The /internationpol/

Workers of the world rise up and break the chains of capitalism and fascism.

Radical Socialists
National Syndicalists
Orthodox Marxists

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The ironic thing is that under capitalism the worker has the most control over the production.
When they say ''seize the means of production'' what it means is taking the means of production away from the people and handing it over to a small group of central planners.
Anarchistic communism is an oxymoron. Communism is inherently statist, even if you do mental gymnastics and try to spin it like the central planners who control the country's production aren't '''''''''''technically''''''''''' the government because they call themselves central planners.
Government is central planning trough force.
Communism is central planning trough force taken to its extreme.


hahahahaha get expropriated you fuck

Go back to leftiepol faggot. Or perhaps try Reddit. I am sure that those faggots like not having food.

Still managed to have enough food to take out Berlin though



lel, as if you worked for it and not the workers...


it's never enough for you gibsmedat retards

>Not allowed:

Full grocery stores.

If I take your shit and mix it into soil and grow some delicious vegetables you believe you're owed the vegetables.

Sorry nigger, you didn't grow or seed or tend to the vegetables, you're literally entitled to shit.

fuck off communist

Having an economy and shit is fucking gay, why don't we just live in harmony with nature instead?

Nature is a whore and wants to kill you

Source: been in woods

Go to N. Korea and have your paradise, comrade.

Yes but
Fuck off. When you push for this internationalist/globalist fuckery you fall more in line with capitalisms endgame

>under capitalism
Under NatSoc


Go to bed nick.

There is no long term socialism, syndicalism, or communism. Everything that starts as such will devolve into totalitarianism or outright fall.

Stateless capitalism is the only way to cement freedom from tyranny because it incentivises the human egotist tendency to support the mutualist tendency.

The hive cannot be run by the drones. Everybody has their place in society. Stop trying to destroy it.

Can I add that anarchists have historically turned into hardcore totalitarian statists. Look at anything that ever involved anarchy heavily and you will find a totalitarian behind the scenes using them as a cats paw army of disruptive skirmishers.

In any political battle from history involving the anarchists they only ever succeed in clearing a path for a stalin, mao, or musselini type figure.

Fuck, lookit antifa, all their money is coming from big corporate sources or hardcore globalist statists like soros.

Do you unironically believe that any form of stateless socialism can't work, while stateless capitalism can work? At least be consistent.

God, is there a more selfish ideology?
>i own this so i should get most of the profits
>NO! I work for you therefore your things should be mine!

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>I own this because my father owned this
>You have to work for me because your father didn't own anything
>You will need a loan the buy any land goyim
>Can't take a loan without starting capital goyim
Not surprised. Nazis will turn into Jews once they are in power.

The means of production doesn't make sense to me.
Basically it's like this:
>guy has means of productions
>lets people use them to work for him
>they get paid for their labour
>also get his means of production
How did anyone think this was good idea? Employer gets nothing from it.


Why aren't fascists allowed? Oh I see, you don't have a basic understanding of authoritarianism, faggot

>I own this because my father owned this
No, I own this because my father owned it and gave it to me. He has the right to decide what happens to his wealth and belongings after death, if he gives something to a family member it belongs to them.
>You have to work for me because your father didn't own anything
Yep. Too bad. But in most of the west you can get and education and make something of yourself unlike your useless leech of a father.
>You will need a loan the buy any land goyim
You can actually buy land very cheaply, it's building on it that's going to cost you. Besides in the communist utopia no one owns any land anyway, so the price to own it in any other society is completely irrelevant.

Would you care to explain to me the effective difference between syndicalism and anarcho-capitalism when it comes to the cooperative actions of agents working in parallel with distinct goals?

MFW has a free society and liberated working class.
Automated workforce freeing the people.
Everybody's given money by the state.
Now it is only the elite that can have a job and earn more than the state dole.
MFW the Elites of the future are the Working class.
MFW Socialism doesn't work and never will. MFW Capitalism was the real way to a free future all along.

Lmao. As if any these socialist faggots have ever had a job.

So, uh, what's going on here, guys?

This so much. Listening to my friend's room mate preach about the working class when hes never had a job is hilarious. Literally just been living off of student loans, food stamps, and welfare checks from 18 to 26.

When he talks about sociaplism and communism you can see it in his eyes that it holds a near religious significance for him. He earnestly believes in the idea that some day all the rich people will have to pay for all his shit and suddenly societey will finally be remade into what it always should have in the first place (a system designed expressley to provide and cater to his every whim and fancy whilst demanding utterly nothing in return from him of course).

Obviously mao, stalin, and pol pot werent real communists (of course, the "no true scotsman" phallacy is a communist's best friend).

When I posit that hes more likley to be conscripted to fight some idiotic war for a few acres of turnip fields or be sentenced to years of hard labor in some salt mine for getting caught with weed or similar unorthodox behavior banned by the party he just scoffs. Not in HIS communism. HIS communism will be like, waay better, cuz its all about "checks and balances and stuff" (he cant ever seem to quite articulate what exactly those will be though).


Marxists are fucking losers.

I highly doubt they've ever step foot in a "socialist" country either.

Knowledge without mileage is useless.

In other words....this....