is this what japan thinks about mexicans?
Is this what japan thinks about mexicans?
That is pretty much in line with what germans think about mexicans.
Japs really takin the piss of anyone and love making fun of everyone in their media with no recourse.
they also show pepe mario today
Wtf is that???
they're not wrong.
I'm ok with this.
They think you guys are plumbers with sombreros XDDDDD
I want a picture of a random mexican with a comically big sombrero and a poncho otherwise, you are shilling for a wrong image of the mexican people.
I'm pretty cool with that.
Fuck off, Congolombian Sup Forumstard nintenigger
Japan has a based relation with Mexico, we're bros
It doesn't matter. Rich white liberals will be offended for you on your behalf.
It's called preserving tradition and culture it doesn't mean we all wear bullet belts and oversized sombreros everyday.
You wouldn't understand because your culture is all nigger boombox shot and your history is sucking Jew cock.
I always thought ponchos looked cool but I don't think it's possible to pull off.
fuck off wall builder
>t. Proxymanlet or English cocksucking teacher
Japs are too smart for Sup Forums
pretty good game
Build wall
I pray to Kek this happens
Now that drumpfy failed to secure money from mexicans for the wall, the "pay 4 wall, pedro" meme mantra became simply "build wall", huh? Interesting
so mario is now kirby?
jesus they really scrapping the bottom of the barrel now
Yet he chooses to be Mexican.
i dont think beaners are on their radar. they dont have to deal with them
>mexico has money to begin with
yeah no
stupid ass mexicans always thinking the snakes known as japs are their allies
fuck beaners
Mexican is not a gender, here you don't get to choose from 57 "different" identities
Fuck you Hänz you did not give me enough money to attack the gringos in WWI that's why you got you ass handed to you.
What flag is that
Recycle Tree Hugger
>implying you and others didn't get conned by trumpcuck sloganeering, regardless
>implying we don't have trade deals worth over 300+ billions
They are far more trustworthy and honorable than americans
Seriously, the history of Anglo trash is filled to the brim with treason and backstabbing
You are worthless as anything other than a temporary ally
lmao trash
Well, he's from reddit, that spacing kind of their culture.
it's called reddit spacing
pretty common to see here in nu/pol/ now we're in summer
>"implying" before implies
yeah that didn't give it away either
>I pretend associating posting habits with feelings I pulled out of my ass are a proper substitute for counter arguments
Been on Sup Forums since it was inaugurated after /new/ was axed.
This "reddit spacing" meme is nu/pol/ cancer posted by redditors who try too hard to blend with normal posters
Bad hombre
>b-but user i was just ironicly posting spacing
>i've been here since 2011 i promiseeeee
>being not from WT SNACKS era
100000x this.
At least Mexicans HAVE a culture to celebrate. You burgers try and celebrate your culture and its racism. Unless your culture is being gay and switching genders every 30 minutes.
Meanwhile, a bunch of niggers, faggots and SJWs are tearing down your statues and teaching your children how to be good little muslims who despise the site of their own flag.
Ill take my sombrero, Gringo.
>Been on Sup Forums since it was inaugurated after /new/ was axed.
>This "reddit spacing" meme is nu/pol/ cancer posted by redditors who try too hard to blend with normal posters
This. It's really sad to see how newfags have turned Sup Forums into a shithole over the past few years. This bitching about "Reddit spacing" is just their latest divide and conquer technique. Also notice how in the past few years the word "cuck" has replaced "-fag" as a general insult? It's all thanks to the redditors coming here and being triggered by the word "fag", so they pushed the word "cuck" to make this place more PC.
>being so autistic you get triggered by spacing in posts
>still clinging to your "newfag" namecalling this desperately
>having such poor reading comprehension you can't understand a simple sentence
I described how long I've been posting on Sup Forums, not Sup Forums
Now KYS sperglord trash
>I-I'm totally an oldfag guise
>f-from the... wt snacks era? lol remember guise?
Mario never gets old.
Doesnt matter. Only whites are capable of stereotyping, cultural appropriation and racism.
This is what SJW and DemocRats think hispanics should looks like.
Kek appears at 1:11 and mario becomes him nintendo is redpilled
is Carlitos Martinez going to speak in spanish in this game or not?
Funny watching liberals lose their shit over this game because an italian plumber from new york is appropriating mexican culture.
Mario got Black magic now
Well it does look better
this, a few words at a time
>outside the wall
Based nips