Memeball thread?

Memeball thread?

are britbongs the definitive autists of foreign policy? discuss

>New Roman empire

choose one

Funny way of spelling the CIA








Oh are we dumping? I can do that















murica is more acing to babylon than new roman empire. i mean statue of liberty is basically isis or the whore of babylon, all the dickworship/obelisks around as well as all the other symbology embodied in the cityplanning. the new holy roman empire will be the EU, too bad it got infiltrated by the kikes as well already.




HAARP my nigga



>the new holy roman empire will be the EU
kys kraut, the new holy roman empire is the anglosphere


Honestly can't remember what this ball represents

I'm sure some Baltic made this

you can have it. the new holy roman empire is doomed to fall either way already.

Pick one you scum


Because the krauts are fucking it up.

Love AnCap balls though


the more truthful one







the first 2 times wasnt our fault, we just refused to be crushed without a fight. i only take the blame for this current act of destruction




Classic. Nice Digi's


Aggressive expansion is cause for war, user.














>When you deny holocaust but you firmly believe all that data.

Calm AnCap

i love this dude

When youre mad bc the meme is right







But they're shitskins


Is this supposed to be funny, because you think bourgeoisie = middle class or something?

No regrets


>then Kekistan
I wonder what level of cancer Sup Forums will reach next.

Right in the feels





Oy vey lifting is for the goyim



Requesting more of these relics



except we just wanted to protect ethnic germans in poland and secure a supply line. also rumores that those germans were slaughtered back then. WW1 unrightfully took this land from us but we had an obligation to protect our people. not our fault the others take it as reason to start another world war because germany became too strong too quick

