was happening?
We hold ourselves to higher standards. You can't control people, but you can control your responses to people.
Like the woman you just posted?
Get rid of social media
Get rid of no fault divorce
Neither of which are ever going to happen, enjoy the collapse.
I guess, yeah !
Sharia law
Kill all the roasties.
Throw them off buildings.
By putting them in Gulags.
>How do we fix Western women, Sup Forums?
Give 'em the dick.
My gf looked more or less identical to the girl in the image. After a year of plugging her mystery hole, her hair is long and she doesn't bring up feminism anymore.
Basically, yeah. She got fat and married an ugly spic. She looks good in this picture because of muh angles.
This is the magic of angles. Congrats on falling for the camera meme you fatty chasing faggots.
Privatize them.
>this is what a faggot considers to be an unfuckable woman
Stick with dudes, we don't want your kind breeding.
>Stick with dudes, we don't want your kind breeding.
Thankfully I've converted to Islam where pork is haram. It's all yours, my friend.
>random woman post photo on social media
>everyone immediately starts showering her with compliments
no wonder western women act all entitled, they get praise for everything since they're born
fattie detected
Short haired girls are my kryptonite.
Something something putting hotdogs in your mouth/butt.
She's gonna end up fucking the "pm me" guy js
That's how social media work. You praise and hope to get praised in return for the nothingness of your life.
Fuck men instead!
We train them from a very young age to be nothing but obedient cumdumps for their boyfriends, husbands and daddies.
Someone looking for me, bitch?
1488 1776
Somehow I doubt this, phamalam.
Ok Sup Forums, rather than just focusing on the women that don't want you, what are you doing to improve yourself and make yourself more desirable to the women that could potentially want you? Anything? Because the truth is we would all be compatible with millions of women, given the circumstances, and so just make excuses based on negative examples is bullshit.
Focusing on the negative and ignoring the positive is what SJWs and liberals do. It is a waste of your time to worry about women you won't ever be with. So why not improve yourself for the ones that would? Sitting around complaining doesn't help, it's a net-negative and you are the only one that loses.
For instance, I don't care about party sluts or chicks that fuck drug dealers or any of that shit. I care about finding a well-educated woman with traditional values, probably from the midwest or a rural/mixed suburb type community who has similar interests as me.
making* excuses
-Remove their rights
-Western men start acting like real men
Thicc is for muh dicc.
the falseness of it all makes me sick to my stomach
>OP fucks a cute blonde girl
>she gets tired of degenerate casual sex
>decides to marry someone
>OP gets salty because he no longer has a wet hole to act out his degenerate impulses with
You sound like a pedo
we could be kidnappin' these wenches t' take as our sea wives, or we could jus' sell them at tortuga bay
I praise your attempt at evaluating me and the situation but I must concur that your conclusions are false. I actually cared a lot about her and supported her decision to study and do well in life. She decided other things were important and dumped me. She never finished studying, got married, became a hardcore liberal (when she was with me she went along with my conservative views) and now goes to drag queen shows. I also think she's being manipulated by some Asian chick and involved in weird degenerate sexual shit based on some of the things I've seen on her page but I can't confirm. It actually broke my heart, not my cock. But, such is life.
Change the flag, lol
I got a fetish for Indian girls
>that entire wall of text
>>d-degeneracy (casual sex) is okay unless I'm not involved!
Wow, someone's triggered. Triggered so hard you got a little cognitive dissonance going on there
WOMEN CANT HANDLE FREEDOM. Sure they bitch and moan about it, but when they have it... they fuck everything up and intentionally. They're trying to find someone to take their freedoms away from them. >>Islam
I think is called coprophilia
>wall of text
It checks out.
White Sharia.
Its the only way.
You don't, you replace them. Take your pick
You should learn how to control your women instead of whining to Sup Forums about it. I can tell how feckless and impotent you are simply by your decision to post that reddit-tier image and relegate your retort to "dude muh flags lmao"
Corrective rape
What reddit meme?
>fix women
you can't women are inferior from the start
>butmuh feefees. i want lady cuddles
we will engineer a human cat hybrid that just roams around the house and fucks you and cuddles
we stop aging, control the population, only breed when necessary to colonize new planets, begin to evolve into mega dicked cyborg race
Shit taste get on my level
mashallah she deserves a stoning
baka. catwives are way fucking better than robots
This looks like a man.
Man, short hair is such a patrician tier, holy shit.
Shame abot those eyebrows thouh
Get rid of the joos
You don't know shit, have fun cleaning your wife's litter box, also cleaning up her hairballs
There's nothing wrong with larger than average eyebrows.
bring them to our pedophilic prophet duh